Validity Test Validity and Reliability Instruments

36 Before the questionnaire used to collect data from research subjects, the questionnaire has been tested to determine the validity and reliability of the items of the instrument. The trial of the questionnaire has been conducted on November at SMAN 2 Bantul, the respondents are 30 people consist of teachers and employees. The questionnaire trial conducted at SMAN 2 Bantul because that school is the Sekolah Adiwiyata Provinsi. Therefore, it has similar characteristic with SMAN 2 Banguntapan and SMAN 1 Jetis as Sekolah Peduli Lingkungan. The trial was conducted to measure the validity and reliability of the questionnaire.

1. Validity Test

According to Wiyono 2011: 38 validity of the content indicates the level of how much items of the instruments represent the concept that is being measured. In this research, the validity of the test is done by correlating the scores of items with a total score of items. The criterians are as follows: a If r value is greater than r table r h r t , the items of the instrument correlate significantly to the total score. Therefore, the item is valid. b If the r value is smaller than r table r h r t , the items of the instrument correlate significantly to the total score. Therefore, the item is invalid. The validity test of this research used SPSS 23.0 by the method of bivariate correlation pearson. Validity test results are as follows: 37 a Environmental Awareness Variable Table 4. Validity Test Results of Environmental Awareness Item Number Pearson Correlation Interpretation 1 0,246 Invalid 2 0,147 Invalid 3 0,518 Valid 4 0,169 Invalid 5 0,587 Valid 6 0,718 Valid 7 0,255 Invalid 8 0,648 Valid 9 0,489 Valid 10 0,465 Valid 11 0,323 Invalid Source: Data processed There are 11 items in the instrument. Five of them is invalid because the value of r value is smaller than r table 0,361 0,05 with the amount of data 30. The items that are invalid namely: 1 In your school there is a policy of attention to the surrounding environment, with 0,246 correlation value. 2 There are policies made by school leaders about the environment in your school, with correlation value 0,147. 3 Policies on the environment in your school to appear because of the desire of the parties in their own schools, with correlation value 0,169. 4 Policies on the environment in your school arise because of the demand from the Environment Agency, with correlation value 0,255. 38 5 School you realize planned activities related to the environment, with 0,323 correlation value. b Environmental Involvement Variable Table 5. Validity Test Results of Environmental Involvement Item Number Pearson Correlation Interpretation 1 0,402 Valid 2 0,543 Valid 3 0,712 Valid 4 0,737 Valid 5 0,856 Valid 6 0,269 Invalid 7 0,544 Valid 8 0,598 Valid 9 0,475 Valid Source: Data processed There are 9 items in the instrument. One of them is invalid because the value of r value is smaller than r table is 0,361 0,05 with the amount of data 30. The invalid item is item number six, i.e.: in your school there are efforts to achieve the standard by considering the environmental aspect, the correlation value is 0,269. c Environmental Reporting Variable Table 6. Validity Test Results of Environmental Reporting Item Number Pearson Correlation Interpretation 1 0,821 Valid 2 0,895 Valid 3 0,907 Valid 4 0,905 Valid Source: Data processed There are 4 items in the instrument. The result shows that all of the items are valid. 39 d Environmental Auditing Variable Table 7. Validity Test Results of Environmental Auditing Item Number Pearson Correlation Interpretation 1 0,841 Valid 2 0,868 Valid Source: Data processed There are 2 items in the instrument. The result shows that all of the items are valid.

2. Reliability Test