DMS Execution Context Usage

Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service 6-15 event-route enabled for server AdminServer

6.7.2 Configuring Destinations

DMS offers the following types of destinations: ■ LoggerDestination ■ MBean Creator Destination ■ HTTP Request Tracker Destination ■ JRockit Flight Recorder Destination LoggerDestination

Instances of logger destinations write events to the named logger at a log level of FINER. The loggerName property specifies the name of a logger, but the logger does not necessarily have to be described in logging.xml, though it can be. If the logger name refers to a logger that is explicitly named in logging.xml, then the logger is referred to as a static logger see Section . If the logger name refers to a logger that is not explicitly named in logging.xml, then the logger is referred to as a dynamic logger see Section . Use in the default configuration : the default configuration defines a logger destination, with an identification of LoggerDestination. This particular instance does not form part of any eventRoute and therefore is not active. It is provided for convenience, and uses a dynamic logger. Static Loggers and Handlers Loggers are the objects to which log records are

presented. Log handlers are the objects through which log records are written to log files. For complete control over the log file to which DMS trace data is written, define the logger named in the logger destination in logging.xml. Doing this allows you to explicitly define the name of the log file, the maximum size, format, file rotation and policies. Oracle recommends using commands like the example below to update the configuration. setLogLevellogger=myTraceLogger, level=FINER, addLogger=1; configureLogHandlername=my-trace-handler, addToLogger=[myTraceLogger], path=tmpmyTraceLogFilestrace, maxFileSize=10m, maxLogSize=50m, handlerType=oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLHandlerFactory, addHandler=1, useParentHandlers=0; configureLogHandlername=my-trace-handler, Description The LoggerDestination writes each event to the associated logger. Implementing Class oracle.dms.trace2.runtime.LoggerDestination Properties loggerName The name of the ODL logger to which events will be written.