The Second Cycle The Implementation of Classroom Action Research CAR 1.

43 the text seriously, helped each other to solve their problems in understanding the text, and could answer the questions from the teacher about the text that they read. Then, the teacher reviewed the schematic structure and language features of narrative text to the students. The teacher also explained about paraphrase, it could help the students to write the sentences from the text into story mapping sheet. The teacher also asked students to discuss it and answered the written question. When every group finished answering the written questions, teacher went to the students and asked them orally in order to know how well they had discussed with their groups. If there was student who still got difficulties, teacher asked his or her member to explain about that. The students went back to their desk group after they discussed in a group. After that, the teacher gave another story with the title Why do Hawks Hunt Chicks? and asked the students to complete the story mapping sheet by identifying the schematic structures of narrative text from the text. The teacher also gave students written questions about the text and they answered it individually. Second meeting June 7 th 2013 In the second meeting, the title of the text was Sangkuriang. The narrative of the text was not different with the first meeting at the second cycle. The teacher started the teaching-learning process by giving brain storming and reviewed what the students had learnt at the meeting before. In this step the teacher did not explain again about schematic structure of the narrative text. The teacher just gave a little bit about how to make paraphrase. After that, the teacher asked the students to read the text silently and then asked them to complete the story mapping sheet according to the text that they read. During the students completed the story mapping sheet, the teacher did monitoring to them. 44 After finishing their task, the teacher gave question orally and doing simple quiz as in the first meeting. In the last meeting the teacher and writer gave second post-test in order to know the improvement of students’ understanding in reading narrative text.

2.3 Observing

As in the first cycle, in this step the observer observed the students’ participation in the learning process in pre and post reading activities through observation and field note . In the second cycle, generally the class condition in learning process was better than before. The points of observation were; the students were motivated in understanding the material. Many students were familiar with the question of the object of text and detail information and they knew how to answer the questions based on the text they have read. Besides, another fact which showed the students motivated during the lesson. It was showed where they tried to compete with other groups to finish the task and became the best group. Those facts showed that the students enjoyed the lesson in doing the individual exercises and in a group. In the second cycle, the teacher showed improvement in teaching technique. It could be seen from the fact during the lesson that students could understand easily and could write the key words because the guiding and detail explanation from the teacher. In the last meeting of the second cycle, the teacher gave posttest 2. The text and the question of the test were still same with the pre and post- test one. The difference was just on the formation of the choices and the structural numbers of the questions. After calculating the result of the post- test 2, the writer found the result; there were 26 students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM 71 Seventy One. The writer needs to calculate the data to know the mean of students’ score in reading comprehension posttest 2. It was derived from following formula: 45 n x Mx   32 2480  Mx 5 , 77  Mx This data showed that the mean of students’ score in post test 2 was 77.5. It means that the students passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM 71 Seventy One. Then, The calculation of class percentage about the students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM: 100 x N F   32 100 26x   25 . 81   From this data, the writer found that 26 Twenty Six or 81.25 students passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM. After that, the writer needs to calculate the data to know the students’ improvement from the preliminary to the second cycle. In this step the writer used following formula: P = 100 2   y y y P = 100 56 . 61 56 . 61 50 . 77   P = 9 . 25 The data showed that t here was better improvement of students’ mean score from the students’ reading comprehension in the preliminary study to the students’ reading comprehension in the second cycle. The mean score for the preliminary study was 61.56 and the mean score of reading posttest 2 in the second cycle was 77.50. It means that there was 15.9 points or 25.9 of mean score improvement. The students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal 46 KKM were 26 students or 81.25 if it is calculated into class percentage. It indicated that the criterion of success has been achieved. The following was the table of students’ reading comprehension score. No Name Pre Test Post Test 1 Post Test 2 1 S1 50 60 80 2 S2 45 55 75 3 S3 45 60 75 4 S4 70 75 75 5 S5 55 70 75 6 S6 75 80 85 7 S7 60 70 80 8 S8 90 100 100 9 S9 80 85 85 10 S10 40 50 60 11 S11 45 50 65 12 S12 60 70 75 13 S13 65 75 80 14 S14 35 50 65 15 S15 75 80 90 16 S16 80 90 100 17 S17 70 75 80 18 S18 45 55 75 19 S19 70 75 80 20 S20 70 75 75 21 S21 90 100 100 22 S22 55 65 75 23 S23 70 80 90 24 S24 50 65 75 25 S25 60 65 75 26 S26 55 60 65 47 27 S27 70 75 80 28 S28 40 45 50 29 S29 60 65 75 30 S30 60 60 65 31 S31 70 75 80 32 S32 55 60 75 Mean 61.56 68.90 77.50 : The student who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM 71 Table 4.2 The Students’ Reading Score of Pretest, Posttest 1, Posttest 2 From the table above, it could be seen that there was improvement of the students’ number who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM. It also increased from preliminary study and each cycle. In the preliminary study there were only 9 students or 18.75 of the students who got the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM; There were 14 students or 43.75 of the students who got the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM in the first cycle; and in the second cycle, The students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM were 26 students or 81.25. It proved that the target of the criterion of success in which minimum 75 of the students passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM could be achieved.

2.4 Reflecting

After getting the result of observation and field notes and posttest 2, the writer and the collaborator carried out the reflection. They felt 48 satisfactory with the result of the action. The result of the posttest 2 showed that 81.25 of the students got the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM. So it has achieved the first criterion of success that 75 of the students must get the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM . Also, the students’ participation in the second cycle showed better than in the cycle 1. It could be seen from the notes and the students result on experts’ and individual task. It meant that this criterion of success has achieved too. Because of the satisfied result, so the writer and the teacher assumed that using story mapping technique in teaching reading of narrative text could improve the students’ understanding.

C. The Discussion of the Data after Implementing Classroom Action Research CAR

After implementing the classroom action research, the writer carried out the interview to the English teacher who acted as the observer to know her response about the implementation of the action. Then the writer gave the questionnaire to the students to know their response about the implementation of story mapping technique in teaching reading narrative text.

1. The Result of Post Questionnaire

The post-questionnaire was held to know about the students’ response after teaching learning of narrative text through story mapping technique. The questionnaire used in this study was likert scales questionnaire. The questionnaire was given to the students in the VIII-6 grade on Friday, June 7 th 2013. This questionnaire has ten questions. The table below showed the result of post questionnaire . 49 N o Questions Percentage SS S A TS ST S 1 Saya senang belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan tehnik story mapping.

15.6 53.1

28.1 3.1

2 Saya merasa lebih mudah belajar bahasa Inggris dengan tehnik Story Mapping.

21.9 40.6

37.5 3 Saya merasa tidak termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan tehnik Story Mapping.

6.3 46.9

43.7 3.1

4 Saya merasa lebih mudah memahami bacaan bahasa inggris dengan tehnik Story Mapping

12.5 50

31.3 6.3

5 Cara guru mengajar dengan menggunakan Story Mapping tidak menyenangkan.

31.3 50

12.5 6 Saya merasa pasif dan terus mengandalkan teman saat memahami narrative text dengan menggunakan tehnik Story Mapping. 31.3 31.3

34.5 3.1

7 Saya merasa lebih aktif dalam belajar reading terutama narrative text dengan menggunakan tehnik Story Mapping.

15.6 46.9

34.5 3.1

8 Saya merasa tidak nyaman belajar memahami narrative text dengan menggunakan tehnik Story Mapping. 40.6 40.6

15.6 3.1

9 Belajar dengan tehnik Story Mapping, meningkatkan kemampuan saya dalam memahami narrative text.

12.5 40.6

40.6 6.3

10 Belajar dengan tehnik Story Mapping tidak membantu saya untuk mengatasai kesulitan-kesulitan dalam memahami narrative text.

18.8 40.6

34.5 3.1

3.1 Keterangan: SS : Sangat Setuju 50 S : Setuju A : Abstain TS : Tidak Setuju STS: Sangat Tidak Setuju Table 4.3 The Result of Questionnaire after CAR The description of the post questionnaire as follow: 1. The feeling toward teaching learning narrative text through Story Mapping Technique. The result of the first question showed that 15.6 0f the students like using Story Mapping very much, 53.1 of the students like to learn English through Story Mapping, 28.1 of the students felt fair about it and 3.1 of the students or just a student who dislikes using Story Mapping to learn English. The result indicated that most of students like to learn narrative text through story mapping technique. 2. The students’ response in learning English using Story Mapping technique. The second question showed that 21.9 of students agreed very much that they got easiness to learn English using Story Mapping. 46.9 of them also agreed about that. 37.5 of the students felt fair. It meant that most of students felt that they got easiness in learning English using Story Mapping technique. 3. The Story Mapping technique gives motivation to the students in learning English. The result showed that 50 of the students felt more motivated in learning English using Story mapping technique. Then 3.1 of students or just one student did not agree about that. It meant that many of students feel more motivated using Story Mapping as the technique to learn English.

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