Problem of the Study Objective of the Study Scope of the Study Significance of the Study Character

1.2 Problem of the Study

This case makes the writer be curious and cause the writer has a question: 1. What are the the madness that comes from the three figures in the three Poe short story

1.3 Objective of the Study

? The objective of this thesis tends to answer the question or the problem of study and it would be very useless if a study is made by having no targets. Therefore, the aims of this study is, to explain how such the madness repercussions for the characters In accordance with the title of the thesis, the writer will analyse the madness characters of Edgar Allan Poe’s three short stories entitled ‘Berenice’, ‘The Masque Of The Red Death’ and ‘ . The Black Cat’

1.4 Scope of the Study

, and the main purpose is to find out the characteristics of madness characters reflected in Edgar Allan Poe’s three short stories. About the title of this thesis, the writer restricted their analysis to focus on the characters, especially the behavior of the madness character figures contained in the three short stories written by Edgar Allan Poe. Madness characters will be analyzed based on the characterization of the characters in the short story itself. Because it is not possible for the author to discuss all the details. Universitas Sumatera Utara

1.5 Significance of the Study

This thesis is made to gain more knowledge about the madness characters reflected in three poe’s short stories that can be found in Poe’s three short stories. The writer hope that this thesis will be useful for the readers who want to widen their knowledge and enrich their interpretation about madness characters shown in Poe’s three short stories. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER II A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF LITERATURE

2.1 Short Story

Robert Diyanni 1990:23 said that, a short story is a brief work of literature, usually written in narrative prose. Emerging from earlier oral storytelling traditions in the 17th century, the short story has grown to encompass a body of work so diverse as to defy easy characterization. At its most prototypical the short story features a small cast of named characters, and focuses on a self-contained incident with the intent of evoking a single effect or mood. In so doing, short stories make use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote, yet to a far lesser degree than a novel. While the short story is largely distinct from the novel, authors of both generally draw from a common pool of literary techniques. Short stories have no set length, in terms of word count there is no official demarcation between an anecdote, a short story, and a novel. Rather, the forms parameters are given by the rhetorical and practical context in which a given story is produced and considered, so that what constitutes a short story may differ between genres, countries, eras, and commentators. Like the novel, the short storys predominant shape reflects the demands of the available markets for publication, and the evolution of the form seems closely tied to the evolution of the publishing industry and the submission guidelines of its constituent houses. Universitas Sumatera Utara Short story in general is a form of fiction, and is the most widely published fiction such as science fiction, horror fiction, detective fiction, and others. The short story is now also include other forms of non-fiction such as travel notes, lyrics and prose post-modern variants as well as non-fiction such as fikto-critical or new journalism. Short stories tend to be less complex than novels. Short stories usually focus on one incident, has a single plot, a single setting, a limited number of characters, including a short period of time. In the forms of longer fiction, stories tend to contain certain core elements of dramatic structure: exposition the introduction setting, situation and main characters; complications events in the story that introduces the conflict; rising action, crisis when decisive for the protagonist and their commitment to a step; climax the point of highest interest in terms of the conflict and the point of the story with the most action; resolution the story where the conflict is resolved, and Because short, short stories can follow this pattern or may not. For example, modern short stories only occasionally contained exposition. Much more common is an abrupt beginning, with the story starting in the middle of the action. As in the stories that are longer, plots of short stories also contain a climax, or turning point. However, the endings of many short stories are abrupt and open and may or may not have a moral or practical lesson. As with any art form, the hallmark of a different short story by author. From moral. http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiShortStory, , short story has 2 elements, namely: Universitas Sumatera Utara

1. Intrinsic elements

Intrinsic elements are elements that build on the work itself. Intrinsic elements of stories include: • A theme is the main idea of a story, which is believed to be the source and story. • Background setting is the place, the time, the atmosphere contained in the story. A story should be clear that the course, when it happened and when the state of the atmosphere as well as the story progresses. • Plot plot is the arrangement of the event or events that make up a story. • characterization is to describe the nature or character of a persons character can be seen from three aspects, namely through: character dialogue, character description and depiction of physical character.

2. Extrinsic elements

Extrinsic elements are elements that are outside of literature, but it does not directly affect the structure or organism system literature. Extrinsic elements include: • The values in the story religious, cultural, political, economic. • Background of life of the author. • The social situation when the story was invented. In analyzing a literary work, such as a short story, we need to apply some approaches to get the better ideas of understanding of how to analyze this literary work. These approaches can be applied to analyze a literary work itself. In this case, the writer applies intrinsic approach to analyze a short stories from the outside of its text. Three short stories by Edgar Allan Poe; ‘Berenice’, The Black Cat’, and ‘The Universitas Sumatera Utara Masque of The Red Death’ bringging madness characters as its main topic brings the analysis The object of literature is human being. Both of this sciences study about human behavior or character and human development. Literature consists of the character who conducts a story while everything that relates to the characters such as attitude or behavior and morality are part of psychology. The writer usess his feeling and emotion in his works. It also happens on the readers, they will use their feeling and emotion in reading the literary works because the works are coming from the experience of the writer himself and the experience from other people Wellek and Warren, 1956:81-93. of the short stories to intrinsic approach. Because, human behaviors and mental processes are nothing less than the substance of our lives: our actions, our thoughts, our attitudes, our moods, even our hope and dreams. This thesis discusses about the characters as the intrinsict elements, focusing on Madness and characteristic of madness itself, which is somehow developed the character’s personality. These reading materials like Theory of Literature by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren. Character is an important element because the actor is human, so the definition of character and madness characters will be explained in the next poin.

2.2 Character

Robert Diyanni 1990:35-38 said that, Indeed, if one reason we read stories is to find out what happens to see how the plot works out, an equally compelling reason is to follow the fortunes of the characters. Plot and character in fact, are inseparable: we are often less concerned with “what happened, than with what Universitas Sumatera Utara happened to him or her. Although fictional characters cannot step out of the pages ogf their stories. We grant them a kind of reality equivalent to if not identical with our own. In doing so we make an implied contract with the writer to suspend our disbelief that his or her story is “just a story”. And instead take what happens as if it were real. Character is very important in real-made creation of literary works such as novel,short story, drama or even some of poems. The nature of character presentation brings a positive impact for readers to find out what is going on and what it is for. In short, we approach fictional characters with the same concerns with which we approach people. We need to be alert for how we are to take them. For what we are to make of them, and we need to see how they may reflrct our own experience. We need to observe their actions. To listen to what they say and how they say it. to nonce how they relate to other characters and how other characters respond to them. Especially to what they say about each other. Character in fiction can be conveniently classified as major and minor, static and dynamic. A major character is an important figure at the center of the story’s action or theme. Usually a character’s status as major or minor is clear. On occasion, however not one but two character’s may dominate a story. The major character is sometimes called a protagonis whose conflict with an antagonis may spark the story’s conflict. Supporting the major character are one or more secondary or minor characters whose function is partly to illuminate the major characters. Minor characters are often static or unchanging: they remain the same from the beginning of a work to the end. Dynamic characters, on the other hand, exhibit some kind of change of attitude, of purpose, of behavior of the story. Universitas Sumatera Utara E. M Forster 1990:73-80 said that, distinguishes two kinds of characters, those are: Flat character is constructed round a single idea or quality, unchanging and static, at the end of the short story he is essentially what he has been throughout, his response is predictable and Round character is a charcter portrayed in the round, profoundly altered by his experiences, he does not embody a single or quality but it much more complex, his responses take us by surprise. Kennedy 1991:47 said that, It has often been assumed that characters in a literary work can be judged from four levels of characterization. They are helpful for us to see the very basic description of characters. The four levels are : character is an imagined person who exists in the story. Moreover, characters in short story have been especially created by the author. Characterization is the author’s way of describing his characters in a literary work or the author’s means of differentiating one character to another. Characters are closely related to plot because character means action, while action from the plot of literary work. An author may presents his characters in two general ways, they are: 1 directly, telling his readers the characters’ qualities and 2 through actions, showing the characters’ deeds by which his characters may be revealed.

a. Physica l: physical level supplies such basic facts, as sex, age, and size. It