Research Participants Data Analysis Technique


B. Research Setting

The research was conducted in Budi Utama Junior High School. The researcher saw that this was a finest school in the area since the students are facilitated enough in terms of supporting the learning process. We can find internet connection or Wi-Fi inside the building and almost in every classroom. This school also provides a language lab and library where the students can access the internet by computer. Furthermore, all of the students are given smartphone with them for easier information access. In addition, the research was done in two cycles. The first cycle was conducted on March, 30 th 2017 to apply the solution. The second cycle was conducted on April, 4 th 2017 and this was used to know the students‟ engagement whether the technique was successfully applied.

C. Research Participants

The participants were 23 students of 8 th grade class A in Budi Utama Junior High School. By having an entire research from one class, the researcher can get the relevant and sufficient data. This class was chosen since the everyday observation was done by the research. It was shown that these students had less engagement in following the class activity.

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

According to Creswell 2012 action research uses data collection based on either quantitative or qualitative methods or both. However, it differs in that 24 action research addresses a specific, practical issue and seeks to obtain solutions to a problem. Hence, in order to get the exact measurement of the data, the researcher used quantitative as the data collection technique. This was chosen since the researcher wanted to see how far the solution which has given could solve the problem. Furthermore, there were two data gathering techniques which the researcher used, which were observation sheet, and questionnaire. Furthermore, as it was mentioned before that the researcher implemented Kemmis‟ model of clasroom action research, the researcher implemented the model in order to gather the data.

1. Observation

The observation was used as the main information for data gathering. This was used since the observation was the core of action research. Phellas, Bloch, and Seale 2011 note that structured observation, like the use of self-completion questionnaires, is suitable for projects where the researcher has quite specific questions or hypotheses to investigate. Since the researher has a spesific question whether the technique will be succesfully engaging the students in learning English, then observation is used in this research.

2. Questionnaire

According to Burns A. 2003, there are three kinds of response items used in questionnaires namely closed items, scale items, and open-ended items. Closed items are involving the respondents to select from fixed alternatives, such as; yes or no questions. Meanwhile, scale items are related to the degree of agreement or disagreement. The last, open-ended item that is more flexible because it is done by PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25 respondents‟ free will of answering the questions. The aim of this questionnaire is to explore the respondents‟ perception, belief or opinion and to provide an opportunity for unforeseen responses. In this study, the researcher used scale items questionnaire in order to gather the data. Also, the open-ended questionnaire was done before implementing the action solution in order to see whether the solution could really be implemented in this school or not. Moreover, there were 19 questions provided in the form of scale items questionnaire about the effect of adopting a digital learning facilitation Socrative App .

E. Data Analysis Technique

The analysis is done after gathering the data from the observation and questionnaire. At first, the data from the observation checklist and questionnaire were analyzed by summarizing. Then, the researcher analyzed the data gathered from the questionnaire related to the implementation of Socrative App in the English classroom. There were several options around the answer from the scale questionnaire. Every statement which was provided had some agreements from “strongly agree”, “agree”, “Neutral”, “disagree”, and “strongly disagree”. Furthermore, the agreement was provided with five different measurement levels to see th e respondents‟ position based on the statement given. The level of measurement in the scale questionnaire is presented as follows: 26 The respondents are expected to choose their own level of agreement in order to let the researcher know what their choices were. Since the data from the questionnaire was in the form of scale items, the researcher processed the data by calculating it. The result from the questionnaire will be provided in the form of percentage. The result itself was taken from the number of students who chose the option n, divided by the total students in the class ∑N, then multiplied by 100. The formulation could be seen as follows: Where: n : The students who chose the option ∑N : The total number of the students in class After calculating the data, the researcher tried to compare and contrast all data which have been gathered with the related theory. Conclusion would also be drawn to see whether the digital learning facilitation could engage the students in learning English or not. Level of Measurement Level Agreement 5 Strongly Agree 4 Agree 3 Neutral 2 Disagree 1 Strongly Disagree 27


This chapter presents the results and discussion from the study in order to answer the formulated problem. The steps under the classroom action research were described in this chapter. Also, the discussion after adopting Socrative App in learning English were presented along this chapter.

A. The Adoption of

Socrative App to Engage Students in Learning In this part, the researcher explained the process before conducting the cycles in Budi Utama Junior High School. There were three steps conducted before employing two cycles namely preliminary study, solution to overcome the problem, and implementing the action solution. In the application, the researcher provided 10 questions for the students to enrich their vocabulary and knowledge. The questions provided were in the form of true or false; thus the students had to choose the correct information related to the context given in the statements. Those questions were intended not only to enrich their vocabulary, but also provide them with the common knowledge related to the animal life in the form of present tense. This idea was chosen since this learning mterial was aimed to make the students automatically memorize the vocabulary. It allowed them to no longer write almost every vocabulary and memorize it. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI