Criterion of Assessment METHOD OF INVESTIGATION

29 Meanwhile, the other technique in collecting data is the use of field notes. The aim is to have the document about the situation of the class where I am conducting the action research. Mc Niff 1997: 77 says that the use of field notes is more than keeping a record book as a kind of diary which would record only ground covered and material used. He says further that the document is a significant aspect of the action. Therefore I pay attention to the students’ response during the activity objectively. I systematically keep notes of the class situation, either while the lesson is in progress or immediately afterwards. Beside field notes, a questionnaire is also given. I take the questionnaire because they are highly specific, easy and comparative. I give some questions to the students in a paper related to the teaching and learning process, and English teaching. The students answer the questions honestly.

3.5 Criterion of Assessment

I will know the students’ success and the failure in doing this action research by referring to the criterion of Department of Education and Culture. To find the degree of the students’ achievement in each activity, from pre-test up to post-test, the score of each student was counted individually by using the following formula: The percentage . 30 While the average of the students’ result was counted by using the following formula: The average of the students’ result = . The criterion says that the students can be said to be successful if they can achieve 65 of the material and a class can be said to have mastered in learning if it can achieve 85 of the material presented Depdikbud, 2004: 29. In this action research, I used that indicator to determine whether an activity could be continued to the next activity or should be repeated by applying the amended plan. 31


4.1 The Analysis of the Questionnaire

One of the activities in this research was distributing the questionnaire. It was conducted after the students had finished doing the post-test on 4 June 2011. The students were given questionnaire sheet and they had to answer the questions by choosing ‘yes’ or ‘no’ options for each question. The questionnaire contained three aspects: the students’ interest in learning English, especially reading question numbers 1,2,3,4, and 5; the advantages students got after using look and say technique question numbers 6,7, and 8; and the students’ opinion about the continuity of the program conducted during the action research question numbers 9 and 10. The formula to calculate the percentage of questionnaire is as follow: ∑x = the number of students’ answer n = the total number of the students. The following table shows the result of this activity. Table 7. The Result of Questionnaire Aspect Item YES NO X X The students’ interest in 1. Apakah kamu menyukai pelajaran bahasa Inggris? 38 100 The percentage = x 100