World developing LITERATURE REVIEW



2.1 World developing

Environmental problems have been recognized and acknowledged at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNED held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 as culminated in Agenda 21, a comprehensive blueprint of action taken globally, nationally and locally in which humans direct affect the environment. This conference also reaffirmed the Declaration of the United Nation Conference on the Human Environment which was adopted at Stockholm on 16 June 1972. A review by United Nation Environmental Program after seven years asserted that although the global system of environment management is moving in the right direction, Aini Ms, 2011. However, First set of international recommendation to guide environmental education were developed in Tbilisi, Georgia, in 1977. Ten years later, in 1987, a conference in Moscow, Russia reviewed progress, and focused on institutional environmental education conference was held in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1997, which debated that role of environmental education in contributing to sustainable development following the World Summit Development in 2002, a UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development DESD 2005-2014 was launched, based on earlier recommendation in Chapter 21 Agenda 21. The fourth International Conference on Environmental Education, held in Ahmedabad, India in 2007 within the framework of the UN DESD, marks 30 years after Tbilisi Ahmedabad, India in 2007. Indonesia participated in the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development on the World Environment Day in 2005 through the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Environment. This is to reflect Indonesians commitment to the 2009 Bonn Declaration which mandated that every country should integrate the concept of Education for Sustainable Development into its education system, teacher development, subject development, and curriculum development. The 6 declaration states that: Reorient curriculum and teacher education programs to integrate Education for Sustainable Development into both pre-service and in- services programs. Support teacher education institutions, teachers and professors to network, develop, and research sound pedagogical practice. Specifically support teachers to develop Education for Sustainable Development strategies that can work with large class sizes, and to evaluate Education for Sustainable Development learning processes. The 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Network of Teacher Education Institutions associated with the UNESCO Chair on Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability, 19-21 May 2010 in Paris reaffirmed the message above and encouraged each participating country to take necessary steps to implement Education for Sustainable Development UNESCO, 2011.

2.2 Developing Indonesian Education