36 2, intervention, and post-test 2 towards both experimental and control group. The intervention in the second session was same as the previous session in which a picture comparison interactive medium was implemented in the experimental group and PowerPoint slides were used in the control group. With the same time allocation as in the first session, the learning material in the second session also consisted of 7 pairs of near-synonyms. After the second session of intervention, the researcher revealed the students’ opinion towards the materials and learning media implemented in their class by interviewing some representatives of the students.

5. Evaluating and reflecting the results

In this step, the researcher reflected everything that happened during the implementation of the learning media. The researcher compared the results of the pre-tests and post-tests, summarized all of the observation and interview results, and then interpreted all of the collected data. After that, the researcher could figure out the answers of the problem question.

3.2 Research Setting

This study was conducted at SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta. This school is located in Jl. MT Haryono No. 47 Suryodiningratan, Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta. SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta is one of state senior high schools in Yogyakarta which had lots of achievements. 37

3.3 Research Participant

The participants of this study were the students of the tenth grade in SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta. There were eight classes of tenth grade consisting of 34 students in six of the classes, 27 students in one of the classes, and 32 students in one of the classes; however, the researcher randomly chose two classes X MIA 2 and X MIA 5 as the sample of the study. On the day when the research was conducted, there were 26 students who were present at X MIA 2 and 28 students were present at X MIA 5. To get more comprehensive information about this study, the researcher also chose 10 students from every class to be interviewed. Based on what has been observed by the researcher during her pre-service teacher preparation programme in the classes, the students from both experimental and control group were considered having good basic mastery in English vocabulary. However, most of them faced some difficulties in differentiating and using near-synonyms in contexts.

3.4 Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

This section will discuss all instruments that were administered to obtain the data for this study as well as the technique used by the researcher to gather the data. There were three instruments used to collect the data needed for this research. They were vocabulary tests, observation sheets, and interviews. In the data gathering technique, the researcher will explain how to use the instruments in collecting the data. 38

3.4.1 Instruments

As explained before, the researcher used vocabulary tests, observation sheets, and interviews as the instruments in this research. In conducting the observation, the researcher used observation sheets to observe the students’ attitude during the tests and learning processes. Then, the vocabulary tests consisting of pre-tests and post-tests were administered to measure whether the learning media were successful in fostering the students near-synonym mastery. The last instrument was interviews which were aimed to get more comprehensive information from the participants of this study. The researcher interviewed 20 students as the representatives of the participants. The researcher explained more how the instruments were used in the data gathering technique section. Tests

In this study, this instrument helped the researcher to measure the students’ improvement in their vocabulary mastery. Hence, the researcher administered two kinds of tests. They were pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was aimed to measure the participants’ mastery in using and differentiating near-synonyms before the implementation of the learning media. This kind of instrument enabled the researcher to figure out whether the participants faced any problems in understanding and using near-synonyms. After the implementation of the learning media, the post-test was employed to know whether the learning media could successfully help the students in mastering the vocabulary. Fourteen pairs of near-synonyms were selected in this study. For the first session, the set of the near-synonym pairs were hear-listen, see-look at, look at- 39 watch, wedding-marriage, complicated-complex, increase-raise, and govern-rule. Then, in the second session, the set of the near-synonym pairs were taste-flavor, live-stay, gather-collect, forecast-predict, shy-embarrassed, exhibition-show, and soft-smooth. The following tables contain definitions of the fourteen near- synonym pairs. In the tables, the researcher is going to write Cambridge to refer to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2008 and Oxford to refer to Oxford Learner’s Pocket Thesaurus 2010. Table 3.1 The Description of Near-synonyms in the First Session Pairs of Near- synonyms Definitions and Subtle Differences Examples 1 Hear – Listen Hear To receive or become conscious of a sound using your ears Cambridge Listen It refers to an action to give attention to someone or something in order to hear them Cambridge. 1 I heard someone calling my name Cambridge 2 What kind of music do you listen to Cambridge? 2 See – Look at See To be conscious of what is around you by using your eyes Cambridge Look at To direct your eyes in order to see Cambridge 1 Jacqui saw the car drive up outside the police station Cambridge. 2 She looked at me and smiled Oxford. 3 Look at – Watch Look At To direct your eyes in order to see the objects are usually static Cambridge 1 They looked at the picture and laughed Cambridge. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 Pairs of Near- synonyms Definitions and Subtle Differences Examples Watch To look at something for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving Cambridge 2 I had dinner and watched television for a couple of hours Cambridge. 4 Wedding – Marriage Wedding It refers to the occasion the ceremony of getting married Oxford. Marriage It usually refers to the state or relationship of being married Oxford. 1 We were invited to my cousin’s wedding Oxford. 2 They had a long and happy marriage Oxford. 5 Complicated – Complex Complicated It is used more to describe everyday situations Oxford. Complex It is often to describe academic, scientific or technical issues, especially in written English Oxford. 1 The instructions look very complicated Oxford. 2 A complex mathematical formula Oxford. 6 Increase – Raise Increase To make something become larger in amountsize. It is used slightly more often about numbers, prices, figures Oxford. Raise To make something become larger in amount or size. It is used often about feelings and qualities Oxford 1 They have increased the price by 50 Oxford. 2 Our little chat has raised my spirits Cambridge. 7 Govern – Rule Govern The subjects are elected parties or governments Oxford. 1 The Liberals had governed the country for 11 years Oxford. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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