Construct Validity Data Analysis Technique

49 group students’ pre-test 1 and post-test 1 were examined by using the paired samples t- test. Further, the mean scores of the control group students’ pre-test 2 and post-test 2 were also tested by the t-test to see whether there was a significant difference between the scores in the second session. If the p-value or the significant of the results was less than 0.05, we could conclude that there was a significant difference between the pre-tests and post-tests. After seeing the significance of the results, the researcher compared the mean scores of the pre-tests and post-tests to figure out the mean gain in each session. Then, the researcher compared the experimental group’s mean gain with the control group’s mean gain in both first and second session to see which group had the more significant one. The null hypothesis states that there is no significant difference in the extent a picture comparison interactive medium can improve synonym mastery of the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta compared to Powerpoint slides. On the other hand, the alternative hypothesis states that a picture comparison interactive medium can significantly improve synonym mastery of the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta more than Powerpoint slides. Then, the results of the observation and interviews were used to support the finding. Figure 3.3 Research Hypotheses 50

4. Building interpretation

From the previous steps, the researcher started to make a conclusion from the data. The coded and compared data were used to formulate a certain meaning. Then, the researcher interpreted the meaning why the certain pattern in the study happened.

5. Reporting the outcome

After doing the four steps above, then the researcher touched the final stage. The interpretation made in the fourth step would help the researcher to answer the research question. Then, the researcher presented the report of this study in this final stage. 51


This chapter presents the research results and the answers to the problems formulated in this research. This chapter consists of two main sections. The first section presents the results of the research. The second section deals with the discussion of the findings.

4.1 The Results

This result section will be divided into three sections. The first is the results of the tests. The second is the results of the observation sheets. The last is the results of the interviews.

4.1.1 The Results of the Tests

In this section, the researcher presents the mean scores of the formative tests administered in the first and second session. The researcher tried to examine and compare the increasing mean scores of every group to analyze how the learning media affect the students’ performances. The researcher provides the data in the form of charts. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52 Figure 4.1 The Comparison of Experimental and Control Group’s Pre-test and Post-test: Session 1 In the first session vocabulary test results, there was a significant difference between the mean gain of the experimental and control group. In this session, the mean score of the students in the experimental group increases from 60.36 to 95.71. It means that there was a significant increase of the mean score which is 35.35. The same as the experimental group, the mean score of the students in the control group also has an increase from 63.85 to 94.23. It means that there was an increase in the mean score which is 30.38. Yet, being compared to the experimental group, the mean score does not increase as high as the experimental group’s increase. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53 Figure 4.2 The Comparison of Experimental and Control Group’s Pre-test and Post- test: Session 2 Similarly, there was a significant difference between the mean gain of the experimental and control group in the second session. From the experimental group, the mean score increases from 57.86 to 97.5 which means that the group encounters 39.64 as the increase. The same as the experimental group, the mean score of the students in the control group encounters an increase as well from 48.08 to 83 .46. That means that mean gain of the control group’s mean score is not as high as the experimental group’s increase which is only 35.38. In spite of the mean gain comparisons indicating that the experimental group’s students showed the better performance compared to the control group’s students, the researcher also presents a test of significance to analyze the test results. The researcher used paired samples t-test to compare the results of the 54 experimental and control group pre-tests and post-tests. The results of the t-test came as follow: Table 4.1 The Result of Experimental Group’s Pre-test and Post-test: Session 1 Table 4.2 The Result of Experimental Group’s Pre-test and Post-test: Session 2 55 From the experimental group, there was a significant difference in the scores of the pre-test 1 M=60.36, SD=17.947 and post-test 1 M=95.71, SD=6.901; t27=-9.489, p=0.000. Looking at the p-value which was less than 0.05, this result confirms that a picture comparison interactive medium did enhance the s tudents’ performance in doing the vocabulary tests in the first session. In order to verify the effect of the medium towards the students’ performance, the researcher conducted a second session towards the experimental group. From the second session, there was also a significant difference in the scores of the pre-test 2 M=57.86, SD=18.127 and post-test 2 M=97.50, SD=5.182; t 27=-11.967, p=0.000. The p-value which was less than 0.05 confirms that a picture comparison interactive medium did help the st udents’ to increase their understanding about near-synonyms. Table 4.3 The Result of Control Group’s Pre-test and Post-test: Session 1

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