SQL Plan Management SQL Plan Management

Packaged applications often generate a large number of SQL statements that are executed repeatedly. If the application is performing adequately, it is common that database administrators are averse to changes in database behavior. If the change results in better performance, there is limited perceived upside since the performance was already good enough. On the other hand, if the change leads to a performance degradation, it may break an application if a critical query deteriorates to a response time that is unacceptable.

An example of a change of behavior is a change of an execution plan for

a query. Such a change may be a perfectly legitimate reflection of changes to properties of the data, such as a table having grown much larger. But the change could also be an unintended consequence of a number of other actions, such as a change in the routines for collecting optimizer statistics or an upgrade to a new version of the RDBMS with new optimizer behavior.

Oracle’s SQL Plan Management feature addresses the risk associated with execution plan changes by maintaining a set of trusted execution plans for a workload and phasing in plans changed by the query optimizer only after they have been verified not to cause any performance degradations. The feature has three major components:

1. SQL plan baseline capture. Oracle can capture execution plans for a work- load and store a plan history for each SQL statement. The plan baseline is

a set of plans for a workload with trusted performance characteristics and against which future plan changes can be compared. A statement could have more than one baseline plan.

2. SQL plan baseline selection. After the optimizer generates a plan for an SQL statement, it checks whether there exists a baseline plan for the statement.

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If the statement exists in the baseline but the new plan is different from any existing one, the baseline plan that the optimizer considers to be the best will be used. The newly generated plan will be added to the plan history for the statement and could become part of a future baseline.

3. SQL plan baseline evolution. Periodically, it may make sense to try to make newly generated execution plans part of the trusted plans in the baseline. Oracle supports adding new plans to the baseline with or without verification . If verification is the chosen option, Oracle will execute a newly generated plan and compare its performance to the baseline in order to make sure it does not cause performance regressions.

28.4.3 Parallel Execution

Oracle allows the execution of a single SQL statement to be parallelized by dividing the work between multiple processes on a multiprocessor computer. This feature is especially useful for computationally intensive operations that would otherwise take an unacceptably long time to perform. Representative examples are decision support queries that need to process large amounts of data, data loads in a data warehouse, and index creation or rebuild.

In order to achieve good speedup through parallelism, it is important that the work involved in executing the statement be divided into granules that can be processed independently by the different parallel processors. Depending on the type of operation, Oracle has several ways to split up the work.

For operations that access base objects (tables and indices), Oracle can divide the work by horizontal slices of the data. For some operations, such as a full table scan, each such slice can be a range of blocks—each parallel query process scans the table from the block at the start of the range to the block at the end. For some operations on a partitioned table, such as an index range scan, the slice would

be a partition. Parallelism based on block ranges is more flexible since these can

be determined dynamically based on a variety of criteria and are not tied to the table definition. Joins can be parallelized in several different ways. One way is to divide one of the inputs to the join between parallel processes and let each process join its slice with the other input to the join; this is the asymmetric fragment-and-replicate method of Section For example, if a large table is joined to a small one by

a hash join, Oracle divides the large table among the processes and broadcasts a copy of the small table to each process, which then joins its slice with the smaller table. If both tables are large, it would be prohibitively expensive to broadcast one of them to all processes. In that case, Oracle achieves parallelism by partitioning the data among processes by hashing on the values of the join columns (the partitioned hash-join method of Section Each table is scanned in parallel by a set of processes and each row in the output is passed on to one of a set of processes that are to perform the join. Which one of these processes gets the row is determined by a hash function on the values of the join column. Hence, each join process gets only rows that could potentially match, and no rows that could match could end up in different processes.

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Oracle parallelizes sort operations by value ranges of the column on which the sort is performed (that is, using the range-partitioning sort of Section 18.5.1). Each process participating in the sort is sent rows with values in its range, and it sorts the rows in its range. To maximize the benefits of parallelism, the rows need to be divided as evenly as possible among the parallel processes, and the problem of determining range boundaries that generates a good distribution then arises. Oracle solves the problem by dynamically sampling a subset of the rows in the input to the sort before deciding on the range boundaries.