Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi

4.1.2 Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi

Novel Woman at Point Zero by Nawal el-Saadawi tells about the woman physical abuse. Most of women character in this novel, are hurt by men. Physical abuse is one of abuses which men often do toward women, talking about woman that facing all the problems in her life; how to stand herself in the middle of man power, how to remain alive in her daily life, and how to live longer in the injustice environment against women, and how to survive in ‘their culture’. In this case, the writer wants to analyze how physical abuse against women reflected inside the novel. In the following table, the writer has listed from the words and sentences in the novel, related to woman physical abuse based on the major points: 4.1.2.a Woman Physical Abuse in Family Members Women are physically assaulted by family members. In the following table, the writer has listed the quotations related to violence against women that happened in family relationship: “One evening I dared to stretch out my hand to his plate, but he struck me a sharp blow over the back of my fingers.” Page 18 The table above indicates: Firdaus said when she felt very starved, and tried to take her father’s food, he attacked her suddenly. In this case, the father does not want to share the food with his daughter. He does not care if his daughter is starved, he just thinks about himself. Universitas Sumatera Utara “An old but reliable man is surely better than a young man who treats her in a humiliating way, or beats her.” Page 38 The table above indicates: These sentences were said by her uncle’s wife. She suggested her husband—Firdaus’s uncle, to marry her with the old man; because, according to her, the young man was just be able to treat beat her.the woman views the man who dominantly beats and treats is the young man. It is a view of her uncle about the plan for marrying the woman. “So I went in search of my father and asked him for a piastre. He hit me on my hand and shouted, ‘I have no piastres.” Page 69 The table above indicates: Firdaus remembered her father. He hit her when she asked him for piastre. The father is able to hit her daughter because of a piastre. The woman is accustomed to be beaten by her father himself; although it is simple request. 4.1.2.b Woman Physical Abuse in Marital Relationship Women are physically assaulted by spouses. In the following table, the writer has listed the quotations related to violence against women that happened in marriage life: “.....how to bend over the headman’s hand and pretend to kiss it, how to beat his wife and make her bite the dust each night.” Page 10 Universitas Sumatera Utara The table above indicates: Firdaus told about the man in their society; beating his wife, making her biting the dust, are the examples of abusing the woman. The man has been accustomed to beat the woman—even if she is his wife. The man is like to be allowed to abuse the woman—especially for a wife. Beating is assumed as normal attitude or action for men. The woman is being the object of that action. How poor the woman is “When the child that died was a boy, he would beat my mother, then have his supper and lie down to sleep.” Page 17 The table above indicates: Firdaus told about her childhood. Her father cared about his sons, not his daughters. If the boy was died, he would be very angry and beat her mother, and after beating, he acted like nothing happened.the man in this case—even as husband, starts to do unfairness to his family. He chooses to stand his boy more than his daughter. He blames and gives punishment to his wife for the death of the son. He beats her as a punishment. Then, there’s nothing his regret of what happened. He feels that it is normally done. “One day he discovered some left over scraps of food, and started yelling at me so loudly that all the neighbours could hear. After this incident, he got into the habit of beating me whether he had a reason for it or not.” Page 46 The table above indicates: Firdaus told that his husband started to abuse her, including beat her, since she had run to her uncle because she could not stand with Syeikh Mahmoud—her husband anymore. The man is able to abuse his wife after Universitas Sumatera Utara she has tried to run from him. The husband feels be underistimated. The man likes to beat the woman without considering whether she has fault or not. It looks like the man is very selfish. “On one occasion he hit me all over with his shoe.” Page 46 The table above indicates: Firdaus said that her husband hit her with his shoe. The husband is not only able to abuse his wife by his hand, but also by his thingstools. “But my uncle told me that all husbands beat their wives, and my uncle’s wife added that her husband often beat her.” Page 46 The table above indicates: Firdaus reported what her uncle said. He said that all husbands usually beat their wives. Her wife pointed out it. In their society, all husbands have been pointed to beating their wives. It looks like beating is something normally happened. The wives also seem like ceasing about that. “I said my uncle was a respected Sheikh, well versed in the teachings of religion, and he, therefore, could not possibly be in the habit of beating his wife.” Page 46 The table above indicates: Firdaus described her uncle as well-respected Syeikh, who did not have habit of beating his wife. A man who well-respected Syeikh— teaching of religion—is assumed as man who does not have desire of beating the wife. But, in the phrase “could not possibly be” shows that the woman thinks the man like that actually having the habit of beating the wife. Universitas Sumatera Utara “She replied that it was precisely men well versed in their religion who beat their wives.” Page 46 The table above indicates: Firdaus pointed men who very well in their religion, were liked to beat their wives. The woman judges men well versed in their religion who beat their wives. She says like that based on her experiences with men. In this case, it looks like any rules from the religion which set it, without any exact reasons. “The precepts of religion permitted such punishment. A virtuous woman was not supposed to complain about her husband. Her duty was perfect obedience.” Page 46 and 47 The table above indicates: Firdaus told about the religion which permitted the punishment, including what her husband did. She might not complain, just obey at all. The man feels be assisted by the religion. As the man said, the religion permits such punishment, including punishes the wife by beating. The wife may not complain about the punishment; although, sometimes the husband beats or abuses his wife without precise reasons. Poorly, the woman must obey whatever her husband’s actions. Even the woman is assumed as virtuous person if she obeys her duty to give perfect obedience. It is normal if we think which one is wrong, is it the religion? Or the person himself? “One day he hit me with his heavy stick until the blood ran from my nose and ears.” Page 47 Universitas Sumatera Utara The table above indicates: Firdaus retold when her husband hit her again with his heavy stick. The man likes to abuse his wife by the tools, not only by hands, but also by heavy sticks. “I walked through the streets with swollen eyes, and a bruised face, but no one paid any attention to me.” Page 47 The table above indicates: Firdaus said what she did after she ran away from Mahmoud—her husband. The woman can not stand for a long time—as a wife to tolerate what her husband does. The woman finally chooses for running off from the suffering. “My father ceased his prayers and exhortations to Allah throughout the Eed, and whenever my mother said something to him he would jump at her and give her a beating.” Page 69 The table above indicates: Firdaus’s father was over-serious prayer. He would beat his wife if she disturbed him when he was praying. The man who is earnest- prayer, looks easier to beat the woman. That statement wants to show the man seems like hypocrate. “All women are victims of deception. Men impose deception on women and punish them for being deceived, force them down to the lowest level and punish them for falling so low, bind them in marriage and then chastise them with menial service for life, or insults, or blows.” Page 94 Universitas Sumatera Utara The table above indicates: Firdaus shared about her views against women. She said that women were victims of deception, and the man punished them because they could be deceptive. Men often do the deception, and the victims are women. Men blamed them because of their faults, whereas it has been tricked by men in order to punish women. In this case, the woman assumes that the marriage is used to bind them as a person who gives service for long life. “That marriage was the system built on the most cruel suffering for women.” Page 94 The table above indicates: Firdaus said the marriage was used to give the most suffering for women. The woman views the marriage is the man system to create the most cruel suffering for women. She thinks about that because during her life, the married-woman—for average, is abused by the husband. He does everything right of his mind for women, whereas the woman is not false. “None of them was there to rescue me when I was married to a man who beat me up and kicked me every day.” Page 97 The table above indicates: Firdaus declared the situation when she was married. She was beat and kicked without no man save her. It is the protest of the woman against man who says he can save woman’s life. The fact, the man is really hypocritical. He says like that just because he wants to get woman’s attention, and successful to trick her after he gets her. Universitas Sumatera Utara “A man cannot stand being rejected by a woman, because deep down inside he feels a rejection of himself.” Page 97 The table above indicates: Firdaus stated that a man could not be rejected by a woman. According to woman’s experience, a man can not be rejected by a woman. If a man is rejected, it will make him feel less self-confidence. Because, he feels himself ignored. “That men force women to sell their bodies at a price, and that the lowest paid body is that wife.” Page 99 The table above indicates: Firdaus said men had forced women to sell their body, even the lowest price, was their wife. It’s women mind. Men in general, have bought women body at a price. It means when they touch or have sex, they must pay. The woman also says the lowest price is a wife. Why? Because men feel a wife like their doll, can be ordered, can be instructed, must be able to service and “service”, and also can be played—without any bravery for rejection from the woman, and anymoney for the woman. “All women are prostitutes of one kind or another. Because I was intelligent I preferred to be a free prostitute, rather than enslaved wife.” 99th The table above indicates: Firdaus said all women were prostitutes. She preferred to be a free prostitute, rather than enslaved wife. Because of men acts to women, the woman assumes that men see women like prostitutes. The woman says a wife Universitas Sumatera Utara is enslaved; however, she must be able to service and obey all her husband rules whatever they are. He does not care whether his wife will be pain or not. Both of a wife and a prostitute has same duty, is doing service to a man. But in this case, a wife has many more—even without a price. It looks like saying a wife is woman who is suffered. 4.1.2.c Woman Physical Abuse in Dating Relationship Women are physically assaulted by partnersrs. In the following table, the writer has listed the quotations related to violence against women that happened in dating relationship: “I was only a successful prostitute. And no matter how successful a prostitute is, she cannot get to know all the men. However, every single man I did get to know filled with but one desire: to lift my hand and bring it smashing down on his face. But because I am a woman I have never had the courage to lift my hand.” Page 9 and 10 The table above indicates: Firdaus said that she was a successful prostitute, who could not know surely all the men. She just wanted to slap them, if she met every single man. Yet, she was not brave of doing it, because she was ‘just a woman’. The prostitute woman, actually hate the men. It proves through her sentence talking about her desire to smash the men. But the woman herself feels no courage to do it to them, because she herself ‘a woman’, who never be allowed to hit the man—in their culture. “For was it not verily true that stealing was a sin, and killing was a sin, and defaming the honour of a woman was a sin, and injustice was a sin, and beating another human being was a sin...?” Page 11 Universitas Sumatera Utara The table above indicates: Firdaus spoke kinds of sin, like stealing, injustice, etc. But she asked about beating whether beating was a sin or not. The woman know about kinds of sin, like the other human know. Stealing, injustice, killing, and all actions related to something injured or distressed, are assumed as sin. Beating is striking or hitting repeatedly. It is automatically injured anyone else. The woman asks about why beating is not forbidden, whereas it is wounded. It is surely a sin. The woman protests why men like to beat women. How unfair it is It talks about man and woman in general. “I was speaking in low tones, and my eyes were fixed on the ground, but he jumped up and slapped me on the face, saying, ‘how dare you raise your voice when you’re speaking to me, you street walker, you low woman?” Page 52 The table above indicates: Firdaus said she had done what the usual woman did— do not want to resist, to Bayoumi. But the man, not only slapping, but also insulting her. The man who has thought the woman rebels against him—because he feels she raises her voice, punishes with beating, slapping or insulting etc. He hurt her by physical and psychological abuse. “The next moment he hit me with his fist in the belly so hard that I lost consciousness immediately.” Page 53 The table above indicates: Firdaus was hit again by Bayoumi. The man is able to abuse the woman continually; whereas, Firdaus and Bayoumi have not known yet each other for long time. Universitas Sumatera Utara “He would come back in the middle of the night, pull the cover away from me, slap my face, and then bear down on me with all his weight.” Page 53 The table above indicates: Firdaus told about Bayoumi who beat her again. After she was braved of raising her voice when she was talking to him. He had not been satisfied of slapping yet. The man can not forgive directly the woman fault. He beats the woman after he feels satisfied of abusing her physically. “He sank his teeth into the flesh of my shoulder and bit me several times in the breast, and then over my belly. While he was bitting me, he kept on repeating: slut, bitch.” Page 53 The table above indicates: Firdaus talked about what Bayoumi did after slapping. He exactly beat her, and also insulted her with the bad name. The man who feels be wounded by the woman, is not only enough for bitting, but also insulting her. He seems like to show up his power to punish the woman, by beating andor insulting. “You’re going to beat me up, is that it?’ ‘It’s a long time since I last hit you. It looks as though you’re yearning for a good hiding.’ ‘If you hit me I will hit you back, Fawzy.’ ‘That’s fine. We’ll see who’s the stronger of the two.” Page 64 The table above indicates: These sentences were between Sharifa and Fawzy. Fawzy wanted to beat her again, but at that time, she would fight back. Sharifa challenged him to see which one stronger. Actually, there’s woman who is braved of fighting or hitting the man. Because, as we look at, the man is also very Universitas Sumatera Utara surprised and scared if any woman wants to dare to do something which makes the man looks like lose. 4.1.2.d Woman Physical Abuse in Social, Politic, and Economic Institution Women are physically assaulted by men authority through social, politic, and economic institution. In the following table, the writer has listed the quotations related to violence against women that happened in social, politic, and economic institution: “There isn’t a woman on earth who can protect herself.” Page 100 The table above indicates: Firdaus shared the statement of the man who was threatening her. Man underistimates woman. Man supposes woman is not able to protect herself. “I tried to shut the door in his face, but he took out a knife, threatened me with it, and forced his way in.” Page 101 The table above indicates: Firdaus told the man who was threatening her by a knife. Man uses the violent act when he feels the woman seems like trying to fight him. The man threatens the woman using the knife. “He wound his arms around me. I felt the familiar weight pressing down on my breast, but my body withdrew, turned in on itself away from me, like some passive, lifeless thing, refusing to surrender, undefeated.” Page 102 Universitas Sumatera Utara The table above indicates: Firdaus told about the man who tried to abuse her. He did physical abuse, but she surrendered—passive act . Woman prefers being undefeated, rather than rebelling. She knows it will be useless. She wants to try using the passive act to compete the man, who has abused her. “I pushed him away, repeating: ‘It’s impossible. It’s no use trying.’ Then he’d beat me up.” Page 102 The table above indicates: Firdaus told about how she rejected the man who wanted try to touch her, and he beat her up. Man can not be rejected. He can not stand on refusing himself which done by woman. Then, man will make woman understand by beating her up or anything physical abuse. “There are only two categories of people, Firdaus, masters, and slaves.” Page 103 The table above indicates: Firdaus shared the statement from the man: the categories of people were masters and slaves. The man wants to show that according to his mind, people can be divided into 2 categories, they are: masters and slaves. It is the reality of the society in human life. Be aware or not, the phenomenon is happened. “A woman on her own cannot be a master, let alone a woman who’s a prositute.” Page 104 Universitas Sumatera Utara The table above indicates: Firdaus said the man stated that a woman could not be a master, if she stood by herself. If she could, she would be prostitute, not master. Man underistimates woman. He supposes that woman can not stand alone, so she can not be a master. Man assumes if she can, she just be able to be a prostitute. How poor woman in his mind is Man looks her down, so. Woman is assumed as lower-class than man. “......but he lifted his arm in the air and slapped me. I raised my hand even higher than he had done, and brought it down violently on his face. The whites of his eyes went red. His hand started to reach for the knife he carried in his pocket, but my hand was quicker than his.” Page 104 The table above indicates: Firdaus told how angry she was, when the man insulted her, and even now he used to do physical abuse. Firdaus could not stand on whatever man actions to her. She rebelled. She talked about the man who was sent the government. When man always try to act violently, anytime woman will fight back. Woman will be brave of resisting the man if she can not stand anymore about man abuse. The man—who is sent the government, assumes the woman can be resigned; whereas, in that time, the woman is brave of doing violence for him—even it is a killing. “My mother was not a criminal. No woman can be a criminal. To be a criminal one must be a man.” Page 109 The table above indicates: Firdaus declared her mother was not a criminal. According to her, a criminal might be a man, not woman. She talked to Prince of Universitas Sumatera Utara Egypt. The Prince of Egypt and the woman, share about the authority between man and woman. Woman can say that a criminal must be a man, and it can not be a woman; because she supposes that everyman does the abuse, and the abuse is criminal, actually—but in the fact, it’s not. It seems like allowed. Those statements also shows the disappointment of women against men. “In prison they kept me in a room where the windows and the doors were always shut......................They condemned me to death not because I had killed a man.” Page 110 The table above indicates: Firdaus told about her situation when she was in the prison, with the shut doors and the shut windows . She assumed that the police sentenced her not because of killing a man. The police—in this case, policemen, feel very fearful of the woman who is very brave of fighting them even, be dared of killing a man. They presume that the woman is dangerous for man and for life; however, in their society, it is against to the ideology of them. “When I killed I did it with truth not with a knife. That is why they are afraid and in a hurry to execute me. They do not fear my knife. It is my truth frightens them. This fearful truth gives me great strength..................................It is this fearful truth which prevents me from fearing the brutality of rulers and policemen.” Page 112 The table above indicates: Firdaus shared about her opinion why policemen executed her, not only because of killing a man by a knife, but also by a truth. The truth is about the brutality of rulers and policemen. It was fearful truth. That’s why they were afraid of her. Man is afraid of woman who knows the lacks of Universitas Sumatera Utara man. The woman is not only brave of expressing the man brutality, but also taking action—in this case, killing. Men know that they are actually wrong. But, their mind like that has been formed woman may not resist man. They frighten facing the reality, especially for their brutality. Woman must be strong with this fearful truth. Woman can give the great strength by sharing the truth. 4.2 Finding 4.2.1 The Similarities of The Novels