Sekolah Adiwiyata Mandiri Theoritical Review

18 d. Environmental Auditing According to the Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 03 Tahun 2013 tentang Audit Lingkungan Hidup, an environmental auditing is an evaluation conducted to assess the compliance of those responsible businesses andor activities with legal requirements and policies set by the government. To ascertain whether the performance of environmental conservation programs made by entities already running effectively and efficiently, it is necessary to audit their environmental performance. According to Elkington in Rahmawati 2012: 34, social audit is a process that allows an organization to assess its performance based on the expectations and requirements of the specified community. On the basis of this definition, social and environmental disclosure is a process used by companies to disclose information relating to the companys activities and its influence on the social and environmental conditions. This variable is measured based on the answers to the availability of environmental performance audit report of the company Hadiprajitno, 2013: 181.

3. Sekolah Adiwiyata Mandiri

a. Definition of Sekolah Adiwiyata Mandiri According to Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kementerian Pendidikan dan KebudayaanKLH dan Kemendikbud 2011: 3, Adiwiyata has a meaning or significance as a good and 19 ideal place which can be obtained all the science and norms and ethics that can be the basis of human beings towards the creation our welfare lives and towards the ideals of sustainable development, Adiwiyata program aims to realize the school community that is responsible for the protection and management of the environment through good governance of the school to support school construction. Generally, Adiwiyata is a government program intended to all schools in Indonesia to implement the Sekolah Peduli Lingkungan. Adiwiyata program is supported by an award concerned specific requirements concerning the environment in the school. Unlike the case with Sekolah Adiwiyata Mandiri, which has additional requirements, which in addition to schools qualify as Sekolah Adiwiyata, schools also have to provide guidance to 10 Sekolah Adiwiyata in their DistrictCity. Tabel 1. Types and Forms Adiwiyata Award No Type Award Form Award Award Evaluation Team 1 Sekolah Adiwiyata Kabupatenkota Charter and trophies Regent Mayor Regency City 2 Sekolah Adiwiyata Provinsi Charter and trophies Governor Province 3 Sekolah Adiwiyata Nasional Charter and trophies Minister of Education and Culture National 4 Sekolah Adiwiyata Charter and trophies Minister of the National 20 No Type Award Form Award Award Evaluation Team Mandiri Environment Source: KLH dan Kemendikbud, 2011: 30 b. Basic Principles of Adiwiyata Program Adiwiyata Program put on two basic principles KLH dan Kemendikbud, 2011: 3: 1 Participatory, the school community involved in school management that covers the entire process of planning, implementation and evaluation appropriate to the responsibilities and roles. 2 Sustainable, all activities should be well planned continuously and comprehensively. c. The Team Implementing Adiwiyata Program at School According to KLH dan Kemendikbud 2011: 7, the school team consists of various elements, such as teachers, students, and school committees are established by decree Principal. School team has a role and duties as follows: 1 Assessing the environmental conditions of the school, school policy, school curriculum, school activities, and infrastructure. 2 Creating a work plan and allocate school budgets adjusted for components, standards, and implementation Adiwiyata. 3 Implementing the work plan of the school. 4 Monitoring and evaluating. 21 5 Presenting the report to the Headmaster and the Environment Agency of the District Municipal and related institutions. d. Component and Standard of Adiwiyata Based on Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup RI No. 05 tahun 2013 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Adiwiyata, component and standard of Adiwiyata, include: 1 Policy environmentally sound a The curriculum includes the protection and management of the environment; b Rencana Kegiatan dan Anggaran Sekolah RKAS contained the program for the protection and management of the environment. 2 Implementation of curriculum based on environmental a Teachers has competence in developing environmental learning activities; b Students perform learning activities on the protection and management of the environment. 3 Environmental activity based on participatory a Conducting environmental protection and management are planned for residents of the school; b Establish partnerships in order of environmental protection and management of the various parties, including the 22 public, the government, private sector, media, and other schools. 4 Management of supporting infrastructure that environmental kindly a Availability of supporting infrastructure that environmental kindly; b Improving the quality of facilities and infrastructure management that are environmental kindly in school.

B. Relevant Researchs