Evaluation Algorithms for Pipelining Evaluation Algorithms for Pipelining

Some operations, such as sorting, are inherently blocking operations , that is, they may not be able to output any results until all tuples from their inputs have been examined. 5

Other operations, such as join, are not inherently blocking, but specific eval- uation algorithms may be blocking. For example, the hash-join algorithm is a blocking operation, since it requires both its inputs to be fully retrieved and parti- tioned, before it outputs any tuples. On the other hand, the indexed nested loops join algorithm can output result tuples as it gets tuples for the outer relation. It is therefore said to be pipelined on its outer (left-hand side) relation, although it is blocking on its indexed (right-hand side) input, since the index must be fully constructed before the indexed nested-loop join algorithm can execute.

Hybrid hash join can be viewed as partially pipelined on the probe relation, since it can output tuples from the first partition as tuples are received for the probe relation. However, tuples that are not in the first partition will be output only after the entire pipelined input relation is received. Hybrid hash join thus provides pipelined evaluation on its probe input if the build input fits entirely in memory, or nearly pipelined evaluation if most of the build input fits in memory.

If both inputs are sorted on the join attribute, and the join condition is an equi-join, merge join can be used, with both its inputs pipelined. However, in the more common case that the two inputs that we desire to

pipeline into the join are not already sorted, another alternative is the double-

pipelined join technique, shown in Figure 12.12. The algorithm assumes that the input tuples for both input relations, r and s, are pipelined. Tuples made available for both relations are queued for processing in a single queue. Special queue entries, called End r and End s , which serve as end-of-file markers, are inserted in the queue after all tuples from r and s (respectively) have been generated. For efficient evaluation, appropriate indices should be built on the relations r and s.

As tuples are added to r and s, the indices must be kept up to date. When hash

indices are used on r and s, the resultant algorithm is called the double-pipelined

hash-join technique. The double-pipelined join algorithm in Figure 12.12 assumes that both inputs fit in memory. In case the two inputs are larger than memory, it is still possible to use the double-pipelined join technique as usual until available memory is full. When available memory becomes full, r and s tuples that have arrived up to that

point can be treated as being in partition r 0 and s 0 , respectively. Tuples for r and s that arrive subsequently are assigned to partitions r 1 and s 1 , respectively, which

5 Blocking operations such as sorting may be able to output tuples early if the input is known to satisfy some special properties such as being sorted, or partially sorted, already. However, in the absence of such information, blocking

operations cannot output tuples early.

572 Chapter 12 Query Processing

done r := false; done s := false;

r := ∅; s := ∅; result := ∅;

while not done r or not done s do


if queue is empty, then wait until queue is not empty; t := top entry in queue; if t = End r then done r := true

else if t = End s then done s := true else if t is from input r

then begin

r := r ∪ {t}; result := result ∪ ({t} ✶ s);


else /* t is from input s */


s := s ∪ {t}; result := result ∪ (r ✶ {t});

end end

Figure 12.12 Double-pipelined join algorithm.

are written to disk, and are not added to the in-memory index. However, tuples assigned to r 1 and s 1 are used to probe s 0 and r 0 , respectively, before they are written to disk. Thus, the join of r 1 with s 0 , and s 0 with r 1 , is also carried out in

a pipelined fashion. After r and s have been fully processed, the join of r 1 tuples with s 1 tuples must be carried out, to complete the join; any of the join techniques

we have seen earlier can be used to join r 1 with s 1 .