Review of the Previous Research



In this chapter, I present the review of related literature. It consists of review of the previous research, general concept of reading, teaching English in elementary school, the characteristics of fourth grade students, the look and say technique, look and say as a technique in teaching reading, action research, and theoretical framework.

2.1 Review of the Previous Research

There are many studies conducted to know the students’ mastery of reading skills. These studies include many studies done by the English department students of Semarang State University UNNES. Here are some previous studies related to this research which are relevant in teaching English. In 2009, Resty Anggraeni conducted a research called “Storytelling as a Technique in Teaching Reading at Elementary School” A Case of Fifth Year Students of SDN Wonosekar in the Academic Year of 20082009. She took conclusion that students’ reading skill achievement was improved after implementing storytelling as a technique in teaching reading. A research entitled “The Use of Fables to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension” A Case of the Year Eight Students of SMP Negeri 2 Juwana in the Academic Year 20072008 was conducted by Kusni Hartini in 2008. She took conclusion that the use of fables could improve the students’ reading comprehension. The main factors affecting that successful are the students’ interest in reading fables. 8 Rizkiana Hidayati 2009 conducted a research dealing with technique for teaching English to elementary school students. The research entitled “The Use of Miming Stories as a Technique in Teaching Listening to Elementary School Students” The Case of the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri 1 Procot, Tegal in the Academic Year of 20082009. The conclusion of her research is miming stories was effective as a technique in teaching listening to elementary school students. The interesting technique is able to grab students’ attention in learning English. Dealing with the use of cards for teaching English to elementary school students, a research entitled “Teaching Simple Noun Phrases Using Quartet Cards to the Fifth Graders of SD 1 Mlati Kidul Kudus in the Academic Year of 20062007” was conducted by Anita Mardiana in 2007. The result is the activities using quartet cards could help the students in mastering simple noun phrases. After reviewing the previous study, I can conclude that there are many researchers that discussed about teaching English to Elementary school students especially in reading, the technique in reading, and the media that was used. From the techniques that have applied, I would like to use look and say as a technique to teach reading to elementary school students.

2.2 General Concept of Reading