First Love President THE ANALYSIS

source in America. To end slavery is to end the scourge of vampires, starting Abes work in Abolition. Smith 2012:134 says, “The first vampire grabbed the sides of the thickset woman’s head and twisted it backward so that her chin and spine met—his wretched face her dying sight. Another screamed and writhed when she felt the sting of two fangs in her shoulder. But the greater her struggle, the deeper the wound became, and the more freely her precious blood poured into the creature’s mouth. I saw the head of a boy beaten until his brains poured from a hole in his skull, and another man’s head taken entirely. I could do nothing to help them. Not when there were so many. Not without a weapon. The slave master calmly pulled the barn doors closed to stifle the noises of death, and I ran into the night, my face wet with tears. Disgusted with myself for being so helpless. Sickened by what I had seen. But more than anything—sickened by the truth taking shape in my mind. A truth that I had been too blind to see before.”

3.3 First Love

Abe may be a little extreme in his feelings, of course, but he feels all the things that the rest of us feel. He falls in love, he gets sad when he loses something or someone, he gets happy when things turn out well. So, thanks to Abes journaling, we can hear about his first love, which sounds a lot like something someone in love for the first time. Smith 2012:179 says, “She is the most fetching… most tender…most brilliant star in the heavens Her only fault is that she lacks sense enough to avoid falling in love with such a fool as I” Universitas Sumatera Utara He began his political career and career in law. He still follows Henrys letters, finding and killing vampires. Abe meets Mary Todd, cousin of one of his vampire hunting partners. The two fall in love and start a family, with Lincoln starting a law firm and elected a term in the U.S. House of Representatives. Smith 2012:205 says, “By the time Abe won reelection to the State Legislature in 1838, he was becoming known around Springfield as an eloquent speaker and capable lawyer.” During his time with his family, Abe began to fear what would happen if vampires discovered him and his family, a thought that continually haunted him in the form of nightmares. Smith 2012:222 says, “My dance with death must end. I cannot risk leaving Mary without a husband, nor Robert without a father. I have this very morning written Henry and told him that he should no longer count on my ax.”

3.4 President

Abe runs for the Senate against Stephen A. Douglas, who he finds out is an ally of Southern vampires. Although Abe lost his debates towards Douglas, he gains a lot of respect and eventually was elected president of the U.S. Smith 2012:274 says, “Abraham, As you guessed in your letter of September 13 th , we must ask you to oppose Mr. Douglas. The Senator, as you no doubt suspect, is one of the many living men who have fallen prey to our enemy’s influence.” Abes election causes the South to announce secession from the country and the war starts. The war goes badly as the Confederates have vampires on their side. Universitas Sumatera Utara Abe decides to free the slaves under the Souths control, and announces the Emancipation Proclaimation, and takes joy at the slaves violently rebelling against their vampiric masters. Smith 2012:349 says, “Now, gentlemen, let us starve the devils into defeat by declaring every slave in the South free.” Abe was then called for one last hunt by Henry, where he investigates a cabin that turns out to be a trap. Smith 2012:288 says, “Abraham, I must ask one more errand of you. He is one of your kind-but looked after by two of mine at all times. Take every caution. Jefferson Davis.” The leader of the vampires there is Jefferson Davis, who believes that he will have power when the vampires rule America. However, at the last second, Henry and his vampire allies arrive just in time to slaughter the enemy vampires as Davis retreats. Smith 2012:299 says, “we still lived. Our executioners, however, were not as fortunate. All three fell in unison, bullets having torn through their skulls. It was a miracle. That miracle was Henry Sturges. He charged out of the dark with eleven Union vampires on his heels.” Henry congratulates Abe on the hunt, while Abe retires from hunting all together. Smith 2012:301 says, “Abraham, I’m pleased to see you alive, old friend.” And Smith 2012:302 says, “It would be the last hunt of Abe’s life.”

3.5 Tragedy