EFL English as a Foreign Language

7 understanding of concepts. To be engaged in learning also means to be actively involved in all learning activities through interacting with instructor, peers, web, and learning material.

4. Digital Learning Facilitation

The definition of digital learning facilitation is defined by Stockley 2006 as a delivery program of learning, training, or education which is integrated into electronic tool such as computer or other facilities in order to give training, education, or learning material. According to DeGennaro 2008, digital learning means relating todays‟ learner with their everyday electronic tools as the media to learn inside the clas. For example making use of the tablet, laptop, smartphone, etc.

5. EFL English as a Foreign Language

Chusanachoti 2009 defines the term EFL in this research is a term used when the students learn English in a non-English speaking country such as in Thailand, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Japan. 6. Socrative App EdSurge, a review website about Socrative App defines that it is a cloud- based student response system developed in 2010 by Boston-based graduate school students. It allows teachers to create simple quizzes that students can take quickly on laptops – or, more often, via classroom tablet computers or their own smartphones. That makes these devices a more robust replacement for special purpose. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8


This chapter contains some reviews about the theories related to the issues in this study. There are two parts in this chapter. They are theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, the researcher provides several theories related to this research. Moreover, the researcher also provides the literary review related to the theories to support the research.

1. Definition of Learning in Digital Era

The concept of learning in this era has considered to be influenced by technological development. According to Prensky 2005b students in the digital era are are more likely to engage with technology and bored by lectures in class. They need to focus on using the new tools, finding information, making meaning, and creating. In addition, according to Brown 2006, the students in digital era are more engaged with the world differently than the earlier generation. They tend to satisfy their curiosity by their own in their own ways, digitally, and largely through opportunities both online and offline based on constructivist learning. Nowadays, students are more likely to use internet as the facilitation in learning. According to Naidu 2006, learning in digital era refers to the use of information and technology in learning process. This changing students ‟ way of