Adding and Editing Destinations

6-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning Guide Use in the default configuration: An instance of the HTTP request tracker destination is enable by default. In the case of a DFW incident being generated the active HTTP request list will be dumped automatically, allowing an administrator to correlate the failure with a specific request. For each HTTP request the following information will be dumped: ■ URI such as webcenterhome ■ Start time of the request ■ ECID ■ Query string ■ HTTP Headers When the HTTP request tracker is not enabled the HTTP Request Dump will output the following: HTTP Requests are not being tracked. To enable HTTP request tracking enable the DMS oracle.dms.event.HTTPRequestTrackerDestination in dms_config.xml Executing the HTTP Request Tracker Dump The information being maintained by

the HTTP request tracker can be accessed manually. In order to execute the dump that reports the HTTP request information the WLST executeDump command can be used, when connected to a server, as follows: executeDumpname=http.requests Active Requests: StartTime: 2009-12-14 02:24:41.870 ECID: 0000IMChyqEC8xT6uBf9EH1B9X9000009,0 URI: myAppWelcome.jsp QueryString: Headers: Host: Connection: keep-alive User-Agent: Mozilla5.0 Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US AppleWebKit532.5 KHTML, like Gecko Chrome4.0.249.30 Safari532.5 Accept: applicationxml,applicationxhtml+xml,texthtml;q=0.9,textplain;q=0.8,imagepng, ;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate Cookie: ORA_MOS_LOCALE=en7CGB; s_nr... Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6 Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,;q=0.3 JRockit Flight Recorder Destination

The JRockit Flight Recorder JFR records information regarding the runtime status and behavior of the JRockit JVM. JFR also exposes an API through which third party events can be reported. JFR is available in JRockit R28 and beyond. By themselves DMS traces and JFR traces only show part of the picture of the actions being performed in the server. DMS integration with JFR enhances the diagnostic information available to administrators and developers as follows: 1. Application level events and JVM level events can be reported as a single sequence therefore avoiding the need to combine such events from separate log files based