Setting Performance-Related Replication Configuration Attributes

23-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning Guide The ping interval can be modified in the ORACLE_ INSTANCEconfigOPMNopmnopmn.xml as shown below: process-type id=OVD module-id=OVD module-data category id=start-options data id=java-bin value=ORACLE_HOMEjdkbinjava data id=java-options value=-server -Xms2056m -Xmx2056m -Dvde.soTimeoutBackend=0 -DdisableECID=1 -Dcommon.components.home=ORACLE_HOME..oracle_common data id=java-classpath value=ORACLE_ HOMEovdjlibvde.jar:ORACLE_HOMEjdbclibojdbc6.jar category module-data stop timeout=120 ping interval=60 process-type ■ Tune the number of worker threads based on the number of central processing units CPU available for Oracle Virtual Directory Server on the system. The Threads configuration parameter in the Oracle Virtual Directory Listener settings should be set to an appropriate value. The default out of box value for Threads in the Admin Gateway listener and DSML Gateway listener should be generally optimal and need not be changed. The number of Threads for the LDAP Listeners are typically the threads that need to be tuned since typically it is the LDAP Listeners that take on concurrent traffic from applications. A common configuration is to have 10 threads per CPU. For example, if there are 4 central processing units on the system, then there would be 40 threads. For more information, see Managing Listeners in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrators Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory. ■ Tune the Work Queue Capacity based on the expected maximum number of concurrent clients to a given LDAP Listener. The WorkQueueCapacity configuration parameter in the Oracle Virtual Directory Listener settings should be set to an appropriate value. This ensures that the connection requests from LDAP clients are not rejected due to a lack of work queue capacity. Work elements are allocated on demand only, therefore a value higher than the actual estimate can be used. The Fusion Middleware Control Performance Monitor provides a historical report which contains the maximum number of connections. Use this report to determine how to adjust the connection value based on production data. If Oracle Virtual Directory needs to support high number of concurrent clients, then set the ulimit nofiles descriptor parameter to the number of LDAP Clients expected. For example, in the command window where OPMN is started, set the following ulimit when 8000 concurrent clients are expected: ulimit -n 8192 This change requires restart of OPMN and Oracle Virtual Directory to take effect. For more information, see Managing Listeners in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrators Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory. ■ Tune the size of the LDAP connection pool in Oracle Virtual Directory LDAP Adapter to be at least as high as the total number of Threads configured in the Oracle Virtual Directory Listeners that actively use the LDAP Adapter. Oracle Virtual Directory Performance Tuning 23-3 This ensures that in the worker threads have enough LDAP connections to process requests. The actual number of active adapters, active listeners and traffic pattern control the usage of connections. However, since connections that are idle in the LDAP Adapter connection pool are periodically closed, a higher value should not impact performance. Ensure that the back-end Directory Server is configured to handle the number of concurrent connections from Oracle Virtual Directory LDAP Adapter connection pool. For more information, see Configuring LDAP Adapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrators Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory. ■ Tune the maximum Java heap size of the JVM running Oracle Virtual Directory. This is to ensure that Oracle Virtual Directory has sufficient heap to handle the concurrent load. For more information, see Controlling the Maximum Heap Size Allocated to the Oracle Virtual Directory Server in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrators Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory.

23.3 Advanced Tuning Configurations

Depending on your Oracle Virtual Directory deployment’s use case scenarios, the following tuning configurations may improve performance. Table 23–1 Basic Tuning Configurations Configuration Attribute Category Default Value Recommended Value Notes Threads Listener Properties 10 10 Number Of central processing units CPUs available for Oracle Virtual Directory Server Recommendation applies only to the active LDAP Listeners. Work Queue Capacity Listener Properties 2048 Expected Number of Max Concurrent Clients 2 2048 operations are executed concurrently. Some clients may send asynchronous operations as well. Max, Initial Pool Connections LDAP Adapter Properties 10 Total Number of Threads parameter values for all active Listeners that use this Adapter Ensure that the back-end Directory Servers can handle these connections. Max Heap Size System Properties 256 MB Up to 2 GB on 32-bit systems and higher values on 64-bit systems. Higher values protect against Out Of Memory errors. Ensure that there is sufficient RAM on the system to handle the configured value.