Data of Observation The Interpretation of the Data

55 action, the English teacher gave positive responses toward the action. The English teacher felt satisfied to the students’ improvement in understanding the text and also s tudents’ role in the classroom. 57


A. Conclusion

In this chapter, the writer would like to conclude what have been discussed in the previous chapters. Before implementing the action it had been found out that eight grade class of SMP N 245 Jakarta got low scores; it was 40 forty in reading comprehension, especially in understanding narrative text. The students still got difficulties in identifying the main idea, the schematic structures, and plot of the story of narrative text. Consequently, the students did not understand the text that they have read. Based on those facts, the writer tried to use the teaching techniques that could help the students in understanding narrative text, it was Story Mapping. Story mapping is a visual representation of a story which provide an overview what story talk about through a graphic or semantic map visualization which consist of characters, setting, problem, goal, events and resolution. 1 In this technique the students are given a graphic map which consists of schematic structures of narrative text. This graphic map helped the students in identifying the structure of the story and main idea from the text. Finally, the students understood the story that they read. Beside, to prove this assumption the writer conducted a Classroom Action Research CAR. According to McNiff, classroom action research is a research that is held by the teacher and the result from his research could be used as a tool to improve the teaching skill. 2 Based on the data that the writer got from the research, the implementation of Story Mapping technique in the teaching of reading has successfully improved the second year students’ reading comprehension in 1 Pamela J. Farris, Carol J. Fuhler, Maria P. Walter, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today’s Classrooms, New York: Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2004, p. 345 2 Wijaya Kusumah dan Dedi Dwitagama, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Jakarta: PT MALTA PRINTINDO, P. 8 56

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