Suitability Analysis Determination of Swamps Area Suitable for Paddy Field Using Remote Sensing Approach in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatera Province

user’s accuracy of 76.0. It indicates that the misclassifications occurred in swamps and not swamps area from this method. For the next section, the analyzing and discussion is only from image with the higher overall accuracy than others that are for image acquisition on 15 April 2000, the threshold II with LST value range of 23 o C - 33 o C and NDWI value range of -0.35 – 0.1. Meanwhile for image acquisition on 16 May 2006 is the threshold I with LST value range of 23 o C - 33 o C and NDWI value range of -0.43 – 0. Table 20 Accuracies of determination results under each threshold. Image Acquisition Threshold Producer’s Accuracy User’s Accuracy Overall Accuracy 15 April 2000 I 85.2 81.7 72.1 II 87.5 81.6 73.5 III 85.1 82.2 72.6 16 May 2006 I 73.6 80.4 63.5 II 68.8 80.7 60.9 III 13.9 76.0 25.6

4.3 Suitability Analysis

Based on land system data can be obtained the suitability map for each constricted factors. The distribution area of suitability classes for each constricted factors in swamps area can be seen in Table 21. The percentage of suitability classes for each constricted factors can be seen in Figure 27. Table 21 Suitability classes under constricted factors. Factors Suitability Classes km 2 S1 Highly Suitable S2 Moderately Suitable S3 Marginally Suitable N Not Suitable Peat depth 5,106 - 2,086 55 pH 615 5,929 705 - Slope 6,808 - 440 - Salinity 6,193 - - 1,055 52 Figure 27 Percentage of suitability classes under constricted factors Figure 28 Suitability map based on peat depth factor Figure 28 shows suitability map for peat depth factor. The suitability classes for peat depth factor divided into 3 classes namely S1 highly suitable, S3 marginally suitable and N not suitable. Most of the area included in S1 highly suitable. The suitability classes S1 highly suitable covered 70.5 area or 5,106 km 2 , S3 marginally suitable covered 28.8 area or 2,086 km 2 and N not suitable covered 0.8 area or 55 km 2 . 53 Figure 29 Suitability map based on pH factor Figure 29 shows the suitability map for pH factor. The suitability classes for pH depth factor divided into 3 classes namely S1 highly suitable, S2 moderately suitable and S3 marginally suitable. The suitability classes S1 highly suitable covered 8.5 area or 615 km 2 , S2 moderately suitable covered 81.8 area or 5,929 km 2 and S3 marginally suitable covered 9.7 area or 705 km 2 . Figure 30 Suitability map based on slope factor Figure 30 shows the suitability classes for slope factor. Almost of the area of interest have the slope ≤ 3, so most of the area included into S1 highly suitable class. Other class is S3 marginally suitable with the slope 8-15. 54 The suitability classes S1 highly suitable covered 93.9 area or 6,808 km 2 , and S3 marginally suitable covered 6.1 area or 440 km 2 . Figure 31 Suitability map based on salinity factor Figure 31 shows the suitability for salinity factors in swamps area. The suitability classes only divided into 2 classes namely S1 highly suitable covered 85.4 area or 6,193 km 2 , and N not suitable covered 14.6 area or 1,055 km 2 . The class of N not suitable is located around the water bodies and coastal region. It indicates that that area have the high salinity value i.e value 6.6-8.0 caused by the impact of ocean water. For the detail analyzing, land suitability analysis was done using weighted overlay method by overlaying peat depth map, pH map, slope map and salinity map with the equal influence. To get the suitability area for paddy field in whole area of swamps area in area of interest, so the suitability classes was overlaid with intersection area between swamps distribution based on the threshold results with the good accuracy between 2 satellite imagery image acquisition on 15 April 2000 with Threshold II and image acquisition on 16 May 2006 with threshold I. It means that the swamps area for suitability analysis is the swamps with large area which not impacted by the change season. The weighted overlay result from peat depth, pH, slope and salinity factors can be seen in Figure 32. The percentage of suitability classes based on constricted factors was: 55 • S1 Highly Suitable : 52.2 • S2 Moderately Suitable : 41.8 • S3 Marginally Suitable : 6.0 Figure 32 Suitability classes for paddy field Figure 33 Swamps distribution from image processing Analyzing the suitability classes for paddy field in swamps area was done by overlaid the suitability classes see in Figure 32 with the swamps area distribution based on image processing result see in Figure 33. Table 22 shows the final result of swamps area suitable for paddy field in area of interest in 56 Banyuasin Regency. From whole area of interest, S1 highly suitable class covered 54 area or 3,426 km 2 , S2 moderately suitable class covered 40.2 area or 2,550 km 2 and for S3 marginally suitable class is around 5.8 area or 369 km 2 . The swamps area distribution suitable for paddy field can be seen in Table 22 Swamps area suitable for paddy field No Area km 2 Percentage Figure 34. Suitability Classes 1 S1 Highly Suitable 3,426 54 2 S2 Moderately Suitable 2,550 S3 Marginally Suitable 369 5.8 40.2 3 Figure 34 Swamps area suitable for paddy field The distribution of swamps area suitable for paddy field that obtained from swamps identification and suitability analysis can be used to evaluate the feasibility and suitability of swamps reclamation in area of interest. Figure 35 shows the comparison map between suitability map and swamps area of interest. It indicates that swamps reclamation activities have been referring to the suitability analysis. 57 Figure 35 Comparison between suitability map and reclamation area Elaboration of swamps reclamation by developing some secondary and tertiary canals can be considered as the supporting infrastructure to increase rice productivity in that area. According to Imanudin 2006a, one of the key success factors for developing swamps area is land processing and proper water system techniques for creating a good growing medium for plants. Water management plays an important role in the development of tidal swamps for agriculture purposes, because water management could affect the condition of the groundwater water table on the area plot. The cropping patterns in tidal swamps must be adapted to the condition of groundwater at plots. In general, water management done on two levels, namely: - Water management in the paddy fields. Water management in the paddy fields determines the environmental conditions for plant growth directly; - Water management at a major network. The main aim is to control the extent of water level and water quality as possible to meet the needs of agricultural activities. System or the main network can be divided into the primary network, secondary network and tertiary networks. 58


5.1 Conclusions