Data Survey Instruments Statistical methods of data analysis used in the research



4.1 Data

General data collection was 288 students from governmental high school in solo city Indonesia. There are 8 governmental high schools and each school has about 1000 students, were distributed on three grades. Thus, to be representative data for these schools taking 40 from schools and 10 from students. The data was equal, by gender, schools, and grades.

4.2 Survey Instruments

Questionnaire: There were 41 questions associated with environmental awareness asked directly to the students, all questions were generally taking about environmental issues and possible to answer easily by choosing one extend of student opinion, there were 5 of ranges for answering starting by weakest responding opinion, ending up by strongest opinion. Table 4.1 Responding ranges Strongly disagree Disagree Hesitant Agree Strongly agree 1 2 3 4 5 Divided those 41 questions to three groups of questions it is useful to discuses more than one side about most important parts in environment issues, each group has specific questions to present responding that aimed population. Group1 of questions were from 1 to 14 which asked about environmental knowledge.Group2 of questions were from 15 to 23 which asked about desire of students for improving the environment surrounding, by positive activates.Group3 of questions were from 24 to 41 which asked about environmental issues observation. Raking the questions and giving marks for all questions to show the awareness level and proving the differences between students, Statistic software SPSS software, And Microsoft Excel for statistically analysis data. 32

4.3 Statistical methods of data analysis used in the research

First, In this research used nonparametric methods for analysis the data such as Mann-Whitney test to show differences between two groups, which groups were male and female of students for comparison responding about all group of questions, and used parametric methods for analysis the data such as ANOVA to show differences between more than two groups by school grades, and Independent Samples Test to show differences between two groups male and female about specific question with 95 confidence intervals at level of significance 0.05. Second, Descriptive frequencies proving by percentages, and determined responding differences. Third, Description of responding by points collections from answers on the questions sum, average, max and min points. Theses parameters will be points for student responds to identify the level of responding. 1. Parameter for question 1 to 14 14-28 very bad 28-56 low 56-70 very good 2. Parameter for question 15 to 23 18-27 very bad 27-36 low 36-45 very good 3. Parameter for question 24 to 41 36-54 very bad 54-72 low 72-90 very good

4.4 Results of the research