The Types of Narrative Text

Figure 2.1 The Example of Storyboard

2. The Steps on Applying Storyboard Technique

The steps on applying storyboard technique in teaching reading narrative text are: - Instruct the students to divide blank white paper into many four to six sections. - Ask the students to read narrative text given by the teacher. - Assign the students to re-create key events on the text into storyboard in 20 to 30 minutes. The students may allow using markers, crayon, and colored pencils, or they just use regular pens and pencils. - After the students have finished their storyboard, ask them to share their drawings with their classmates, so they can discuss, both similarities and differences, how they visualize the events of the text. - Let the students make correction on their storyboard after having discussion with their classmates. 26

D. Previous Studies

Some previous studies relate to this research have been conducted by others researchers, such as: The first study was conducted by David L. Bruce on 2011 during eleven years he taught in High School. He studied about storyboard technique, the technique he was primarily used, to engage students with reading. Firstly, he used this technique in teaching writing to his students, and then he found that teaching reading of work fictions using storyboard can be as useful as teaching writing. He taught poetry, novel fiction and film using this technique. And the result showed that it could help students to improve their reading skill. The technique allows students to pay close attention and focus to what they read, the elements and “what happen” in the story and it could make their understanding are deeper . The second study was done by Nur Setya Pamuji Asih to get her degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in State University of Yogyakarta on 2014. The title is: The Effectiveness of Storyboard Technique on Students‟ Writing Ability on Drama Script an experiment study at SMAN 1 Depok, Sleman. She conducted storyboard technique on teaching writing drama script. The result showed that the students in the experiment class got much better score than the students in the control class. Therefore, she concluded that storyboard technique is effective on drama script teaching writing. The next related study was conducted by Ni Luh Ayu Prabha Andari to get her degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Mahasaraswati Denpasar University of Denpasar on 2014. The title of her skripsi is, “The Influence of Creating Storyboard on the Writing Ability of the Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri Tampaksiring: A Study Based on Subak Cultural Landscape.” The result showed that the storyboard gave significant influence on the students writing ability, and they got good writing achievement. 26 Ibid., pp. 79 –81.

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