Environmental attitude Environmental behavior

17 is based upon a comprehensive view of various environmental systems. It aims to make the citizens competent to do scientific work and to find out practical solutions to current environmental problem. In order to protect and conserve the environment, enabling people to lead quality life, emphasis has been given to environmental education in both formal and non formal system of education. In formal system of education, teachers can play an important role in educating their students about environment related issues, which is possible only when the teachers themselves have mastery over environmental awareness Larijani, 2010. Environmental education is not confined to the classroom and not aimed only at children; despite the formal ring to the term ‗education‘, it has life-long relevance to people from all walks of life, for effective implementation of Environmental Education in the formal system integrating environmental concepts into the existing curriculum, developing new strategies, preparing instructional material for effective implementation of Environmental Education in the formal system. It is also increasingly recognized that environmental education is not a ‗nice-to-have‘ peripheral activity, but an integral part of the sustainable socio-economic development that is required to achieve equality and a better quality of life for all.

2.10 Environmental attitude

Environmental attitudes are conceptualized in terms of attitude theory as being composed of beliefs and affect toward an object. In a technical sense any object outside of self exists in the individual‘s environment, so all attitudes except those beliefs about self could be correctly called environmental attitudes Heberlein. It is based on the feeling inside of human towards the environment, for instance, Feelings of guilt, or to take a position through erratic behavior towards the environment, or a sense of pride in the surrounding environment, which enhances the behavior reflected on the environment, For example attitude toward the rights of others, Inanimate, Plant, Animal, or to mankind‘ itself. As well as is a sense of compassion or full responsibility for what he does from human 18 behavior into the surrounding diverse. The positive attitude, which that safeguard the environment. Such as positive thinking about passive activity which may be detrimental to it, which boils down to when someone pollutes the air, extrapolates from this action harmful for others, and for him. He is polluted before the activity had been done. Neglect, prestige, compliance with the rules, laws and regulations, adapt, amity, sufficiency, and environmental affiliation, all these feelings, and attitudes. Environmental behavior will be created by them, they would be ideal beneficial to the environment, or negatively affect on it. However, Can it be said That the environment has special stance towards its own, when the environment takes an attitude about what we are doing, and what is happening on Ecological system, which are an interactions and the process of transformation, before changes have happened on environmental conditions. For example climate changing phenomenon or global warming, before these environmental behaviors were taken place, It was the own environmental position with those changes.

2.11 Environmental behavior

The behavior relationship with human and environment and adaptation, it is completed in awareness, education, and human attitude with the environment , to achieve a perfect environmental that ensures sustainable environment, must increase the awareness with education and human thinking attitude about the environment. It is described ―pro-environmental behavior‖ as ―behavior that consciously seeks to mi nimize the negative impact of one‘s actions on the natural and built world e.g. minimize resource and energy consumption, use of non-toxic substances, reduci ng waste production‖ Kollmuss, 2002. GreenCOM defines behavior as a single, observable action performed by an individual. Although the behavior may be performed by habit, it could also be the outcome of a conscious decision. Behaviors are distinguished from practices, which are a series of related behaviors Day, 2000. 19

2.12 Previous studies