4.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the main role of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter in this paper, role is include the character but one of the important elements in novel, besides theme, plot, setting, and point of view. Role is the play that a character presented in works of narrative who convey their personal qualities through dialogues and actions by which the reader or audience understand their thoughts, feelings, intentions, and motives. Role can affect the reader and give positive or negative impacts. They may evil or good. He or she may learn and be better for the experience or may miss the point and be unchanged. In Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Abraham Lincoln is the main role. Abraham is a poor boy who lived on the edge of the country and he fought his way up to the presidency; and then he led the country through one of the biggest, most dangerous wars. But at the same time, Abe is kind of a regular guy, a fact that comes out especially in the journal where he writes down his feelings and thoughts. That makes him just like us. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter contains very bravery mysterious historical story. Seth Grahame-Smith, the author of this novel is a famous writer, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter is one of his best-seller novel in the world. By reading this novel, we can find a wisdom of Abraham Lincoln way of life. Universitas Sumatera Utara By hard efforts and work hard in understanding the topic discussion, the writer has been able to finish this paper as one of the requirements to acquire English D-III certificate at University of Sumatera Utara.

4.2 Suggestions

At the end of this paper, the writer hopes that this paper will make the readers can understand more about role and character in Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and the readers are interested in reading this novel. This paper can give a clear explanation about Abraham role to the readers. This paper can also be used as guidance to other students in analyzing novel, especially the main role. The writer hopes that other student can analyze other elements of literary works: theme, plot, setting, point of view, and especially role of Abraham Lincoln in the novel. The writer wants to convey the positive message from this novel to the readers. We must brave ourselves to fight our life, no matter how it is hard, we always have a partner that will stay beside us. Universitas Sumatera Utara