The Digital Learning Facilitation

11 digital era need to adapt and learn how to create meaningful learning experience to engage students in learning process with technology. This theory is also supported by DeGennaro 2008 where the students in this digital era have developed in how they learned and perceived. According to DeGennaro 2008, if educators are to successfully motivate students to learn, they need to craft learning designs that unite youth technology practices with effective learning practices.

2. The Digital Learning Facilitation

In this digital era, using a digital technology as learning facilitation can be very suitable idea to be done. Prensky 2005b notes that today‟s technology has offered students with highly effective tools which can be used to learn on their own. In relation to this, it is believed that the new learning strategies need to be introduced. Hence, Abas 2015 states that the teachers need to consider the digital learning facilitation as to make a successful learning activity inside the classroom. Digital facilitation is the device which allows the users to connect with the internet computer, smartphone, tablet. Ito, et al. 2008 define the digital learning facilitation as to differentiate between the conventional learning facilitation such as book, television, and radio. Prensky 2008 states that the digital learning facilitation itself is a set of strategies to support a particular activities. It is different from facility that refers to the dynamic nature of strategies andor activities implemented. According to DeGennaro 2008, this is the right time to use the advance of technology information to engage the students in 12 learning. This can become a good strategy to be implemented since the advance of technology is developed rapidly. Furthermore, Prensky 2005b notes that the technology development will become over one trillion times more powerful for young gnerations to be exposed. Consequently, the teachers are expected to prepare their students not only for the world they will face but also for a future in working world. From this perspective, according to Ito, et al. 2008, the pedagogical approach in teaching are found to be meaningful when both content and strategies are digitally presented. Thus, it is very important for the students to be facilitated in learning digitally. There are a lot of online application which can be used to support the digital learning activity in classroom for example Poll Everywhere , Go Soapbox , and Socrative App . From many online applications provided, only Socrative App which can provide the user with free access. Correspondingly, according to Coca and Slisko 2013, Socrative App have the advantages as listed bellow: a. Socrative App does not need any additional software, it only needs the usual today ‟s digital facilitation resources with connection to Internet computer, smartphone, and tablet. b. The teacher can easily design tests, which can be opinion or knowledge tests. c. Students can use it anytime, anywhere, from any source, at any pace. 3. Socrative App as a Digital Learning Facilitation Coca and Slisko 2013 define Socrative App as a smart student response system which allows all students to answer several questions very fast and the teacher knows the answer immediately. This App allows the teachers to make PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 13 quizzes in the form of multiple choices, truefalse, and also short answers as it is shown in figure 2.2. In each of the question, there will be an explanation box where the teacher can give direct feedback related to the answer. One special addition in this application is the ability to share the questions to other teacher. Like it is shown in figure 2.2, the button is called by SOC number, when this button is activated, the teacher can give the questions to other teachers. According to Socrative App ‟s booklet, there are three types on how the teacher can deliver the quiz , namely “Student Paced – Immediate Feedback”, “Student Paced – Navigation”, and “Teacher Paced”. As it is shown in figure 2.3, student paced – immediate feedback allows the students receive immediate Figure 2.2: Q uiz with different form of questions 14 explanation or feedback after answering each question. The teacher can also monitor their progress with live result table. Student paced – student navigation allowed the students to navigate the questions for themselves. They can navigate whether to answer, skip, or review any questions at any time unlike the other types. Meanwhile, in the teacher paced, the teacher becomes the main operator who can manage the flow of each question see figure 2.3. The teacher can send the class different questions and get the result directly to the students in class. Figure 2. 3: The types of quiz to start The total result from the students can also be seen and monitored during the activity as it is showed in figure 2.4. The teacher can see students ‟ answers and the average in percentage. The result itself will constantly refresh as students navigate through the quiz. In the figure 2.4, the boxes which are highlighted green PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 15 indicate that the students choose the correct answer. Meanwhile, the red boxes indicate that the students choose the wrong answers. After the students answer all the questions, the teacher can get the report of students ‟ result in the excel format of whole class and PDF as the individuals. The result itself can be downloaded, send via e-mail, or saved in Google Drive. According to Coca and Slisko 2013, students who experienced using Socrative App inside the classrom have helped them to be involved in the class, understand what to think about the related topic, work at group, and perceive more knowledge. This can be done since the Socrative App demands the students to get foccused on the tasks inside the application. This theory is supported by Wash Figure 2. 4: The result of the quiz 16 2014 who states that students can increase their participation inside the class, help provide instant feedback on what students know, facilitate positive interactions in the classroom, and increase their engagement in class. Furthermore, Coca and Slisko 2013 state that Socrative App is a very useful tool because it facilitates the teacher in knowing all the students‟ learning process in real time. Wash 2014 also states that rather than viewing this technology as a “disruptive inno vation”, the teacher can find innovative ways to engage their students using the varied instructional technology devices.

4. Students in Today’s World