Research Instruments RESEARCH METHOD


E. Data Collection Techniques

1. Questionnaire In this research, the primary data were collected by using a questionnaire related to awareness, involvement, reporting, auditing of environmental based on School Social Responsibility. Type of questionnaire in this research is a enclosed questionnaire. Enclosed questionnaire is a questionnaire that presented a series of alternatives, while the respondents are putting a cross, circular, or tick upon request at an appropriate response to the situation Idrus, 2007: 127. In the questionnaire has been provided answers and respondents simply choose the answer that is expressed in a Likert scale of 1 to 5. 2. Documentation In this research, data from records, reports, and documents in SMAN 2 Banguntapan and SMAN 1 Jetis that has to do with the research undertaken.

F. Research Instruments

The research instrument used is a questionnaire. The list of questions in the questionnaire prepared based on research variables are respondents assessment related to responsibility in managing the environment around the school. The result of the respondents assessment has been measured based on the research conducted by Teoh and Thong 1986 in Astiti 2014: 28 which there are four aspects of the environment, i.e. Environmental Awareness, Environmental Involvement, Environmental Reporting, and Environmental 34 Auditing. The variable is measured with Likert scale that measures attitudes and real conditions stated with score 1 to 5. Table 2. Likert Scale Choice Answers Skor Meaning A 1 Respondents disagreed and in real terms the item was not in the institute. B 2 The respondents did not agree that the item is exist in the institute. C 3 The respondents did not know about the item. D 4 Respondents agreed that if the item is exist in the institute. E 5 Respondents agreed and in real terms exist in the institute. Source: Sugiyono, 2012: 135 with modification Heres a table of lattice research instrument for implementation of School Social Responsibility SSR in SMAN 2 Banguntapan and SMAN 1 Jetis: Table 3. Guidelines of Reaserch Instruments Number Item Questions Item Number 1 Environmental Awareness a. Support of regulation b. Support of school leadership c. Suggestion of other schools d. Suggestion of yourself e. Suggestion of teachers and employees f. Suggestion of students g. Suggestion of Badan Lingkungan Hidup BLH h. Suggestion of the environmental community i. Support of Sumber Daya Manusia and Sumber Daya Alam j. Support of activity plan related to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 35 Number Item Questions Item Number the environment k. Realization of activity plan related to the environment 11 2 Environmental Involvement a. The existence of environmental specialized team b. Availability of environment funds c. Supported of environmental programs or procedures that reduce the consumption of natural resources d. Support environment-related standards e. Supported of the learning process 1 2 3, 4, 5 6, 7 8, 9 3 Environmental Reporting a. Environmental performance report b. Performance reports are reported continuously c. Performance reports published d. The environmental performance report accompanying the publication 1 2 3 4 4 Environmental Auditing a. The audit report b. Supported of audit the environmental performance of the Badan Lingkungan Hidup BLH 1 2 Source: Widhiyanti Astiti, 2014, with modification

G. Validity and Reliability Instruments