Minimize Client Response Time

Oracle Human Workflow Performance Tuning 16-7 on clustered architecture, see Section 28.2, Using Clusters with Oracle Fusion Middleware .

16.4 Completing Workflows Faster

The time it takes for a workflow to complete depends on the routing type specified for the workflow. The workflow functionality provides some options that can be used to improve the amount of time it takes to complete workflows. Some of these options are discussed in this section: ■ Use Workflow Reports to Monitor Progress ■ Specify Escalation Rules ■ Specify User and Group Rules for Automated Assignment ■ Use Task Views to Prioritize Work

16.4.1 Use Workflow Reports to Monitor Progress

Several workflow reports and corresponding views are available that can make monitoring and proactively fixing problems easier. A few of these reports are listed below: ■ The Unattended Tasks Report provides a list of group tasks that need attention since they have not yet been acquired by any user to work on. ■ The Task Cycle Time Report gives an idea of how much time it takes for a particular type of workflow to complete. ■ The Task Productivity Report indicates the inflow and outflow of tasks for different users. ■ The Assignee Time Distribution Report provides a detailed drill-down of the time spent by each user during the task life cycle including the idle time when the task was waiting to be picked up by a user. All of these reports can be used effectively to fix problems. By checking unattended tasks report, you can assign tasks that have been in the queue for a long time to specific users. By monitoring cycle time and other statistics, you can add staff to groups that are overloaded or take a longer time to complete. Thus reports can be used effectively to ensure workflows complete faster.

16.4.2 Specify Escalation Rules

To ensure that tasks do not get stuck at any user, you can specify escalation rules. For example, you can move a task to a manager if a certain amount of time passes without any action being taken on the task. Custom escalation rules can also be plugged in if the task must be escalated to some other user based on alternative routing logic. By specifying proper escalation rules, you can reduce workflow completion times.

16.4.3 Specify User and Group Rules for Automated Assignment

Instead of manually reassigning tasks to other users or members of a group, you can use user and group rules to perform automated reassignment. This ensures that workflows get timely attention. For example, a user can set up a user rule such that workflows of a specific type and matching a certain filter criteria are automatically reassigned to another user in a specified time window. Similarly, a group rule can be used to automatically reassign workflows to a member of the group based on different