Subject of the Study Writer’s Role on the Study

G. Research Instrument

The research instrument of this research consisted of four instruments. They are observation, interview, teacher‘s journal, and test.

1. Observation Sheet

The observation sheet is conducted during the teaching and learning activities in the class. The real English teacher observes the writer‘s performance during classroom action research, class situation while writing activity, and the students‘ participants toward the learning process. The information that obtained from this observation sheet is used as a basis to determine the planning for the following cycle.

2. Interview Guideline

The interview guideline is distributed at the end of the study to 8 th -3 students of MTs Negeri 3 Jakarta to find out their perception about improving their writing activities through movies. It is also distributed to the English teacher to know general description about process of learning writing skill, to know students activity in learning writing process, and the method or strategies usually the teacher implemented in the classroom especially when teaching writing.

3. Teacher’s Journal

The teacher‘s journal is a teacher‘s written response to teaching events by the researcher. Journals contain more subjective and personal reflections and interpretations than the relatively formalized recordings of notes in every meeting. The writer focused on what happened in the classroom observation and analysis, emotional response for the researcher when the students do the tasks, and the future action.

4. Test

The test is used to know the students‘ writing in narrative text and as the result of students‘ performance in the class after the action of each cycle. The test is applied in the end of every cycle. Then, the students are tested by asking them to write a narrative paragraph after they watched the movie that was given by the

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