Configuring Server Migration for the WLS_SOA Servers

5-126 Oracle Fusion Middleware High Availability Guide

5.13.21 Configuring Server Migration for the WLS_SOA Servers

The high availability architecture for a SOA system uses server migration to protect some singleton services against failures. For more information on whole server migration, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server. The WLS_SOA1 managed server is configured to be restarted on SOAHOST2 in case of failure, and the WLS_SOA2 managed server is configured to be restarted on SOAHOST1 in case of failure. For this configuration the WLS_SOA1 and WLS_SOA2 servers listen on specific floating IPs that are failed over by WLS Server Migration. To configure server migration for the WLS_SOAn managed servers, follow these steps: Step 1 Set Up User and Tablespace for the Server Migration Leasing Table 1. Create a tablespace called leasing. Example: Log on to SQLPlus as the sysdba user and run the following command: SQL create tablespace leasing logging datafile DB_HOMEsoradataorclleasing.dbf size 32m autoextend on next 32m maxsize 2048m extent management local;

2. Create a user named leasing and assign to it the leasing tablespace.

SQL create user leasing identified by welcome1; SQL grant create table to leasing; SQL grant create session to leasing; SQL alter user leasing default tablespace leasing; SQL alter user leasing quota unlimited on LEASING;

3. Create the leasing table using the leasing.ddl script.

a. Copy the leasing.ddl file, located in the WL_

HOMEserverdboracle817 or WL_HOMEserverdboracle920 directories, to your database node.

b. Connect to the database as the leasing user.

c. Run the leasing.ddl script in SQLPlus.

SQL copy_locationleasing.ddl; Step 2 Create a Multi Data Source from Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console The second step is to create a multi data source for the leasing table from the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console: You create a data source to each of the Oracle RAC database instances during the process of setting up the multi data source, both for these data sources and the global leasing multi data source. When you create a data source: ■ Ensure that this is a non-xa data source. See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware Developers Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for instructions on creating configuration plans and deploying applications from Oracle JDeveloper