The Effect Of Child abuse On The Main Character In The Novel Ugly By Constance Briscoe



Based on true story in novel “Ugly” written by Constance Briscoe, this paper tries to explore the impacts that can be possibly happen to Clare as the subject of main character when she experiences maltreatment. This paper uses narrative descriptive method as a tool to investigate systemically the novel. It also uses characterization to explain kind of Clare behavior and psychoanalytic criticism focuses on mirror-stage as supporting theory to reveal kind of child abuse and the impact of maltreatment to her. Nowadays, Child abuse becomes the mainstream on the newspaper. Economic crisis, the dissatisfaction of the parents toward their child behavior or several possible reasons are the main causes that force the parents to abuse their own child. They do not realize that the abuse done to their own child make serious impact especially in mental development of their child.



Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan dampak-dampak yang terjadi terhadap Clare sebagai tokoh utama ketika dia mengalami kekerasan di dalam novel ‘Ugly’ yang berdasarkan dari kisah nyata karya Constance Briscoe. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode narative descriptive sebagai kajian untuk meneliti novel tersebut. Penokohan juga digunakan untuk menjelaskan berbagai macam sifat yang terdapat didalam Clare dan psikologi yang terdapat dalam teori cermin sebagai teori pendukung untuk mengungkapkan macam-macam kekerasan pada anak dan dampak dari perlakuan yang diterima oleh Clare. Sekarang ini, kekerasan pada anak menjadi topik yang sering dibicarakan koran. Salah satu penyebab yang membuat orang tua melakukan tindakan kekerasan terhadap anak kandung mereka sendiri dikarenakan adanya krisis ekonomi yang menyebabkan ketidakpuasan orang tua terhadap perilaku anak nereka. Mereka tidak menyadari bahwa kekerasan yang dilakukan terhadap anak kandung mereka membuat dampak yang serius terutama didalam perkembangan mental anak mereka.





I hereby certify that this skripsi entitled “The Effect of Child Abuse on The Main Character in The Novel Ugly by Constance Briscoe is honestly my own work. I am fully aware that I have quoted some statements and ideas from various sources, and they are properly acknowledged in the text.

Bandung, August 2010

Debora mety. M.S teMaterai



1.1 Background

Literature is human creation, an imaginative working of the author. The author pours out his ideas, views, of life experience gained from the environment or society where he lives. Novel as one of the fictions is actual very interesting because it can portray the world living phenomena adopted from the writer’s living experiences, the way, the description and dialogue and many thus explores basic human in depth (Little, 1981:68). Character in literature is an extended verbal representation of a human being. Specifically the inner self that determines though, speech, and behavior. Through dialogue, action, and commentary, literature captures some of the interactions of character and circumstance (Roberts 1964 : 54). Because the novel is gained from the environmental or society where the author lives and even based on the author’s life, It attracts the writer interest to conduct a research that explores a motivation of each character in doing their will and also the impact which relates to every events that come up in the novel.

Based on the previous quotations, the writer found two elements that build up a novel; intrinsic and extrinsic element. The intrinsic elements of the novel are theme, plot, character and characterization, setting, etc. while the extrinsic element are built


by outside work of literacy work, such as psychology, history, politic, sociology, philosophy, and education (Esteen, 1984 : 2000-2002). Firstly, the writer begins to analyze the character in the novel because it can show the significance of character structure development that has correlation to psychology. These character analyses become the basic for the writer to explore the psychology of each character. A psychological approach is, however, merely one way of evaluating characters; it is also possible to analyze character presentation in the context of narratological structures. Generally speaking characters in a text can be rendered either as type or as individuals. A typified character in literature is dominated by one specific trait and is referred to as a flat character. The term round character usually denotes a personal with more complex and differentiated feature (Klarer, 1999 : 17). Using the psychological approach, the writer can not only explain the motivation of character in doing something on some events but also can determine the impact of the character after exposed it to some events or problems in the novel. There are many examples of them but the writer only focus to the child abuse as main cause and the effect from the character after exposed to any maltreatment as the impact.

Nowadays, there are many cases that bring the children become a victim of violence in their family. There are so many examples related to these cases and some of them even inspire some producers in making some movies based on these cases. These kinds of movies represent the violence, which are done by the parents to their children such as beating their children because they have an ugly face or they are not


smart at all and also do some mistakes, attract the writer to do a research that corresponds to these cases. The violence on children, which is often called child abuse, still exists until now and it’s usually practiced in society.

In this research the writer wants to analyze the effect of child abuse in the main character taken from the novel UGLY, which was written by Constance Briscoe. In character analysis, the writer only analyzes the main character of Clare in „Ugly’ novel UGLY because Clare becomes a victim of child abuse. In analyzing this novel, the writer would find the relation between character and psychology. Both of elements cannot be separated because they become a key that explains the effect of child abuse for main character.

1.2Research Question

Based on above explanation, I have three questions in this study that will give guidance to the writer in conducting this research as:

1) What are kinds of child abuse that happened to the main character?


1.3Goals and Objectives

The writer has a goal to answer all the question of this research follows:

1) To describe the kind of child abuse that happened in the „Ugly’ novel.

2) To describe the effect of child abuse on main character.

1.4Significance to Knowledge

This study aims at understanding the complexity of child abuse as a frequent psychological problem, and how it is portrayed in works of fiction. In addition, the writer expected that the study would be useful for the other student who is learning the literary work of the characterization and psychology.


1.5Framework of the Theories


In this research, the writer analyzes the main character of Clare in UGLY novel by Constance Briscoe to describe around her life. Extrinsic theory is divided into psychology and the effect of child abuses, intrinsic theory is divided into characterization only. Although, in intrinsic element there are plot, setting, character and point of few, but in this research, the writer only focuses on characters to better understand their psychology. A psychological approach, however, merely one way of evaluating characters; it is also possible to analyze character presentation in the context of narratological structures. Generally speaking characters in a text can be rendered either as type or as individuals. A typified character in literature is dominated by one specific trait and is referred to as a flat character. The term round character usually denotes a personal with more complex and differentiated feature. (Klarrer, 1999 : 17)


1.6Method of Study

In this research the writer applies qualitative approach and descriptive analytic method to achieve the writer goal of this research. By using this method, the writer attempts to identify and describe the data collected. This method is appropriate to this research because the writer is able to find out, identify and explain issues in the novel.

In Nyoman Kutha’s book entitled Teori, Metode, dan teknik penelitian sastra mentioned “Metode deskriptif analitik dilakukan dengan cara mendeskriptifkan fakta-fakta yang kemudian di susul dengan analisis, secara etimologis deskripsi dan analisis berarti menguraikan” (Kutha Ratna 2004: 53)

1.7Data collecting

In this research I collect the data found in the novel. In this process of this research I collect the data found in the novel related to main character then the data will be analyzed with psychoanalysis theory.

The procedure of collecting the data:

1. Reading the whole script of the novel ‘UGLY’.

After deciding the data source, the writer reads the whole script of the novel UGLY and tries to find the data about main character in this novel.


The writer chooses the data that show the main character issue as the data analysis.

3. Analyzing the subject of main character with theory psychoanalytic criticism 4. Takes the conclusion based on previous research


Chapter II


2.1. Definition of Main Character

The character is the part of intrinsic element in the novel that is firstly explored by the writer because it takes essential role to display any behavior of each character in the novel. There are two or more characters that come up in the novel UGLY. Referring to their degree of playing role in the novel, they can be grouped into two parts such as main and peripheral character. Because this research just explores the effect of child abuse on main character then the focus only concentrates to explain the definition about main character. According to Nurgiyantoro, main character is

“.Tokoh utama adalah tokoh yang diutamakan penceritaannya dalam novel yang bersangkutan.Ia merupakan tokoh yang paling banyak diceritakan, baik sebagai pelaku kejadian maupun yang dikenai kejadian.(Nurgiyantoro, 2005:176-177).”

Through quotation above, it can be mentioned that main character is kind of character, which often shows up repeatedly as if it dominates every parts of the event in the novel. Regarding to the meaning of the active-passive in doing something, both of them can act as a subject that has capability in doing something or as an object that suffers the impact from treatment done by the subject or circumstances. In the other


words, main character does not only act as subject but also as object. This kind of character plays important role in the novel and it cannot be ignored.

2.1.1. Types of Character

The essential function of character is to make the story in the novel meaningful. Therefore, characterization plays important role in giving the main or peripheral character selected behavior or typical of personality. Characterization categorizes kind of character into several types; flat and round character. According to Laurrene and Perrine, the definition about flat character describes below.

Flat characters are characterized by one or two traits; they can be summed up in a sentence. Though they touch life at only one or two points, may be made memorable in the hands of an expert author through some individualizing detail of appearance, gesture, or speech.” (Perrine, 1985 : 67,68)

Based on quotation above, it can be said that flat characters have one or two basic personalities and they do not make any significant surprise in the story of the novel. The personality, mind, behavior and motivation of flat character can be easily known in a period time of story. Even though this kind of character is plain and has tendency to be monotone, it can make memorable impression into the reader’s mind by the hands of an expert author through individualizing detail of appearance, gesture or speech.


A special kind of flat character is stock character, it still remains the part of flat character, which the personality or behavior or motivation has been clearly defined in the beginning of the story telling. According to Laurrene and Perrine, the definition of stock character is

Stock characters the stereotyped figure who has occurred so often in fiction that his nature is immediately known; the strong silent sheriff, the brilliant detective of eccentric habits, the mad scientist who performs fiendish experiments on living human beings, the beautiful international spy of mysterious background, the cruel stepmother”. (Perrine, 1985 : 68)

Regarding to the previous quotation, stock character is instantly recognizable by the reader from the beginning until the end of the story because it often occurs in the novel. Some of stock characters are found very often in inferior fiction because they require neither imagination nor observations on the part.

The last typical of character grouped into characterization is round character. Different with flat and stock character, the complexity in its personality, mind and behavior makes round character is difficult to notice in early story. According to Laurrene, Perrine, round character can be described as,

Round characters are complex and many-sided; they might require an essay for full analysis and live by their very roundness, by the many points at which they touch life.” (Perrine, 1985 : 67,68)


In quotation above, it can be explained that round character requires comprehensive exploration and even needs separated analyses to reveal its possibilities of actual personality, mind or behavior as a subject or object in the novel.

2.1.2. Character Development

The development of character probably changes the personality, behavior or mind of character. This development of character could be irreversible, reversible or there are even no changes at all from the beginning until the end of story. This character development can be classified into two groups, such as static and dynamic character. According to Laurrene, Perrine, their definition are presented below,

The Static Character is the same sort of person at the end of the story as at the beginning. Perrine.” (Perrine, 1985 : 69)

Based on quotation above, this character relatively stays the same from the beginning until the end of the story. It never changes because of the influence of event changing or disorder inter-relationship with other character

The Developing (or Dynamic) character undergoes a permanent change in some aspect of character, personality, or outlook. The change may be a large or a small one; it may be for better or for worse; but it is something important and basic: it is more than a change in condition or a minor change in opinion.” (Perrine, 1985 : 69)


In the other hand, the meaning of dynamic character is opposite to the static character. A little change from exact character whether it comes in early, middle or the end of story is fairly enough to state that character is dynamic. The dynamic of character does not measure from the quantity of changing such as big or just a little but it comes from the significant difference of character behavior in some events. Therefore, the dynamic character is complex, many-sided and need full analyses to explain.

2.2. Child Abuse

Because the aim of this research is to explore the effect of child abuse to main character, it is important to take a course to understand the meaning of child abuse. Below is the definition of child abuse, according to Archard;

Child abuse is, first and foremost, a special kind of wrong done to children. Things do and can go badly for children in a variety of ways and for number of reason. Children may suffer a large range of harms. Some, such as illness, disease, genuine accidents and disability.” (Archard, 2004: 194)

The child abuse sometimes in general called maltreatment is harm treatment, which is done by the parent to their children. This kind of treatment does not only influence their children physics but also their mental development. The following section will explain kind of child abuse practical in most cases.


2.2.1 Kinds of Child Abuse

Child abuse can be classified into several maltreatment, which is:

1) Physical Abuse.

The most common of maltreatment in children that often happens is physical abuse. The victim is the children under-age that still needs care and protection from their parents.

“Physical abuse is violence and other non-accidental, prohibited human actions that inflict pain on a child and are capable of causing injury or permanent impairment to development or functioning.” (Archard, 2004: 196)

This horrible maltreatment action, which is done by parents or mature people is most commonly found because of intolerance of making mistake done by their children. This practical of this maltreatment can be as punching, slapping, pinching. According to Newberger, (1982 : 177,180), the common visual manifestation of physical abuse is bruises, laceration, burns.

2) Physical Neglect

Ignorance is the key of practical of child abuse. The parents as the subject of maltreatment let their children useless that can surely harm their health.

“Physical neglect is the ‘persistent or severe neglect of a child (for example, by exposure to any kinds of danger, including cold and starvation) which results in serious impairment of the child’s health or development, including non-organic failure to thrive.” (Archard, 2004 :196)


This practical of child abuse is ignorance to the basic need of children like health. This child abuse rises because of the punishment of indiscipline.

3) Sexual Abuse

This child abuse can be categorized into two parts such as contact and non-contact. It can be formed as sexual harassment and often done in sensitive organs.

a Contact

Describes any nonconvidental sexualized, physical interaction between the perpetrator and the victim. Examples include fondling: molestation; oral-genital, genital, or anal contact or penetration; sexual assault.” (Cavendish, 2009: 19)

This kind of child abuse can be called sexual harassment. The practical of this maltreatment can be illustrated as violence in sexual organs, rape or insult with impolite words.

b Non Contact

Includes voyeurism, exhibitionism, exposing a child to or utilizing a child in pornography, or Internet predation for sexual purposes.” (Cavendish, 2009: 19)

This manifestation of child abuse can be illustrated as children exploitation that forces them to become the object of sexuality. One of the examples of this practical of child abuse is using children under age to be pornography artist.


4) Emotional abuse or psychological maltreatment

The last is emotional abuse. This maltreatment can be also classified as ignorance because there is no well education from the parents to develop the children health mental to grow progressively in society.

“is ‘a concerted attack on a child’s development of self and social competence, a pattern of psychically destructive behavior, and it takes five forms: Rejecting, Isolating, Terrorizing, Ignoring, Corrupting.” (Archard, 2004: 196)

Emotional abuse is the main key to make this practical of child abuse becomes very destructive such as rejecting, isolating, terrorizing, ignoring and corrupting. The target of this maltreatment is to make big damage to children mental development, which makes the children do not have ability to expand them selves in individual skills or social competence. Another form of this practical child abuse is rejecting, isolating, terrorizing and corrupting.

2.3. Mirror Stage in the Theory of Psychoanalysis

After explaining about the character and all kind of child abuse, it is important to discuss the terminology of psychoanalysis theory. This kind of theory is essential to be authentic proof that shows any motivation background of each character becoming subject or object of child abuse. In psychoanalysis term, there is one theory called


mirror stage that has indirect relationship with children mental development. Based on the title of this research, mirror stage is an appropriate tool to analyze the disorder relationship between mother and her daughter that raising the action of child abuse and the effects. The term of mirror image is the main point of mirror stage that can be illustrated the symbolic relation between mother and the children. According to Wright, (1984 : 108), Mirror image is a homologue for the Mother/ Child symbolic relation. Furthermore, the daughter becomes the replica model for her mother since that is the first being with whom it has interaction. In the other words, it can be said that the daughter become puppet that always follows her mother thought. The word puppet has the same meaning with mirror image that always follows every sign to respond every impulse.

To make this relationship becomes more structural, regarding to book title Using Lacan, Reading Fiction, the structure of mirror-stage of Lacan version would look like this: The Subject = I | Other. (Mellard, 1991: 21). Therefore, „I’ is the symbol of the parents or adult, act as the reflection to „Other’ that is the symbol for the children. Based on Lacan, it can be assumed that „I’ as the mother and „Other’ as her daughter. At last, this concept raises the meaning about desire of the mother. There are two meanings according to a belief Lacan about terms the „Desire of the Mother’

First, the child imagines itself to be the desire of the mother in the sense that it is all that the mother desires (‘desire’ taken as a metonym for what is desired, much as we use ‘wants’ as noun for what is wanted).”


“Second, the ‘Desire of the Mother’ is the child own desire for the mother, as that part of its experience which has been prompt to satisfy its needs.” (Wright, 1984: 108)

First, it means that the mother expect that her daughter owns and follows all about she has and wants. Based on this research, the maltreatment that happens in the relationship between mother and her daughter because she cannot satisfy her mother desire or wants or the mother’s lack. In psychoanalysis term, her daughter can be expressed as „phallus’, which is all that would complete the mother desire. The description „Phallus’ in Clare is the symbol of desire fulfilling for the mother. The word „Phallus’ is often used in psychoanalysis.

Second meaning is to tell about the daughter desire or wants to satisfy her needs but it against with her mother mind. This condition ends with the maltreatment done by her mother.

From the passages above, it can be declared generally that every action of the daughter is fully controlled by her mother. It is sometimes called as „Symbolic Order’, which states that the gap appears with the initiation of the child into the order of language, (Wright, 1984: 109). The daughter as well only becomes the object to fulfill her mother desire. The failure of satisfying her mother desire will cause maltreatment and make serious impact thereafter.

The regulation, which has been established strongly by the mother, must be obeyed by her daughter. This thing can be classified into the structures of language are marked with societal imperatives- the father rules, laws which represents a father


that has full love and care to his children. This term often describes the relationship between father and his children. This condition has the similarity to the relationship between mother and her daughter.

The maltreatment, which is done by her mother, changes the concept of the Father’s rule. In psychoanalysis, Lacan states that the pattern of metaphor to what happens when the Father’s Law, the ‘Name-of-the-Father’, replaces the desire of the mother’. (Wright, 1984: 111). This statement changes the meaning of The Father’s rule becoming desire of the mother because the mother has big role to maltreatment suffered by her daughter.

2.4. Effect of Child Abuse

The various child abuse or maltreatment done by the mother to her daughter must have caused serious impact in her daughter mental development. Below is typical of effect because of child abuse

2.4.1. Anxiety

In the primer of Freudian psychology, anxiety is a painful emotional experience, which is produced by excitations in the internal organs of the body. These excitations result from internal or external stimulation. For example, when a person encounters a


dangerous situation his heart beats faster, he breathes more rapidly, his mouth becomes dry, and the palms of his hands sweat. (Hall, 1954: 61)

This type of anxiety can be categorized into 3 groups, such as:

1) Reality anxiety.

Reality anxiety is a painful emotional experience resulting from a perception of danger in the external world. A danger is any condition of the environment which threatens to harm person. (Hall, 1954 : 63). The perception of danger and the arousal of anxiety may be innate in the sense that one inherits a tendency to be come afraid in the presence of certain objects or environmental conditions, or it may be acquired during the person „s lifetime. In every event, fears are more easily acquired during infancy and childhood when the helplessness of the immature organism prevents him from being able to cope with external dangers. Experiences that overpower one with anxiety are called traumatic, because they reduce the person to an infantile state of helplessness.

2) Neurotic anxiety

Neurotic anxiety is aroused by a perception of danger from the instincts. (Hall, 1954 : 64)

Neurotic anxiety can be displayed in three forms :


This kind of anxiety characterizes the nervous person who is always expecting something dreadful to happen. Such of this person is afraid of his own shadow. It might better say that the person afraid of his own id. What he is actually afraid of is that the id which is constanly exerting pressure upon the ego will seize control of the ego and reduce it to a state of helplessness.

b Phobia.

Another form of neurotic anxiety is an irrational fear. This is called a phobia. The characteristic feature of a phobia is that the intensity of the fear is out of all proportion to the actual danger of the object of which the person is afraid. He may be deathly afraid of mice, dark, rubber, high places, water.

c Panic.

These reactions appear suddenly and with no apparent provocation One reads occasionally about someone running berserk and shooting down a lot of people whom he does not even know and who have not done anything to him. The person cannot explain why he did such a thing. All he knows is that he felt so upset and so tense that he had to do something before he exploded.

3) Moral anxiety.

Moral anxiety, which is experienced as feelings of quilt or shame in the ego, is aroused by a perception of danger from the conscience. (Hall, 1954 : 68). The


conscience as the internalized agent of parental authority threatens to punish the person for doing something or thinking something which transgresses the perfectionistic aims of the ego-ideal that have been laid down in the personality by the parents. For example about this moral anxiety it is one of the ironies of life that a virtous person experiences more shame than a unvirtous person does. The reason for this is that merely thinking of doing something bad makes a virtuos person feels ashamed




3.1. Research Object

The object of this research was a novel written by Constance Briscoe, which was represent the complex character of the main character „Clare’ and the child abuse. The writer analyzed the research through the texts on the novel which were reflected the character that Clare has and the abuses that she got from the environment around her, especially her mother.

3.2. Source of Data

The writer used novel „Ugly’ written by Constance Briscoe as data source in this research and took kind of fragments that reflected to psychology impact suffered by main character from related events in this novel.

3.2.1. Synopsis

This novel is based on true story of loveless childhood. It storied about Constance Briscoe, known as Clare who became a victim of child abuse done by her lovely


mother. She become an unwanted child because her mother disappointed about the reality that her daughter is not as same as she expect because of her daughter ugly appearance. Because of feeling unwanted, Clare becomes nervous and she suffers bed-wetting. This condition make the maltreatment suffers by Clare becoming worst even though her mother tries to cure her nicely at first. Insulting with bad words is the starting point that why Clare feeling unwanted. These cruel words are just the beginning. Her mother systematically abused her daughter, both physically and emotionally, throughout her childhood. Regularly beaten and starved, Clare was so desperate and even suffers anxiety. She take herself off to Social Services and tries to get take into care. But somehow Clare find that the courage to survive her terrible start in life. She even dream to be a barrister and tries to erase her bad memories about her life with her mother during her childhood with letting her mother alone when she achieves her dream.

3.3Research Method

This paper uses qualitative and descriptive analytic method as its research design because there are a lot of fragment in the novel, which can be analyzed to be acted as candidate for genuine proof of research question that has reasonable explanation supported by related theory.


Qualitative research is designed to be consistent with the assumptions of a qualitative paradigm. This study is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a complex, holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting. (Creswell, 1994: 1).

In this research, analytic descriptive had an important role to analyze any kind of fragment from novel “Ugly” to explain the effect of child abuse supported by related theory.

3.3.1 Data Collection

In this research the writer collected the data that was found related closely with the materials. Practically, the writer collected the data that found in the novel related to the main character and then analyzed it into the characterization and psychoanalytic criticism theory

The procedures of data collection can be described as follows:

1) Reading the whole script of the novel ‘UGLY’.

After deciding the data source, the writer read the whole script of the novel „Ugly’ and tried to find any matched fragment about main character in this novel.


2) Choosing the data that have a relationship to main character.

The writer chose any particular fragment that showed the main character issue as the data analysis.

3. Analyze the subject of main character using characterization and psychoanalytic criticism theory from the data analyses.

4. Take the conclusion with adding the explanation.

3.3.2. Data Analysis

In order to analyze the data on the novel Ugly more comprehensive, the

writer uses descriptive method to analyze and relate the data with precise theory.


Chapter IV


4.1. The Main Character: Clare

While reading a novel, we are usually introduced to some characters. According to the degree of the roles, characters can be divided into two types, the main or central character and the peripheral character. Referring to the statement of Nurgiyantoro (2005: 176-177), main character is kind of character which has main role in the story and always appears continually in every event as though it dominates the story.

Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the subject of main character on Ugly novel is Clare. The conclusion is plausible because Clare, who is the subject of main character, not only always appear from the beginning until the end of the novel but also exists in every event that comes in the novel.

In proportion to the fullness of their development, characterization is divided into two types; flat and round character. Based on the Ugly novel and definition of round character, it can be easily known intuitively that Clare is categorized as round character. But during the events, it can also be seen that Clare has development in her behavior. This development of her behavior, which is usually called development of character, can be divided as static character and dynamic character. These two types


of developing character require some analyses according to their definition to reveal the proof that Clare as the main character is not only as round character but also as development character. The analyses are based on the data, which are explained Clare’s character after abusing. It consists of being hateful, lack of confidence, being private. The analyses from some data are presented below:

Data 1

“…Still holding on to my minnie, my mother tugged me towards her. I went readily and tried not to make a sudden move because it hurt So much…

‘When are you going to stop pissing my bed? When? When?’ I didn’t answer. Pain prevented me from speaking…

With that she separated the mattress from the frame and the bed from the bed-wet alarm and struggled to get the mattress out through the door. ‘Fool, I though; stupid fool. What did I care for her mattress? I hated her.’…

My head was hurting, my nipples were on fire and the pain between my legs was intense, but I had survived…”

(Taken from Ugly, chapter 1)

Data 1 is separated into three fragments, which explains what Clare feels about. They can be analyzed to reveal the reason why Clare’s character is classified into round character.

The first fragment describes the frightened Clare when her mom abuses her. This happens because she feels painful after the abuse. The second fragment represents that Clare keeps anger in her heart but she does not have braveness to tell directly to


her mom. This fragment can also be interpreted as indirect presentation because Clare only shouts these words in her heart. This statement can be emphasized rightly that the authors show the characters in action; infer what they are like from what they think or say or do. (Laurence, Perrine, 1985: 66). The last fragment explains that there are many possibilities that can make Clare feels down after the abuse but she chooses to keep struggling even though she feels painful and frightened because of the abuse done by her mom.

According to the analyses, it can be concluded that Clare is categorized as round character because there are three behavior, such as fear, anger and struggle, which are opposite each other, complex, many-sided and require an essay for full analysis. (Laurence, Perrine, 1985: 67)

Data 2

When I was about seven, approaching eight, I used to think how nice would it be if, once in a while, someone bought me a new dress. Nothing fancy-just something that no one else had worn-maybe a soft cotton dress with pretty button with little green...and it always been my favourite colour…

…I had read recently in some magazine that here were operations where the doctor gave you a new mouth and a new nose, ones that my mother might find acceptable. Maybe they could make me pretty at the same time and then I could run away and another family might want me. Families don’t like ugly children-that’s a fact of life. ‘you are ugly’. That is what she said. Who would want me? (Ugly, page 47- 48)


The first fragment of data 2 describes Clare’s expectation to have someone that totally cares and loves her. It is reasonable because her mother always hurts her heart. As consequence, little Clare wishes to be beautiful and charming with glowing girl accessories to show off in front of her mother that she is pretty and also to get an acceptation from her mother. But in fact, she never gets what she expects. This condition makes her so hopeless.

The second fragment of data 2 describes the effect of being depressed that forces Clare to consider the possibilities to make over her face with surgery. In other words, it can be said that she feels inferior and disappointed with her physic appearance. She tries to change her looks but she does not have an ability to take an effort in making her physic better. This condition makes her so depressed that it forces her to think about how poor it is to be ugly. It also makes her to judges herself that she is unwanted child for her mother. It can be well understood because her mother always insults her with saying something bad about her physic. This maltreatment does not only destroy her self-image but also decreases her development progression.

Based on the analyses above, Clare’s character is not only categorized as round character but also dynamic character. Clare’s character is also dynamic character because there is character change that transforms her behavior from being hopeless into feels inferior and continues to be hateful person.


Data 3

I did not really have any friends- I was too busy for that. I suppose from that point of view I was regarded as a very private person, but on the other hand I liked being private. I liked being me.’ (Ugly, page 354)

Suffering the physical abuse that creates the negative impact in Clare’s character development, which is explained from data 1 and 2. It can be seen that the impact of abusing, which is conducted by her mother, makes her behavior continually dropped in its development progression. Data 3 shows the tendency that she becomes private person. This is reasonable because she does not only have no friends and too busy but also lost her ability to trust anyone. At last, this situation makes Clare’s character truly introvert person. As seen in Data 3 above, Clare’s character is not only as round character but also has tendency as dynamic character. According to Laurrence, Perrine, (1985 : 69) dynamic character undergoes a permanent change in some aspect of character, personality, or outlook. The change maybe a large or a small one, because there is character progression that changes painful skeptical person to be a fully introvert person.

Data 4

I want you to know that I will never ever speak to you again for the rest of my life. I have nothing to thank you for, Mummy.’ ‘I’ve never liked you, Mummy, never, ever. Oh, I tell a lie – I did once, but that was a long time ago.’ ‘Really,’ said my mother. ‘Yes. Along time ago when I was a child. (Ugly, page 396,397)


Data 5

„I came here to tell you that I was off and I’ve done it, so I’ll be on my way now. Mummy, I will never speak to you as long as I live and I think you know why.’ ‘So you really going, Clare?’ said Pauline. ‘Yes, I’ am going to be a barrister.’ ‘When we will see you again?’ ‘I’ am not planning on coming back. I’ll stay in New Castle.’ ‘What about Christmas?’ I’m not coming back. Not ever.’ (Ugly, page 398-399)

From data 4, it can be stated that the anger, which is buried in her heart, continually grows up until she enters adulthood. Her heart is full of neglect and hate to her mom when she remembers her annoying past. She reflects her hate with keeping persistently on rejecting a meeting and conversation with her mom as long as she lives. From data 5, the reflection of being hateful can also be described by her motivation to be a barrister. She also has strong motivation to achieve her dream as barrister to show that she has an ability to get what she wants even though her mother often abused her in her childhood. She even dare decided to take her own life independently far away from her mother. Compared with the analysis on data 1, there is significant difference in her behavior especially in her anger. The anger, which rises hateful in her heart, becomes bigger and still exists to her mother as long as she lives. Furthermore, this hateful forces her to take revenge to her mother. This kind of revenge does not only consist of keeping persistently on rejecting a meeting and conversation with her mom but also try showing her mom that she can achieve to be a barrister even though she suffered painful caused of abusing in her childhood.


According to Perrine, (1985 : 69), it can be concluded that Clare’s character is also dynamic character.

4.2 The Type of Child Abuse Experienced by Clare

This subchapter explains types of child abuse that happen to Clare in psychology. Psychology has deep relation with child abuse because capabilities to research any motivation that based on the human while deciding and doing some options. It can be easily known through psychology perspective why little Clare is always been hurt badly by her mother. Mirror stage is one of theory in Lacan’s psychoanalysis that can show the cause of child abuse experienced by Clare.

4.2.1. Physical abuse Data 1

“…She slapped me across the head with the shoe and punched me in the chest, and when I said, ‘no,’ she accused me again of being a liar and slapped me once more on the side of my head. She keep repeating the question; I repeated the answer and she slapped me on my thigh, my calves or my hand. I always tried to protect myself by putting my hand out, but it was more painful being struck on the hand than on the high...” (Ugly, chapter 1 page 1-16)


This fragment above is taken from Ugly novel at chapter 1. Based on chapter 1 on Ugly novel, it can be seen that Clare’s mother is often annoyed with her daughter because of her bed-wetting habit. Her mother tries to cure her daughter bad habit with consulting to the physician and even buying a tool as reminder to prevent her daughter wetting the bed but the effort is totally failed because Clare cannot release from her bad habit until she reaches at seven years old. This condition makes Clare’s mother lost her patience and as consequence she starts beating her daughter, Clare when she wets the bed. Regarding to the maltreatment done by Clare’s mother on chapter 1, there are many kinds of maltreatment that happens on this fragment above. According to Newberger, (1982 : 177,180), this typical of maltreatment can be classified as child abuse. Based on Archard, (2004 : 196), this practical of child abuse from this fragment on data 1 can be categorized as physical abuse, which is illustrated with slapping across the head with the shoe, punching the chest and regularly slapping thigh, calves and hand.

According to chapter 1 on Ugly novel, the beginning of the symptom that Clare wets the bed is being nervous. This nervous comes from being unwanted person, which is grown up because of harm maltreatment done by her mother. The main cause of being unwanted person is because of the denial of her figure done by her mother. Regarding to psychoanalytic criticism theory conducted by Lacan, (Wright, 1984: 108) about “desire of mother”, the unwanted feeling grows up when Clare as „Phallus’ fails in her attempt to satisfy her mother’s expectation because she does not


have attractive figure as her mother has. Furthermore, the word “desire”, which can be called “want” that refers to its metonym, denotes Clare’s mother expectation to her daughter. It can also be stated that if Clare cannot fulfill her mother expectation then her mother dissatisfaction will raise up. Referring to chapter 1, it can be assumed that Clare’s mother expects that a child in her pregnancy is pretty as same as her. The disappointed comes up to her mother when she births her daughter, Clare and realizes that the fact contrasts with her expectation because her daughter is not as pretty as she is. This disappoints rises up her mother dissatisfaction that brings harm maltreatment such as speaking unkind words to her daughter, Clare. This condition makes Clare become an unwanted person.

After having much harmless maltreatment, Clare’s feeling changes from being unwanted person becomes nervous. This feeling makes her wetting the bed regularly that makes her mother deciding to cure her daughter bad habit. Clare’s mother expectation is just one that is to make her daughter stop wetting the bed. Unfortunately, this expectation comes up to be dissatisfaction when Clare fails in her attempt to stop wetting the bed even though her mother has taken much effort to cure her habit by visiting physician regularly. This condition forces her mother to do some punishment to make her daughter realizing about her mistake. Based on the chapter 1, it can be seen that her mother often punish her daughter unfairly that makes her daughter become down. Regarding to the fragment on data 1, the unfair punishment can also be denoted as physical abuse. The combination among dissatisfaction,


harmless maltreatment and unfair punishment, which are done repeatedly, making Clare worse day by day, keeping her bad habit continually exist, which is usually followed with another punishment to make it stop. At last, this condition makes Clare suffer anxiety. As conclusion, the reason that the physical abuse, established by her mother is because Clare cannot completely fulfill her mother’s lack or expectation.

Data 2

My mother then doubled her fist and punched me in the stomach and on my upper thigh. „When are you going to stop? When are you going to stop?’ „When? When?’ I moved away as far as I could get. „I don’t know when. Soon. Now, I’m going to stop. Now.’ (Ugly, page 50)

Another maltreatment, which is suffered by Clare, is shown up in fragment above. According to Archard, (2004: 196), this practical of maltreatment can be classified as physical abuse, which is illustrated as punching on stomach and upper thigh. The main reason why Clare is often exposed by physical abuse, which is done by her mother, is because Clare as “phallus” for fulfilling the mother’s expectation is not satisfying. This condition destroys the mirror reflection between Clare and her mother. According to Mellard, (1991: 21), this mirror can be formulated as the subject = I | Other.

The meaning of mirror formulation above is „I’ represents Clare’s mother and the other represents Clare. This mirror reflection shows that Clare’s mother has significant role that controls Clare. In this novel, Clare is just as a shadow that always


follows what her mother wants. Throughout this mirror reflection, the abuse happens which causes the relation between Clare and her mother destroyed. The cause of the physical abuse can be verified from the belonging of Clare’s property. The mirror image is „a homologue for the Mother/Child symbolic relation’ (Wright, 1984: 108, 109)

Data 3

My back was against the work of surface and my hands were both on the table in front of me. Eastment took the cigarette in his right hand and said, „So I’m a fool, am I? All right, we’ll see who the fool is,’ and with that he stubbed the cigarette out on the back of my right hand. (Ugly, page 131)

In fragment above on data 3, it introduces the additional character, which is known having an affair with Clare’s mother. This man has the status as stepfather of Clare and never married Clare's mother. The physical abuse, suffered by Clare, is not only done by her mother but also done by her mother’s affair. As Clare’s stepfather, he does something horrible to her beloved daughter, Clare. Refer to the fragment on data 3, it can be seen that her father stubs the cigarette out on the back of Clare’s right hand. According to Archard, (2004: 196), this maltreatment can be categorized as physical abuse. This physical abuse makes a scar in Clare’s body and soul. The reason why her stepfather does maltreatment as same as Clare’s mother because Clare is influenced by her mother. In other words, both of them have a same role to conduct maltreatment to Clare.


Based on the mirror formula, both of them have the same symbol, such as „I’. In the other words, Clare must not only obey her mother desire but also her stepfather even though he is not her biological father. This statement deals with the structures of language are marked with social imperatives (Wright, 1984 : 109) which is conducted by Lacan. In other words, the maltreatment, which is done by both of them, is the example of societal imperatives about the structure of language in the Father's rules, laws and definitions, among which are those of 'child' and 'mother'.

Data 4

„What is there to tell?’ She pinched the skin to the left of the breast and twisted it in her hand. „Nothing,’ I said „I’m not going to tell. Nothing.’ „And why are you going to tell nothing? Why? Why? Why?’ She pinched my breast like a crab using a pincer movement. „I’m not going to tell, because you don’t want me to tell. My mother moved her hand to my left nipple and squeezed it between her fingers. „No, wrong again. I want you to tell everything. But what is there to tell? Has something happened to you? Tell me. What?’ The pain was such that I imagined my nipple coming off in my mother’s hand. The tears welled up in my eyes. (Ugly, page 186)

Based on fragment on data 4, Clare’s mother continues her maltreatment to her daughter until she surrenders and confesses about her mind. These maltreatment such as pinching the skin to the left of breast and then twisting it with hand or squeezing the left nipple between fingers are not only categorized as physical abuse but can also be classified more specifically as sexual abuse. This statement deals with Archard (2004: 196) about molestation; oral-genital, genital, or anal contact, because there are


sexual abuse activities such as hurting Clare’s sexual organs that remains hurtfulness that makes her becoming frustrated and cries the tears.

These conditions deals as Lacan said like the pattern of metaphor to what happens when the Father’s Law, the „Name-of-the-Father’, replaces the „desire of the mother’ (Wright, 1984: 111). The term of „Name-of-the-Father’ describes about father character that often gives his love and care to his daughter. It can also represent the relationship between father and his daughter. So it can be concluded that „Name -of-the-Father’ is substitution for the „Desire of the mother’ because her mother replaces the position of father to control Clare.

4.2.2. Physical Neglect Data 5

Because of my bed-wetting I was sometimes punished and put to sleep in a bed with just a bare mattress-no sheet, just a plastic cover- because my mother said that I would wet the bed anyway so it did matter. At the age of five I got my first alarm system. (Ugly, page 13)

The Fragment on data 5 above describes the impact of bad habit suffered by Clare such as wetting the bed that forces her mother to do any punishment that conducts maltreatment such as letting her to sleep in a bed with just a bare mattress -no sheet and just a plastic cover. Regarding to Archard, (2004: 196), this maltreatment can be


categorized, as physical neglect because her mother does not care about her own daughter needs and health.

In other words, it can be said that Clare must have a punishment because of her obedience in wetting the bed. This punishment is done because of the dislike from her mother to what her daughter does or her mother is too perfectionist. Therefore, the „Desire of the Mother’ stage is one of theory that can reveal significantly psychology side from this novel. Based on the fragment above, it indicates that the rules conducted by her mother, is the part of societal imperatives.

Data 6

By the time I was seven, my beatings were as regular as ever. The alarm failed to wake me, yet my mother always heard it. She would dash into my room when she heard it ring and drag me out of bed. Sometimes when she came into my room, she would remove the wet bedclothes and give me a mighty slap on the bare backside, then leave naked and shivering.(Ugly, page 15)

Besides the physical abuse such as punching on some serious organs area, data above shows that Clare does not only have beatings but also forced to be naked without any clothes in her body and shivering. Referring to Archard (2004: 196), this maltreatment such as letting Clare being naked and shivering can be categorized as physical neglect. This kind of neglect done by her mother is a part of punishment if Clare crosses the restriction which is conducted by her mother. This kind of punishment is hold to reduce the bad habit of Clare such as wetting the bed.


Besides on the physical neglected done by Clare’s mother, there are another maltreatments such as physical abuse that is often suffered by Clare in the rest of her childhood. According to fragment on data 6 above, it can be seen that the physical abuse, which is conducted when she reaches seven years, becomes the nostalgic moments or warning for her to obey the mother’s rules perfectly. This condition deals to Lacan’s concept about desire of the mother combine to keep the child’s ego -concept a profoundly illusory state (Wright, 1984: 109). From the statement before, it can be concluded that Clare’s mother often gives the rules that exactly not right that makes Clare in her development being suffered and depressed.

Data 7

We were all sitting around the table waiting for dinner to be served, when my mother removed my plate and put it on the side. She then served up the dinner to all the others. I was ignored. They had roast potatoes, chicken, carrots, sweet potatoes, onions and gravy. When I asked my mother where my dinner was, she said that if I were to eat it, it would go through too quickly and I would wet the bed. She then picked up my orange juice and drank with one go. „You’ll have a dry night tonight,’ she said. No one at the table said a word. I feared another beating so chose not to confront my mother. (Ugly, page 48, 49)

Based on fragment on data 7, there is another maltreatment that can be categorized as physical neglect. This kind of physical neglect is illustrated with removing dinnertime that Clare should have just for keeping her not to wet the bed in her night. The impact of this kind of physical neglect makes her mental development and health


becoming worse day by day. She chooses not to make any rebellion because she is afraid about the repeated another physical abuse that comes if she tries to confront her mother.

The statement that explains about the maltreatment is categorized as physical neglect based on Archard, (2004: 196). It is also clearly verified referring to Lacan’s concept that Clare as an illusion for her mother is the mirror- image that follows its every movement, to respond to every impulse (Wright, 1984: 108). The practical of physical neglect regarding to data 6 such as letting her being naked and shivering or in data 7 like removing the dinner is the impact from disobeying the rules just for fulfills her mother desire. This can be called the desire of the mother.

4.2.3. Sexual Abuse Data 8

I did not have any clothes on. As I tried to regain my balance I was partly on the floor on my hands and knees, and partly on the bed, with my feet in it and my bottom halfway out. I crawled backwards on my hands and ended up on my back in the bed, revealing my Minnie. As I reached to cover myself up, Eastman grabbed my Minnie and said, „What a nice little mitt.’ I puled the covers up over myself and tucked the blanket in under my chin. He started to talk and stared at him, not saying the word . I looked right throught him. „You better not tell your mammy,’ he warned, „or you get a beating and everybody know you a damn liar.’ (Ugly, page 39)


From the passage above, Clare does not only suffer physical abuse but also suffer sexual harassment from her mother affair. She does not have enough clothes to wear on that at last makes every inch from her body clearly exposed in every movement. While she wants to try hiding her part of exposed body, Eastman known as her mother affair grabs her vagina and says „what a nice little mitt’. This is an example of sexual harassment.

According to kinds of sexual abuse, this amoral treatment can be categorized as sexual abuse (contact) to the children under age. Based on Cavendish, (2009: 19), this amoral treatment can be described as molestation: oral- genital, genital, or anal contact. From the passage above, it can be seen that there are many restrictions that she must obey. These restrictions, conducted by Eastman that makes Clare lost her conscious in differing between right and wrong is totally wrong but in the other hand, these restrictions cannot be canceled. She will be punished if she does not obey these restrictions. Naturally, Clare’s mother must protect her daughter rights as a child and also makes her comfortable but in fact she is often suffered maltreatment, which is done not only her own mother but also her stepfather. This restriction, which is conducted by her mother and also her stepfather that makes Clare depressed, is totally whore mistake. This statement deals to Lacan concept about Symbolic Order that the language can not be violated.


Data 9

She boxed my ears and punched my upper arms. „You little bitch, you’ve got too mouth. Ignored, her Eastment. Clare will get into trouble -leave her alone.’ (Ugly, page 131)

The following physical abuse does not only just expose to some organs but also comes with sexual abuse (contact). This sexual abuse consists of derogatory comments, slurs, jokes and epithets. The word „bitch’ in this data shows that the physical abuse, which is done by Clare’s mother can be classified into sexual harassment (Thomas, 2007 : 298). It can be easily verified that there is a broken connection through mirror perspective between both of character. This condition finally develops into psychology perspective that has relation with mirror theory. At last, sexual abuse destroys the mirror reflection between Clare and her mother. The desire from Clare’s mother cannot be fulfilled by Clare, which at last raises child abuse.

Another kind of maltreatment besides on sexual abuse regarding to fragment above on data 9 is emotional abuse from her mother. Emotional abuse is a concerted attack on a child’s development of self. And also it takes five forms: rejecting, isolating, terrorizing, ignoring and corrupting (Archard, 2004: 196). From the passage above on data 9 describes that Clare’s mother ruin her own daughter because Clare is often considered as troublemaker. The relationship between mother and her own daughter is


broken because her own daughter cannot fulfill her mother’s expectation. This statement deals with mirror theory.

Data 10

„Say what, say what?’ Go on, say it, you ugly black bitch. „You think I am your father, you fucking shithouse?’(Ugly, page 131)

Based on the data above, the abusing not only comes from her mother but also comes from the man that has affair with her mom. Clare individually gets same treatment from her stepfather as same as her mother does such as humiliating words. Regarding to psychology side, there are union behavior or character between her stepfather and her mother. Therefore, the abuse, which is done by her mother is same as that her stepfather does, such as sexual harassment (Thomas, 2007: 298). The humiliation word that is shouted by her stepfather should not do to Clare as a child.

Data 11

It was just before nine o’clock. I thought I was safe, but then my mother burst in, and said that I was not allowed to sleep with clothes on because I would only make them wet. She grabbed hold of me and remove my clothes. Then she shouted, „Pauline, Patsy, Carl-come quick! Come see your sister. See how she’s naked-have a look. (Ugly, page 50)

Clare’s mother tells her daughter to remove her clothes to avoid it being wet from her pee. After that, she calls every member of family and humiliates Clare in front of Clare’s sister to show that how Clare looks like if she naked. This maltreatment can be


categorized as non contact sexual abuse (Cavendish, 2009: 19). The goal for making Clare being naked is to show the difference of Clare among her sisters. This condition shows that her mother wants to shows to every Clare’s sister that she is dumb, stupid, ugly, wetting the bed and also to make a warning to every member of family supposed not to follow Clare bad habit.

This condition proves that Clare’s mother has big power to control Clare’s life movement and also her sisters too. Clare’s mother commands have urgent priority to be obeyed. This condition also shows the existence of desire of the mother that must be fulfilled. At the end, Clare’s mother will control everything regarding to her will.

4.2.4. Emotional Abuse or Psychological Maltreatment Data 12

My mother put me on my own up in the attic at the very top of the house. It was not the sort of room that anyone would want to stay in for very long. In really bad weather the rain would pour in; sometimes it would set my alarm off and it would wake me up. So it was not just me who wet the bed-the rain did as well. (Ugly, page 32)

From the passage above on data 12, the maltreatment, which is described above can be categorized as emotional abuse. It is illustrated that Clare’s mother put Clare on the attic at the very top of the house. This is uncomfortable and also unhealthy room to be stayed especially for her as a child because it will pour in when the rain comes.


According to this passage above on data 12, kind of maltreatment above can be categorized as emotional abuse because there is isolating activities that harm for child.

This kind of maltreatment makes a trauma in Clare’s soul because her mother expectation to make her as same as she is cannot be fulfilled. The tendency of being perfect forces her mother to makes her daughter becoming a puppet, which always follows her mother will. The meaning puppets can be called illusions. There are many factors that force her mother to put on Clare staying in the attic. One of the factors is that her mother sees Clare as the daughter that eligible to have unhappy treatment because of her weakness. This condition raises a conflict on the relationship between mother and daughter. It can be said that every movement of Clare is controlled by her mother. This statement deals with the progression to Mirror stage to Symbolic Order referring to Wright (1984: 108).

Data 13

I sat with my back to the door for the whole night. I remember it getting darker and darker. The next thing I remember is the key turning in the lock the next morning. I did not have time to get out of the way. It was my mother. When she tried to push the door open, she felt resistance. She popped her head around and saw me sitting there. She pushed the door hard so that it opened, squashing me against the wall. Ignoring me, she marched upstairs. She never spoke to me all day. (Ugly, page 44)

Another maltreatment such as ignoring that is established by Clare’s mother to her daughter could be categorized as emotional abuse. This typical of ignoring can be


illustrated as the isolating a child in closed unhealthy room in one night or more (Archard, 2004: 196). Clare does not have any spare time to go outside. She is being isolated, ignoring and alone in loneliness. This type of maltreatment can have a serious impact for her mental development. The uncared of her mother to her own daughter starts from the dissatisfaction of her expectation. All of kind maltreatment happen because of the requirements that Clare should fulfill cannot be accomplished. This makes the reflection between mother and daughter is broken.

The word Desire refers to its metonym is the desired, which can be called as want. Clare’s mother has big expectations or big wants and has an ability to take whatever she wants to her. It deals to mirror-stage. From this reason, Clare’s mother can controlled her own daughter movements to fulfill her wants.

4.3 The Effect of Child Abuse on Clare

This subchapter explains the impact after Clare receives all kind of abusing from her mother. These impacts will be classified into the part of the novel that can be proven.

Data 1

Over a period of time my mother’s treatment of me made me very nervous. I was bed-wetting ever since I knew my self. This infuriated my mother and was the cause of most of beatings I had. (Ugly, page 12)


Data 2

That night, I had terrible nightmare. I dreamed that my mother was in the room with me, using her mummy hands to have a got at my nipples in the way that only she knew how. My nighdress was soaked with sweat but when I opened my eyes my mother was not in my room. I felt my nipples. They were still there. I turned over and went back to sleep. ( Ugly, page 342)

The abuse, which is experienced by Clare, has serious impact that rises feeling „nervous’ to her. Nervous described in the data above can be declared as anxiety over a period of time. Anxiety can be categorized into three parts, which have different meaning each part. Firstly according to book entitled the primer of Freudian psychology, anxiety is a painful emotional experience, which is produced by excitation in internal organs of the body. These excitations result from internal body or external stimulation (Hall, 1954: 61)

The statement above can be proven from the treatment, which is done by Clare’s mother that makes Clare nervous. The word „nervous’ can be reflected as reality anxiety, which is a traumatic experience because of the past event or people (Hall, 1954: 63). Anxiety rises up because there is intense abusing that makes Clare nervous.

It can be easily verified from data 2 in event that she was dreaming because of the horrible condition. This statement can be explained in data 2 that Clare gets same treatment in physical abusing, such as pinching her nipples, which is only Clare’s mother that knew how to do it. This data has been verified that has same correlation


with reality anxiety. Reality anxiety is the trauma itself and because of it, Clare suffers nightmare in unconscious.

Data 3

All my preparations were going well until my mother came in, looked over my shoulder and asked if I had finished seasoning the chiken. „Yes,’ I said. „Have you prepared the chiken?’ she repeated. „Yes.’ I began to feel nervous. „Look at the chiken – have you prepared it?’ I looked carefully at the chiken, but could see nothing wrong with it. It looked like nice chiken to me. „Look at it.’ She pushed my head in the direction of the chiken. „Tell me: what you can see?’ (Ugly, page 70)

The passage above on data 3 describes that Clare is on duty to prepare the chicken to be cooked, after that her mother comes to her and asks some questions repeatedly. This condition makes her so nervous because of the fear of doing any mistakes that make her getting the punishment.

According to statement above, she suffers neurotic anxiety. Based on the book, titled the primer of Freudian psychology, neurotic anxiety is aroused by a perception of danger from the instincts (Hall, 1954: 68-69). This situation held when her mother cannot tolerate her mistakes. The word „nervous’ can describe as what Clare feels about the fear of the punishment that really comes true after her mother ask her question repeatedly. This maltreatment, which is done repeatedly by her mother,


makes her daughter suffers anxiety in every what she does and thinks. Another argument from another data can be seen below

Data 4

I checked again. Then I saw them. There were three white hairs visible on the skin on the back, and about another five lower down. Oh my God, I thought to myself, how did I manage to miss them? I started to pluck at the hairs with my bare hands. „I don’t know how they got there,’ said nervously. „You didn’t see the hairs! You didn’t see the hairs! Well I can see them. Look, there is one. Can you see it?’ She picked one off and thrust it into my face. The hair was moist and stuck to the side of my cheek. She grabbed me by my right ear and pulled me away from the stove. (Ugly, page 70-71)

It can be analyzed more deeply that the root of being nervous suffered by Clare is the fear that comes from the punishment when she does something wrong. The word „nervously’ is the main reason that she suffers neurotic anxiety. The condition that makes her guilty becoming stronger makes her so nervous. The tendency of being perfect, which is suffered by her mother, forces Clare not to do any little mistakes while running some works. When the mistake happens then it can be assured that she is in trouble that makes her so nervous. This fear exists because the punishment will come up after the failure happens. From the statement above, the meaning of anxiety on data 4 can be categorized as neurotic anxiety, which is aroused by a perception of danger from the instincts. (Hall, 1954: 68).


Data 5

My humiliation was complete. Not only I was unable to prevent myself wetting the bed, the mere presence of my mother and/or a bedtime beating made me so nervous that I sometimes emptied my bladder in front of her, which was seen as an act of defiance (Ugly, page 15)

The humiliation to Clare is totally perfect. Because of the humiliation, the existence of her mother makes her daughter, Clare, so nervous. She cannot stop her habit such as wetting the bed because the existence of her mother makes her being afraid and finally being nervous. Based on Hall (1954: 63), the anxiety which is suffered by her on data 5 can be categorized as reality anxiety.

This condition shows that the present of her mother makes Clare trauma to something terrible which has been done by her own mother. Her mother that should take care, love and protect changes into something horrible to her own daughter because of her terrible attitude. This condition is true that the fear of Clare changes into nervous whenever her mother is present then the maltreatment exists. Another situation that has any relation with condition on data 5 can be seen in the following passage.

Data 6

Soon I was finding it harder than harder to concentrate. I never felt relaxed when I was at home because I was always on alert- listening out for the front door. Every time someone opened it, I froze-and if I heard my mother’s footsteps on the stairs I would dive under the bed. (Ugly, page 374)


Same with the passage on data 5, the fragment on data 5 describes the fear of Clare that changes into trauma because of the present of her mother. Because of traumatic experiences, it is described that she feels insecure when she hears her mother footstep and then hiding under the bed. She also cannot concentrate and feel comfortable at home. This condition rises because of the existence of maltreatment that continually established which makes deeper scar in her soul.

This statement has been verified that Clare suffers reality anxiety that makes big impact to her mental development. This condition is hold when the presence of her mother makes her feels insecure because the maltreatment in her past that always ghosts her up. This statement refers to Hall’s definition of reality anxiety such as traumatic experience of some event or personal (Hall, 1954: 63).

Data 7

Over a period of time I became very nervous and jumpy whenever my mother was striking distance. My bed-wetting was out of control. (Ugly, page 31)

Over period of time, Clare becomes very nervous when her mother has enough striking distance. Because of her nervous, her bad habit such as wetting the bed is hardly to stop and this situation makes her changes into anxiety. This anxiety can be categorized as neurotic anxiety.


Neurotic anxiety aroused by a perception of danger from the instincts, (Hall, 1954 : 64). Clare’s anxiety is the alert from the presence of danger that makes her to take any action as a response to a certain stimuli. The certain stimuli are the maltreatment that will happen if she makes some mistakes. Her anxiety based on instinct can be done repeatedly in herself. She does not feel comfortable in her home and is often ghosted up with the part of nostalgic bad event about maltreatment in her own home. The meaning of abuse in Ugly novel is the representation of the broken relationship between mother and child because of the imperfect mirror-stage execution.




5.1 Conclusions

Mirror-Stage concept, which often presents indirectly in novel “Ugly”, is a theory that is always used to reveal the reason why the practical of child abuse such as physical abuse, physical neglect or sexual abuse are often done to the subject of main character that is Clare. This maltreatment causes serious injury in Clare psychology such as anxiety. The mother should care her daughter and not to hurt her.


After establishing this research, the words below are few comments that are related of making this paper, such as:

1. Research in novel is the best way for student to investigate systemically about the content of the novel such as intrinsic, extrinsic, setting, theme, characterization and etc.

2. Psychoanalytic stage criticism should be developed deeper.

3. Psychoanalytic criticism has an important role to create new stories because of its ability of analyzing the human side of each character


Psychoanalytic criticism can reveal the reason why some events happen in around people regarding to their characters in real life and it can even apply in every work field.

4. Psychoanalytic criticism can analyze the structure of human mind, soul and think. It is remarkable branch of knowledge.



Abstract ... i

Abstrak ... ii

Acknowledgment ... iii

Table of Content ... vi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study ... 1

1.2 Research questions ... 3

1.3 Objectives ... ... 4

1.4 Significance to knowledge ... 4

1.5 Frame of the Theories ... 5

1.6 Method of study ... 7

1.7 Data collecting ... 7

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW 2.1 Definition of character ... 9

2.1.1. Types of character ... 10 2.1.2. Character development ... 12

2.2 Child Abuse ... 13 2.2.1. Kind of Child abuse ... 14

2.3 Mirror stage in the theory of psychoanalysis ... 16

2.4 Effects of child abuse ... 19

2.4.1. Anxiety ... 19


3.2 Source of Data ... 23

3.2.1. Synopsis ... 23

3.3 Research Method ... 24

3.3.1. Data Collection ... 25



4.1 The Main Character : Clare ... 27

4.2 The type of child abuse experienced by Clare... 33

4.2.1 Physical Abuse ... 33 4.2.2 Physical Neglect ... 39

4.2.3 Sexual Abuse ... 42

4.2.4 Emotional Abuse ... 46

4.3 The effect of child abuse on Clare ... 48

CHAPTER V CONCLUSSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusion ... 55 5.2 Suggestion ... 55

References ... 57 Curriculum Vitae ...




Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements of Sarjana Sastra Degree

DEBORA MMS 63703021




Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Identity

1. Name : Debora Mety Margareta. S 2. Place and Date of Birth : Bandung, March 8th, 1985 3. Student Number : 63703021

4. Major : English Department

5. Sex : Female

6. Nationality : Indonesia 7. Religion : Christian 8. Phone Number : 022 69740841 9. Mobile Number : -

10.Address : Gunung Mas kav 41 11.Email Address : 12.Weight : 48 Kg

13.Height : 150 Cm

14.Marital Status : Married / Single 15. Parents

1. Father : Parlindungan. S Occupation : Entrepreneur

Address : Gunung Mas kav 41 2. Mother : Minar Ros Minah. H

Occupation : Civil Servant Address : Gunung Mas kav 41


B. Formal Education

BAPTIS Elementary school 1991-1997, PAULUS Junior High School 1997-2000, SMUN 6 Bandung 2000-2003.

C. Informal Education

English First course level 3 from October 14th 2002 to January 24th 2003, English First course level 4 from May 26th to August 15th 2003, Translating and

Interpreting Workshop at Jatinangor, June 28th 2010, Pelatihan Penulisan Naskah Buku dan Karya Ilmiah at Gedung Auditorium Bandung, July 8th 2010,

Meningkatkan Motivasi Mahasiswa Sastra untuk Berprestasi dan Berkreasi at Gedung Auditorium UNIKOM on January 18th 2007.

D. Experiences

As a committee in ELITE’06 at Alam Sejuk Bandung on September 14-16, 2006.

Bandung, August 4th 2010



Burhan Nurgiyantoro. 2005. Teori Pengkajin Skripsi, GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY PRESS,Yogyakarta

Calvin S. Hall. 1954. A Primer of Freudian Psychology, New York and Scarborough, Ontario

Edgar V Roberts. 1964. Writing Theme About Literature. Herbert H Lehman College of The City of University of New York.

Elizabeth Wright. 1984. Psychoanalytic criticism, Theory in Practice, London and New York


James M. Mellard. 1991. Using Lacan, Reading Fiction, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS, Urbana and Chicago

John W. Creswell. 1994. Research Designed, Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, London New, Delhi

Klarer, Mario. 1998. An Introduction to Literary Studies, London: Routledge

Kutharatna, I Nyoman. 2006. Teory, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta

Laurrence, Perrine. 1985. Literature. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc: United States of America.



Brigid C. Harrison, Thomas. 2007. (Power and society: An introduction to the social Sciences)

Marshall Cavendish. 2009. Sex and Society, Volume 1 David Archard. 2004. Children : Rights and Childhood


Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Identity

1. Name : Debora Mety Margareta. S 2. Place and Date of Birth : Bandung, March 8th, 1985 3. Student Number : 63703021

4. Major : English Department

5. Sex : Female

6. Nationality : Indonesia 7. Religion : Christian 8. Phone Number : 022 69740841 9. Mobile Number : -

10.Address : Gunung Mas kav 41 11.Email Address : 12.Weight : 48 Kg

13.Height : 150 Cm

14.Marital Status : Married / Single 15. Parents

1. Father : Parlindungan. S Occupation : Entrepreneur

Address : Gunung Mas kav 41 2. Mother : Minar Ros Minah. H

Occupation : Civil Servant Address : Gunung Mas kav 41


B. Formal Education

BAPTIS Elementary school 1991-1997, PAULUS Junior High School 1997-2000, SMUN 6 Bandung 2000-2003.

C. Informal Education

English First course level 3 from October 14th 2002 to January 24th 2003, English First course level 4 from May 26th to August 15th 2003, Translating and

Interpreting Workshop at Jatinangor, June 28th 2010, Pelatihan Penulisan Naskah Buku dan Karya Ilmiah at Gedung Auditorium Bandung, July 8th 2010,

Meningkatkan Motivasi Mahasiswa Sastra untuk Berprestasi dan Berkreasi at Gedung Auditorium UNIKOM on January 18th 2007.

D. Experiences

As a committee in ELITE’06 at Alam Sejuk Bandung on September 14-16, 2006.

Bandung, August 4th 2010



Burhan Nurgiyantoro. 2005. Teori Pengkajin Skripsi, GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY PRESS,Yogyakarta

Calvin S. Hall. 1954. A Primer of Freudian Psychology, New York and Scarborough, Ontario

Edgar V Roberts. 1964. Writing Theme About Literature. Herbert H Lehman College of The City of University of New York.

Elizabeth Wright. 1984. Psychoanalytic criticism, Theory in Practice, London and New York


James M. Mellard. 1991. Using Lacan, Reading Fiction, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS, Urbana and Chicago

John W. Creswell. 1994. Research Designed, Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, London New, Delhi

Klarer, Mario. 1998. An Introduction to Literary Studies, London: Routledge

Kutharatna, I Nyoman. 2006. Teory, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta

Laurrence, Perrine. 1985. Literature. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc: United States of America.



Brigid C. Harrison, Thomas. 2007. (Power and society: An introduction to the social Sciences)

Marshall Cavendish. 2009. Sex and Society, Volume 1 David Archard. 2004. Children : Rights and Childhood



First of all, I would like to thank you to JESUS CHRIST because of HIS mercy and power I can finish this paper entitled The Effect of Child Abuse on The Main Character in the novel Ugly by Constance Briscoe.

This paper is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements of sarjana sastra degree in Indonesia Computer University. Thanks to all of you for support, care and the spirit that have contribution for making this skrpsi.

I would like to thank you very much to Dr. Nia Kurniasih, S.S, M.Hum as Advisor I for your attention, support and idea in finishing this skripsi. And thank you very much to Mr. Sandya Maulana S.S for giving me the time, support, idea and chance to finishing this skripsi.

For all my friends in 03 S1 and 04 S1 thanks a lot for all your support. I enjoy our friendship in everything that we do together. Wish you all the best, guys!

And I would to thank you to Mr. Tigor and family, Sarijadi family, Dina and Jo thanks a lot for your care, support, strength, and advise for me to not giving up in finishing this skripsi. Thank you very much for all your love and kindness. For my family, Mom, Dad thanks for all your help even though we


have an argument in making this skripsi, but I know you wish the best for me. And my brother, Radot the only one brother that I have, thanks for all your support, and idea. Thanks, Bro.

At last, there is nothing perfect in this world including this paper. Hoping that the weaknesses of this paper could be the media for learning and creates another critics to make this paper better.

Bandung, July 2010