Aggregation Operations Aggregation Operations

Aggregation operations proceed somewhat like projections. The aggregate oper- ations in SQL are count, sum, avg, min, and max:

• count : Consider a materialized view v = A G count (B) (r ), which computes the

count of the attribute B, after grouping r by attribute A. When a set of tuples i r is inserted into r , for each tuple t in i r we do the following: We look for the group t.A in the materialized view. If it is not present, we add (t.A, 1) to the materialized view. If the group t.A is present, we add 1 to the count of the group.

When a set of tuples d r is deleted from r , for each tuple t in d r we do the following: We look for the group t.A in the materialized view, and subtract 1 from the count for the group. If the count becomes 0, we delete the tuple for the group t.A from the materialized view.

• sum : Consider a materialized view v = A G sum (B) (r ).

When a set of tuples i r is inserted into r , for each tuple t in i r we do the following: We look for the group t.A in the materialized view. If it is not present, we add (t.A, t.B) to the materialized view; in addition, we store a count of 1 associated with (t.A, t.B), just as we did for projection. If the group t.A is present, we add the value of t.B to the aggregate value for the group, and add 1 to the count of the group.

When a set of tuples d r is deleted from r , for each tuple t in d r we do the following: We look for the group t.A in the materialized view, and subtract t.B from the aggregate value for the group. We also subtract 1 from the count for the group, and if the count becomes 0, we delete the tuple for the group t.A from the materialized view.

Without keeping the extra count value, we would not be able to distinguish

a case where the sum for a group is 0 from the case where the last tuple in a group is deleted.

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• avg : Consider a materialized view v = A G avg (B) (r ).

Directly updating the average on an insert or delete is not possible, since it depends not only on the old average and the tuple being inserted/deleted, but also on the number of tuples in the group.

Instead, to handle the case of avg, we maintain the sum and count aggregate values as described earlier, and compute the average as the sum divided by the count.

• min, max : Consider a materialized view v = A G min (B) (r ). (The case of max is

exactly equivalent.) Handling insertions on r is straightforward. Maintaining the aggregate values min and max on deletions may be more expensive. For example, if the tuple corresponding to the minimum value for a group is deleted from r , we have to look at the other tuples of r that are in the same group to find the new minimum value.