Access Path Selection Access Path Selection

Oracle has a cost-based optimizer that determines join order, join methods, and access paths. Each operation that the optimizer considers has an associated cost

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function, and the optimizer tries to generate the combination of operations that has the lowest overall cost.

In estimating the cost of an operation, the optimizer relies on statistics that have been computed for schema objects such as tables and indices. The statis- tics contain information about the size of the object, the cardinality, the data distribution of table columns, and so forth. Oracle supports height-balanced and frequency histograms for data distributions. Height-balanced histograms are also referred to as equi-depth histograms, and are described in Section 13.3.1.

To facilitate the collection of optimizer statistics, Oracle can monitor modifi- cation activity on tables and keep track of those tables that have been subject to enough changes that recalculating the statistics may be appropriate. Oracle also tracks what columns are used in where clauses of queries, which makes them potential candidates for histogram creation. With a single command, a user can tell Oracle to refresh the statistics for those tables that were marked as sufficiently changed. Oracle uses sampling to speed up the process of gathering the new statistics and automatically chooses the smallest adequate sample percentage. It also determines whether the distribution of the marked columns merits the cre- ation of histograms; if the distribution is close to uniform, Oracle uses a simpler representation of the column statistics.

In some cases, it may be impossible for the optimizer to accurately estimate the selectivity of a condition in the where clause of a query just based on simple column statistics. For example, the condition may be an expression involving a column, such as f (col + 3) > 5. Another class of problematic queries is those that have multiple predicates on columns that have some form of correlation. Assess- ing the combined selectivity of those predicates may be hard. Oracle therefore allows statistics to be created for expressions as well as for groups of columns. In addition, Oracle can address these issues through dynamic sampling. The opti- mizer can randomly sample a small portion of a table and apply all the relevant predicates to the sample to see the percentage of the rows that match. This feature can also handle temporary tables where the lifespan and visibility of the data may prevent regular statistics collection.

Oracle uses both CPU cost and disk I/O s in the optimizer cost model. To balance the two components, it stores measures about CPU speed and disk I/O performance as part of the optimizer statistics. Oracle’s package for gathering optimizer statistics computes these measures.

For queries involving a nontrivial number of joins, the search space is an issue for a query optimizer. Oracle addresses this issue in several ways. The optimizer generates an initial join order and then decides on the best join methods and access paths for that join order. It then changes the order of the tables and determines the best join methods and access paths for the new join order and so forth, while keeping the best plan that has been found so far. Oracle cuts the optimization short if the number of different join orders that have been considered becomes so large that the time spent in the optimizer may be noticeable compared to the time it would take to execute the best plan found so far. Since this cutoff depends on the cost estimate for the best plan found so far, finding a good plan early is important so that the optimization can be stopped after a smaller number of

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join orders, resulting in better response time. Oracle uses several initial ordering heuristics to increase the likelihood that the first join order considered is a good one.

For each join order that is considered, the optimizer may make additional passes over the tables to decide join methods and access paths. Such additional passes would target specific global side effects of the access path selection. For instance, a specific combination of join methods and access paths may eliminate the need to perform an order by sort. Since such a global side effect may not

be obvious when the costs of the different join methods and access paths are considered locally, a separate pass targeting a specific side effect is used to find a possible execution plan with a better overall cost.