At the Year 3 annual partners meeting held in Nicaragua, a considerable amount of time was devoted to in-depth thinking on Program direction, including critical thinking about what SUCCESS is doing and achieving and how this links to biodiversity conservation and the broader ICM practice and learning at national, regional, and global scales. This included looking to the longer term, through to and past the SUCCESS life-of-Program. It was also decided that the level of effort and budget for field activities would be reduced and increasing resources focused on regional and global initiatives including certification, knowledge generation and outreach. The annual partners meeting was also used as a time to set priorities for each program element for Year 4 work planning. Developing the Year 4 workplan and budgets went smoothly based on a considerable amount of thought, as well as preliminary planning and budgeting prior to the partners meeting. Contract amendments to local, regional and US partners also went smoothly indicating that administrative and financial operations have become relatively efficient and routine. The same can be said for the PMP systems. 30


SUCCESS initiatives in Year 4 have now incorporated two new global leadership activities. The USAID Global Climate Change Program has contributed a US 84,000 “add-on” to the SUCCESS Leader Award to address global climate change as part of USAID program planning and how it specifically affects developing country coasts and how coastal management must adapt actions and plans to be ready to mitigate the impacts. Additional resources are being sought for a pre-conference workshop to the International Oceans and Coasts Symposium scheduled for April 2008. The second addition builds in part from the fisheries opportunities assessment completed in Year 3. SUCCESS is working with USAID EGAT to develop a programming guide for fisheries and aquaculture initiatives. AS part of this work, SUCCESS has tapped into the URI Sea Grant Program and brought on board a fisheries management and extension specialist to assist with this effort. Discussions are also underway with the USAID West Africa Regional Bureau regarding their potential interest in an Associate Award focused on small-scale fisheries issues. Meanwhile, very preliminary discussions are underway regarding potential opportunities and ideas for work on a sustainable and certified blue crab initiative in Southeast Asia. SUCCESS has been engaged in a dialogue with Phillips seafood and major exporter of crab meat from Southeast Asia to the U.S and with the MSC. 31