For the English Teachers For Future Researchers


1. For the English Teachers

In this digital era where sophisticated technology has role every aspects including educational field, students are easily to get bored with the conventional learning activities. The teachers formerly are expected to find another interesting media to engage students in learning. Hence, this is the right time to provide the students with the integration of technology and internet. In this case, the researcher suggests the teachers to make a use of the digital learning facilitation Socrative App in order to deliver the materials. Moreover, this activity should be done more often in order to prepare and make the students familiar with digital facilitation in global world.

2. For Future Researchers

It is important to know if the kind of questions provided will help the students to relate the main topic which are being discussed with knowledge surround. Since we are facing the development of technology, the future researchers who are interested in studying about this topic might consider about the other digital learning facilitation which probably considered as more effective ways to engage the students in learning. 55 REFERENCES Abas, Z. W. 2015. Fostering Learning in the 21st Century through Students Engagement. Intenational Journal for Educational Media and Technology, 9 , 3-15. Beer, C., Clark, K., Jones, D. 2010. Indicators of Engagement. Proceedings ASCILITE Sydney , 65-84. Brown, J. S. 2006. New learning environments for the 21st century. Exploring the Edge , 18-24. Burns, A. 1999. Collaborative action research for English language teachers. Cambridge: Press Syndicte. Burns, A. 2003. Collaborative action research for English language teachers. 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