The Analysis of the Questionnaire



4.1 The Analysis of the Questionnaire

One of the activities in this research was distributing the questionnaire. It was conducted after the students had finished doing the post-test on 4 June 2011. The students were given questionnaire sheet and they had to answer the questions by choosing ‘yes’ or ‘no’ options for each question. The questionnaire contained three aspects: the students’ interest in learning English, especially reading question numbers 1,2,3,4, and 5; the advantages students got after using look and say technique question numbers 6,7, and 8; and the students’ opinion about the continuity of the program conducted during the action research question numbers 9 and 10. The formula to calculate the percentage of questionnaire is as follow: ∑x = the number of students’ answer n = the total number of the students. The following table shows the result of this activity. Table 7. The Result of Questionnaire Aspect Item YES NO X X The students’ interest in 1. Apakah kamu menyukai pelajaran bahasa Inggris? 38 100 The percentage = x 100 32 learning English 2. Menurut kamu apakah pelajaran bahasa Inggris sangat berguna dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? 32 84.21 6 15.79 3. Apakah kamu menyukai pelajaran membaca bahasa Inggris? 34 89.47 4 10.52 4. Menurut kamu apakah reading membaca itu menyenangkan? 38 100 5. Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan dalam membaca teks bahasa Inggris? 28 73.68 10 26.31 The advantages of the technique 6. Apakah kamu menyukai teknik look and say lihat dan ucapkan yang telah diberikan? 33 86.84 5 13.15 7. Apakah dengan menggunakan teknik look and say melihat dan mengucapkan dapat membantu kamu dalam pelajaran reading membaca? 37 97.36 1 2.63 8. Menurut kamu apakah cara pengajaran yang telah diberikan dapat mempermudah kamu dalam membaca dan memahami teks berbahasa Inggris? 38 100 The continuity of the technique 9. Apakah kegiatan seperti ini menambah kebiasaan kamu dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? 34 89.47 4 10.52 10. Apakah kegiatan ini perlu dilakukan terus menerus? 24 63.15 14 36.84 The result of the data analysis showed that there were thirty eight students answering ‘yes’ for item number 1. It meant that all of the students liked English. In item number 2, 33 15.79 of the students thought that English was not beneficial for their daily life although they liked it. But 32 students or more than half of the class considered that learning English had a good effect to their life. English is the only compulsory foreign language in Indonesian elementary school as well as high school. The knowledge of English students get in all school levels will prepare them to get involved in international society. For item number 3, 89.47 of the class responded ‘yes’. Only four students were uninterested in reading to English. In item number 4, all of the students thought that reading to English was fun as they also liked English subject. Ten students or about 26.3 of the class had difficulties in reading to English text. This was shown by the result of item number 5. It becomes a challenge for the teacher to modify the way of teaching English at school. In item number 6, most of the students like look and say technique. It reached 86.84 of the students who answered ‘yes’. For item number 7, thirty seven students or about 97 of the class agreed that look and say technique could help them in reading to English. In item number 8, it showed that all of the students answered ‘yes’. It means that the way of teaching reading during the research helped them to understand English materials. 100 of the students were more interested in teaching and learning activities which used an interactive technique. It helped the students to sustain their attention. The technique gave the students visual clues to understand the content of the text much easier and clearer. The result of item number 9 was thirty four students chose ‘yes’. The activities during the research enhanced their English learning habit to a better one. But unfortunately, 36.84 of the class disagreed if the teacher often used look and say technique in teaching reading. This technique is just one of many alternative techniques to teach English. Teacher should be wise to choose which one is suitable for the students. 34 The questionnaire was mostly answered with ‘YES’ or positive response and followed by the significant result on the post-test. In addition, it can be concluded that look and say helped the students in learning reading to English.

4.2 Result of the Study