Physical Change Factors Affecting Olga’s Personality Development



This chapter consists of three parts. The first part concludes the answers of the two research problems based on the analysis. The next part is the implications of this study to education. Then, the last part is the suggestions for future researchers and teachers who will use Susanna Tamaro’s Follow Your Heart.

A. Conclusions

After working on the analysis, there are some findings which can be concluded. Those findings are Olga’s personality description and factors which affect Olga’s personality development. Through the analysis it is clear that Olga is a round character since she has many traits portrayed in the novel and she experiences personality development during her life. In Olga’s personality description, there are two important things which can be gained from the analysis. The first point is about Olga’s physical and social description. From the analysis, it can be concluded that Olga is an 82-year-old woman who has a serious illness and she has one granddaughter only. During her life she lives in a middle-class family. Olga does not have family anymore besides her granddaughter since her family and her husband have passed away. Next, the second point is about Olga’s personality description. Before undergoing development, she is a smart, permissive, obedient, kind-hearted, and introverted person. Based on the analysis, Olga is analyzed as a character who undergoes a personality development. Olga’s personality development is labeled as qualitative 44 change, better change, and rapid change. Olga changes from introverted to extroverted. There are two factors which affect Olga’s change. The first factor which affects Olga’s changes is physical change. Olga gets physical change in which is suddenly she gets a serious illness. Besides her age which is getting older, her serious illness changes her self-concept to be extroverted rapidly. Olga thinks that she will not live longer so that she must be extroverted in the rest of her life. The second factor is strong motivation. Olga has a strong motivation to change her personality from introverted to extroverted because of three reasons. The first reason is Olga considers that if she does not admit and understand her mistakes, her life will be meaningless. Second, Olga does not want to have the same experience as in the past. Olga does not want to have unsaid words between her granddaughter and herself as she has experienced it when Augusto her husband dies. Third, Olga is eager to repair her relationship with her granddaughter by being more open.

B. Implications

In this study, I provide a lesson plan using Susa nna Tamaro’s Follow Your Heart novel. This lesson plan can be used in Basic Reading II Class at English Language and Education Study Program. This course is aimed for university students in semester II who have passed Basic Reading I Course. In the lesson plan, the students are demanded to identify the main ideas in Follow Your Heart passages by applying reading strategies such as skimming, previewing, scanning and guessing words meanings from context. Next, the students must be able to increase literal and inferential comprehension about the text by reading the chosen