LST Analysis NDWI Analysis

T 9 Land use report for base No ssRegion Area h Percent able area summary map Cla a age 1 Fresh Water 15,300 2.11 2 Forest 37 irport s 486 6 ted-Paddy Field 9 Cropland 1 724,700 100 ,100 5.12 3 Domestic A 500 0.07 4 Settlement 5,900 0.81 5 Plantation 71,000 9.80 6 Swamps ,900 7.19 7 Irrigated-Paddy Field 400 0.06 8 Non irriga 8,900 1.23 98,700 3.62 T o t a l Source : Rupa Bumi Indonesia, 2003

4.1.1 LST Analysis

on on 16 May 2006 the range values are 3 o C to 37 o C and mean value is 25.4 o C. Table 10 alue for each imagery Image Acquisition LST Value o C Table 10 shows the summary of LST value for each datasets from image processing. For image acquisition on 15 April 2000 the LST range values are 2 o C to 35 o C and mean value is 22.8 o C. For image acquisiti Summary of LST v Min M M ax ean 15 April 2000 2 35 22.8 16 May 2006 3 37 25.4 Tem cloud cover and haze, so that only small part o perature at the cloud cover and haze The minimum value around 2 o C indicated to the presence of cloud cover and haze. For image acquisition on 15 April 2000 cloud covered almost of 5 of whole area of interest. For image acquisition on 16 May 2006, this image is only a small part of the areas were affected by f area had low temperature 3 o C. Figure 12 shows the LST distribution of image acquisition on 15 April 200 which most of the areas having the LST distribution value range 20 o C - 35 o C. 34 For the next analysis, the value range 2 o C - 12 o C is omitted by making the class to the “NO DATA” class because the value is not the really land surface temperature but affected by the cloud cover and haze. Figure 13 shows the LST distribution of image acquisition on 16 May 2006 which most of the areas having the LST distribution value range 21 o C - 37 o C. For the next analysis, the value range 3 o C - 12 o C is also classified to the “NO DATA” class. Figure 12 LST distribution of image acquisition on 15 April 2000 Figure 13 LST distribution of image acquisition on 16 May 2006 35

4.1.2 NDWI Analysis

Table 11 shows the minimum, maximum and mean of NDWI value for each class in training area for image acquisition on 15 April 2000. Water class has the positive value range with the biggest minimum and maximum value; meanwhile the other classes have the range value from negative value until positive value. Table 12 shows the minimum, maximum and mean of NDWI value for each class in training area for image acquisition on 16 May 2006. According to the NDWI value, image acquisition on 16 May 2006 has the same characteristics with the image acquisition on 15 April 2000, whereas water class having the positive value range and bigger value than others. It indicates that the water presence in the nature such as water body, ocean and inundation area always having positive value for minimum and maximum NDWI. NDWI value indicates high correlation with moisture content of land cover. Bigger NDWI value means bigger the moisture content of land cover than others. Table 11 Minimum, maximum and mean NDWI value for Image acquisition on 15 April 2000 ClassRegion Minimum Maximum Mean Water 0.00 0.61 0.03 Cloud -0.15 0.38 0.18 Bare land -0.32 0.25 -0.06 Cloud shadow -0.14 0.36 0.10 Forest -0.35 0.16 -0.17 Inundation area -0.34 0.52 0.01 Paddy field -0.37 0.18 -0.22 Shrub -0.34 0.17 -0.20 Settlement -0.27 0.36 0.01 36 Table 12 Minimum, Maximum and Mean NDWI value for image acquisition on 16 May 2006 ClassRegion Minimum Maximum Mean Water 0.06 0.38 0.25 Bare land -0.54 0.00 -0.33 Settlement -0.54 0.01 -0.37 Mangrove -0.61 0.00 -0.53 Forest -0.65 -0.39 -0.51 Paddy field -0.64 -0.36 0.54 Shrub -0.66 0.00 -0.48 Inundation area -0.61 0.29 0.15 Fish pond -0.47 0.13 -0.07 According to the minimum and maximum NDWI value each classes of the training area, it is used as threshold value to delineate swamps and not swamps areas. Figure 14 and Figure 15 shows the NDWI distribution of image acquisition on 15 April 2000 and image acquisition on 16 May 2006. Figure 14 NDWI distribution for image acquisition on 15 April 2000 37 Figure 15 NDWI distribution for image acquisition on 16 May 2006

4.1.3 Image Classification