Review of Related Literature

1.4 Significance of Analysis

There are some significances of this analysis, the significances are : a. It can enlarge the readers knowledge about translation. b. The readers will know about how verbs are translated from English to Bahasa Indonesia. c. It will give information about verbal shifts that occur in the translation of verbs from English to Bahasa Indonesia.

1.5 Scope of Analysis

As the scope of the analysis, I limit my analysis on the translation of the verbs in the process of the translation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA Into Bahasa Indonesia SKANDAL DI BOHEMIA by Dra. Daisy Dianasari. But the types of the verbs are not limited. In other words, I discuss all the types of the English verbs found in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA and its translation into Bahasa Indonesia by Dra. Daisy Dianasari.

1.6 Review of Related Literature

In doing this thesis, there are some books and thesis that I read and reviewed in order to support this thesis. Catford 1965:20 : The replacement of textual material in one language SL by equivalent textual material in another language. Crystal 1987:334 states that, “The term ‘translation’ is the neutral term used for all tasks where the meaning of expression in one language the ‘source’ language is turned into Universitas Sumatera Utara the meaning of another the ‘target’ language, whether the medium is spoken, written, or signed.” Larson 1984 : 3 states that translation consists of transferring the meaning of source text ST to target text TT, and it is done by going from the form of source text to the form of target text by way of semantic structure. It is the meaning which is transferred and it can not be added or changed, only the surface structure or form can be changed. Nida and Taber 1974: 412 state, “Anything that can be said in one language can be said in another, unless the form is an essential element of these message; the best translation does not sound like translation.” Turnip 2001 in her thesis entitled “The Equivalence Of Verbs In The Translation Of Mary Higgins Clarks’ Where Are The Children Into Dimana Anak-Anakku” discussed about the verbs translation and the verbal change of class. She used the method of library review research and quantitative analysis. She found out that there are 1292 verbs using the Simple Past Tense in the novel which consist of : 1168 verbs that translated from verb to verb, 56 verbs that translated from verb to another part of speech changing the class of word, and 68 verbs that are not translated. She also found out that there were 194 finite verbs using the Simple Present Tense in the novel. They consist of 136 verbs that translated from verb to verb, 33 verbs that are translated from verb to another part of speech changing the class of word, 25 verbs that are not translated. Chalilullah 2007 in his thesis entitled “The Translation of Verbs in Djenar Maesa Ayu Short Stories Collection’s Mereka Bilang Saya Monyet Into Michael Nieto Garcia’s They Say I’m A Monkey,” analyzed the translation of verbs and verbal shifts using the descriptive method to collect the random sample. He used the simple statistical analysis in percentage by using the Educational Statistic by Butler. He found out out the frequency of shifts from base verb in Bahasa Indonesia to verb in English is 27,37, the frequency of Universitas Sumatera Utara shifts from base verb in Bahasa Indonesia to other part of speech in English is 2 and the frequency of shifts from base verb in bahasa Indonesia to untranslatable is 2,94, the frequency of shifts from derivative verb in Bahasa Indonesia to verb in English is 60,48, the frequency of shifts from derivative verb in Bahasa Indonesia to other part of speech in English is 2,94 and the frequency of shifts from derivative verb in bahasa Indonesia to untranslatable is 4,27 and the total frequency of shifts from verb to verb is 87,85, the total frequency of shifts from verb to other part of speech is 4,94 and the total frequency of shifts from verb to untranslatable is 7, 21. Rahmadhani 2007 in her thesis entitled “The Equivalence of Prepositional Phrase in The Translation Of J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter And The Order of the Phoenix Into Harry Potter Dan Orde Phoenix by Listiana Srisanti” analyzed the same Formal and Dynamic equivalence of prepositional phrase using the same descriptive method and formula to collect the random sample. She managed to find the dominant type found in the translation product which is Formal equivalence. She found that the percentage of formal equivalence is 91,97 while the percentage for dynamic equivalence is 8,03 . Universitas Sumatera Utara


2.1 Definition of Translation