Data Collecting Procedure Data Selecting Procedure

CHAPTER III METODOLOGY OF RESEARCH In this thesis, the writer applies the library research by searching and collecting references that contain and support the topic from the library for accomplishing this analysis. The writer collects some relevant information from different reference book. The writer applies the online research as well for she knows that the opinion of others might be useful to support his thesis. In analyze the short stories, the writer uses In doing this thesis, the writer uses some steps as follows : the descriptive qualitative method in order to understand how something is happened. Qualitative research result the descriptive data and consist of the explanation about variable which examined by giving the explanation from other references. Then the writer continues with selecting data or takes some quotations from statements of the short stories. After that, the writer analyses the data by interpretating. The interpretation is described in order to find out the truth offered by the data. The writer also collects the data from books, journals, some information from the Internet,which relates to Edgar Allan Poe, and other written sources as the library research.

3.1. Data Collecting Procedure

Fristly, the writer did the collecting data. The writer read the short stories to get the information and to understand about the topic that will be analyzed in this thesis and to find out the madness characters in short stories by Edgar Allan Poe. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.2. Data Selecting Procedure

Secondly, the writer did the selecting data. All the information that had been collected were being selected and only the most significant or related data were left in order to be used in doing the analysis of the thesis. 3.3. Data Analyzing Procedure Thirdly, the writer did the analysis of the data. In analyze this thesis, the writer uses descriptive qualitative methode in order to understanding how something is happend. This method is a method of analysis by describing and analyzing the data and then giving the interpretation and explanation. The descriptive qualitative method is a method which describes facts which are followed by analysis. This method is not only to describe the facts, but also to give adequate understandings and explanations towards the facts Ratna, 2004:53 Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penalitian Sastra. According to John W. Best, Reserch in education third edition,prenfice – hall of Indian, 1977, In book Drs. Sanapiah Faisal and Drs. Mulyadi Guntur “ Penelitian deskriptif, tujuannya adalah untuk mendeskripsikan apa-apa yang saat ini didalamnya terdapat upaya deskripsi, pencatatan, analisis, dan menginterpretasikan kondisi-kondisi yang sekarang ini terjadi atau ada. Pada penelitian deskriptif ini, didalamnya termasuk berbagai tipe perbandingan, dan mungkin juga sampai pada usuaha menentukan hubungan yang terdapat di antara variabel-variabel: asalkan variabel-variabel itu tidak mengalami proses manipulasi sebagai yang dilakukan di penelitian eksperimental metodologi penelitian pendidikan . page 42.” Universitas Sumatera Utara However, analysis has referred to the meaning not only to elaborate but also to provide an understanding and the clarification sufficiently. The writer analyzed all the selected data in order to achieve the aims that had been formulated in the objective of this thesis and finally the writer can design the conclusion for this thesis. Based on the theory, the present analysis walks on particular theory composed by Wellek and Warren in Sapardi Djoko Damono’s Sosiologi Sastra which states that literary works in wide or narrow sight affects the readers of thase works and ultimately, those works give a significant influence toward social condition existing at the time. Damono 1977:3-4 Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING THE MADNESS CHARACTERS REFLECTED IN THREE POE’S SHORT STORIES

4.1 “ BERENICE “