Conditions Responsible for Personality Change

19 changing self-concept. Those obstacles are related to intellectual, emotional, and environmental p. 128.

B. Theoretical Framework

To answer the first problem, this study uses the theory of character and characterization. In studying personality development in this study, it is essential to know how the personality description of Olga before she experiences change is. The characterization is done through some ways as Murphy’s theory has explained. The personality of Olga can be seen directly from the author’s words of the novel or it is obtained by analyzing her through speech, others conversations, past experiences, reactions, etc. After collecting infor mation about Olga’s personality descriptions, it can be seen what kind of character Olga is. Some kinds of character also have been explained in the previous part. The second problem uses the psychological approach and personality development theory. Through the psychological approach, it is important to realize that I analyze on Olga’s behavior as the main character of Follow Your Heart. Furthermore, through personality development theory, I am able to understand what kind of change is experienced by Olga. Afterward, I analyze what factors which affect Olga’s personality development. There will be some possibilities factors which cause Olga’s personality development since Susanna Tamaro tells t he story of Olga’s childhood until she grows adult in this novel. 20


This chapter consists of three parts. The first part is the object of the study. This part provides some information about the literary work which is studied. Next, the second part reveals the approach of this study. It provides the rationale of using the approach. The third part is the method of this study. In this part, I give a description about the steps in conducting the study.

A. Object of the Study

The object of this novel is a fictional novel entitled Follow Your Heart by Susanna Tamaro. This novel was published by Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Incorporated, New York in 1996. This novel has 15 chapters and 204 pages. The title of each chapter is in the form of date such as November 20 in the third chapter and December 4 in the ninth chapter. Susanna Tamaro is an Italian see Appendix B. The original title of this novel in Italian is Va’ dove ti porta il cuore. Then, it was translated into English by John Cullen. In addition, this novel has been translated into 35 languages. This novel became an international best seller in 1994. Moreover, it also became an “Italian book most sold in the 20 th century” with sales of two and a half million copies. Another award for this novel is “Donna Citta” in Rome. There is also a film which was made based on this novel. Christina Comencini is an Italian who made a film from this novel in 1995. This novel tells about a grandmother named Olga who writes a long love letter for her granddaughter like a diary. In her letter, she reveals all her secrets in 21 her past which have strong connection with her granddaughter. She feels that she needs to write her letter because she just gets a serious disease after her granddaughter leaves her under pretext to study abroad. Olga thinks that her life is not long anymore so she decides to do a confession through her letter. Since her granddaughter turns adult, they often have quarrel. Each of them has different way of thinking. They live from different generation. Through this novel, Olga tries to reveal her regret, hopes and love for her granddaughter see Appendix A.

B. Approach of the Study

This study uses the psychological approach. Psychological approach is an approach which uses psychological theories in solving problems. Psychological approach focuses on human behavior. According to Kalish 1972, “Psychology is the science that attempts to understand, describe, predict, and influence behavior – particularly human behavior” p. 4. It shows that psychological approach is able to solve the main problem of this study. Baron 1995 also supports, “Psychologists seek to obtain scientific information on virtually every imaginable aspect of human behavior” p. 2. In this study, I focuses on Olga’s behavior in personality development aspect. Using psychological approach, people can learn about individuals who experience development in their personality. The approach is used to answer the main problem which aims to find out the factors which affect O lga’s personality development. Personality development is a part of the study of human behavior. Aiken 1969 defined behavior as ”any observable movement or activity of a human being” p. 2. I 22 observe Olga’s behavior which is visible from the novel such as from her experience, act, and thought, etc. Here, I analyze the factors which can make Olga experience change or development. It is clear that psychological approach is the best approach for this study.

C. Method of the Study

Library research was the method of this study. The problems of this study came from literary work as the primary source, Susanna Tamaro’s Follow Your Heart . Besides, I needed some additional sources as the second sources to solve the problems. Secondary sources of this study were mainly the books which were related to the character and characterization theory and personality development theory. Some of the secondary sources which were used in this study were Understanding Unseen an Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students, Aspects of the novel and related writings, Discovering Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays, Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, Reading and Writing about Literature, Theory of Personality: Understanding Persons, Personality Development, The Psychology of Human Behavior, etc. I did some steps in conducting this library research. First, I found out the primary source. I chose a novel which was interesting to be a research source. After choosing a novel, I read it for many times to improve the comprehension of the story. Then, I decided what topic which would be discussed in this study. When I already had the idea about the general topic, I did brainstorming. According to George 2008, brainstorming means ”Examining your topic from a 23 variety of angles —keeping an open mind and an open research log, the former to invite new ideas and the latter to house them ” p. 49. I did brainstorming by reading other researches and discussing with some friends. Those processes produced the two research questions to be solved. Next, I tried to find way to solve the problems. I found out the secondary sources before solving the problems. Relevant data from secondary sources was gathered as the materials to do the analysis in this study. When the data was enough, I did the analysis. First, I revealed the personality of Olga by using character and characterization theory. I highlighted information from the primary book to support the personality which was revealed. I m ade a list of Olga’s personalities and added the explanations and evidences. Moreover, I used the psychological approach which was personality development theories to analyze what factors which influence the personality development of Olga. Last, I drew conclusion of this study as the result which was useful for future research and others. In addition, I did consultation and sharing with advisor and friends for every part to have a better study.