Heroic Characteristic of Frodo Baggins

Ring to be destroyed in Mount Doom.263 But still, his responsibility in saving the Middle-earth, and also the desire of having his own journey, Frodo volunteers himself to do the task so that he was chosen to take all the risks that may appear during the journey. Frodo is quite friendly in showing how good the relationship between the master and his subordinate is. Frodo, as a middle-class Hobbit, can have a good relationship with his gardener, Sam. Even, Sam has put his fully trust and loyalty on Frodo by choosing to accompany Frodo wherever he goes. Sam dares to sacrifice himself if it is needed to be with Frodo.

2. Heroic Characteristic of Frodo Baggins

The research findings in the analysis are told that the characteristic of the main character in this novel. He was hospitable, smart, determined, adventurer, responsible, and so on. Besides that the writer finds heroic characteristics of the main character such courage, willingness, responsibility, and dignity. As the journey progresses, Frodo develop as a hero not by acquiring new wisdom, strength, or power, but by trusting his own virtues: the common sense, goodness, and determination that motivated him from the beginning. Spurred by Boromirs actions, Frodo realizes that the Ring will destroy everyone around him. His common sense tells him that he will have to rely on himself to complete the task, and his heart tells him not to endanger the others physically or spiritually by bringing them along. And as the exhausting journey continues, only his determination to see it through allows him to continue, struggling step by step along the difficult path. The character Frodo Baggins is heroic because he alone takes up the burden of taking the Ring of Power to Mordor to destroy it. In Middle Earth, the Ring of Power is the most tempting object of deceit that entices and corrupts the mind and soul. All of the men in the fellowship are aware of this. When the Elrod asks the fellowship who will carry the ring to Mordor, much quarreling arises because each of the men thinks he is able to destroy the ring. Some even believe that is can be used for good. Only Frodo knows that he alone is capable of obliterating the ring. Frodo is heroic because of the strengths and weaknesses he possesses. One such strength that Frodo has is that he is able to have control of the ring but not use it selfishly. Frodo only uses the ring in life or death situations. This is seen in the Prancing Pony when one of Frodo’s drunken companion’s leads a Ringwraith right to Frodo. He drops the ring and when he tries to catch it, it lands on his finger, instantly hiding him from the Ringwraith. Another instance when Frodo uses the ring to save his life is when he cornered by four Ring wraiths.