Volunteers Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

27 flourish in February and March. And come next April, store shelves should be ready for Freddy’s next harvest of Cojimiel

7. Volunteers

Following its long tradition of using volunteers in its international work, CRC through the SUCCESS Program has successfully assigned Volunteers for Prosperity VfP in Thailand, Tanzania, Nicaragua and Ecuador. Four United States Professional volunteers completed assignments in Nicaragua and Ecuador during this period—of these, half paid personally for up to 75 of their expenses. The one challenge this period was obtaining the volunteer deliverables in the agreed time frame and the timely writing of the volunteer stories. Priorities for Next Quarter January 1 - March 31, 2008 • Write and post volunteer stories on CRC web site • Forward above to Volunteers for Prosperity • Rewrite Global Giving web page to obtain funding for volunteer for assignment to Tanzania to assist in marketing and to train women’s groups on business and marketing techniques for the mabe pearls

8. Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

The monitoring, evaluation, and reporting system has functioned normally during the reporting period. Partners have continued feeding performance data through the web based system, where the electronic web-based reporting function has been improved. A review of the evidence files, conducted in the first quarter of FY 08, revealed that some reported data lacked adequate evidence. Field partners have since updated the evidence library and as of December, 2007, the evidence library is over 95 complete. Initial planning for the final learning workshop is underway. This workshop will likely be held at the URI Graduate School of Oceanography in July 2008. Tasks and Milestones Date Status CommentsChallenges Constraints Collect PMP data Quarterly Ongoing Many evidence files were missing, but have been Prepare and submit quarterly and semiannual reports to USAID Quarterly Ongoing Develop additional indicators to reflect regional KM and learning work October 2007 Completed A decision was made not to add new quantitative indicators, but to use qualitative measures to describe progress instead. 28 Refine electronic web-based report generation function December 2007 Completed Priorities for Next Quarter January 1 - March 31, 2008 • Revise PMP indicators by incorporating one or two new indicators to reflect regional KM and learning work • Continue preparations for SUCCESS field partner workshop in JulyAugust 2008 • Continue quarterly PMP data collection and reporting 29