RESEARCH METHODOLOGY An Error Analysis on Students' Ability in Identifying and Writing Independent Clause and Dependent Clause in an Argumentative Essay



A. Time and Place This research was conducted at Department of English Education of Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers ‟ Training of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta in the academic year 20142015 which is located on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 95 Ciputat, South Tangerang. It was carried out on Wednesday, September 3 rd , Tuesday, September 16 th , and Tuesday, November 4 th , 2014. B. Population and Sample The population of this research was all of students in the seventh semester of Department of English Education of Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers ‟ Training of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. The sampling techniques that the writer used was simple random sampling. It was used to represent the population in which every member of the population has equal opportunities of being selected. 1 There are three classes: VII-A, VII-B, and VII-C. Each class has different total number of students, in class A consist of 24 students, class B consist of 33 students, and class C consist of 28 students, and the all of students were 85 students and the writer took 50 43 students of the population as a sample that is chosen randomly. The writer used a fishbowl technique as a method in simple random sampling. 2 The stages are as follows: a. Making the list of individuals. b. Writing down each student number on a small piece of paper. c. Enrolling the papers. d. Putting the rolled paper into a container. e. Shaking the container well. 1 Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education , 3 rd edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003, p. 99. 2 Alimuddin Tuwu, Pengantar Metode Penenlitian, Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia Press, 1993, p. 164. C. Research Method and Design The research method used in this study was mixed method design. Mixed method design is a procedure of research for collecting, analyzing, and mixing both quantitative and qualitative methods in a series of studies to understand a research problem. 3 Mixed method design is used when one type of research is not enough to answer the research questions; more data is needed to explain or elaborate on the data. In this study, the writer used the exploratory sequential design as her research design in which the purpose of this research design involves the procedure of first collecting qualitative data to explore a phenomenon then collecting quantitative data to explain relationship found in qualitative data. 4 Qualitative data acts as the main source in combining data observation, test, and interview to know the types of errors and the causes of errors while quantitative data acts as a bridge to calculate the frequency of errors and the total number of errors obtained from the test. D. Technique of Data Collection Technique of data collection obtained from classroom observation, written test, and interview. The writer would explain each techniques of data collection.

1. Classroom Observation

The first step that the writer has done in this research was observation. The writer used systematic observation. 5 In systematic observation the setting of observation is limited, and the writer did visual image while doing classroom observation. The instrument that the writer used was mobile phone to take a picture. It was used to get much data about phenomenon that would be investigated. The writer as the researcher acts as non-participant observer in which the writer did not try to become a participant in the context. The 3 John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research , New York: Pearson Education, 2012, 4 th edition, p. 535. 4 Ibid., p. 543. 5 Emzir, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif: Analisis Data, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2010, p. 39. writer was only watching rather than taking part. 6 The observation including: checked the location of classroom, asked permission to the lecturer at the class, observed the teaching and learning process, and observed the characteristic of each class. The writer did classroom observation while she was giving the test to the participants.

2. The Test

The test was the second step that the writer used in this research. The writer divided the test into two parts: part A and part B. On the part A of the test, the students were asked to find out two complex sentences then identify which one independent clause and dependent clause including the types of dependent clause: noun clause, adjective clause, and adverb clause in the argumentative essay. On the part B of the test, the students were asked to write an argumentative essay using some topics that have been provided.

3. Interview

Interview was the third step that the writer used in this research. In this step, the writer only took some students who did the highest number of errors. The writer used semi-structured interviews to support the data which was obtained from classroom observation and the test. The writer used this type of interview because the questions can be prepared ahead of time, encourages two-way communication, encourage interviewees to relate experiences and perspectives that are relevant to the participants‟ problems of interest. 7 The writer also took a record while doing interview. The interview consists of two main topics; first one, students‟ comprehension of independent clause and dependent clause and the last one, students‟ cause in doing error in their essay writng. 6 Sari Wahyuni, Qualitative Research Method: Theory and Practice, Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2012, p. 23. 7 Ibid., p. 53. E. Technique of Data Analysis After the data were collected, the next step was analyzing the data. The writer used Miles Huberman Model in technique of data analysis. 8 According to Miles Huberman, there are three stages they are: Data Reduction, Data Display, and Conclusion DrawingVerifying, these three stages is forming a cyclic process of interactive. 1. Data Reduction Data reduction including summarizes activities. The writer summarizes the data gained by observation, test, and interview. By observation, the writer summarizes the teaching and learning process supports with photos and summarizes the students activities while doing the test. By the test, the writer summarizes the result of the test. By interview, the writer summarizes the students‟ cause in doing error in their essay writing from recording into a paper. The writer wasn‟t summarize the whole things, but she was only summarized which is important to be presented. 2. Data Display After reducing the data, the next stage was presenting the data or data display. The writer used narrative text as the data display. The data obtained from observation, test, and interview. On obrservation, the writer explained the result of observation in which the writer observed the characteristic of each class while teaching and learning processes. On the test, the writer explained the result of the test in which the test divided into two parts: part A and part B. On the part A, the students as participants were asked to identify independent clause IC and dependent clause DC included the types of dependent clause: noun clause, adjective clause, and adverb clause. The purpose of this test is the writer would like to know their ability in identifying independent clause and dependent clause in an essay. On the part B of the test, the students were asked to write argumentative essay. The purpose of this test is the writer would like to know whether their ability in identify IC and DC can be applied into their 8 Emzir, op. cit., p. 129. essay writing. In this case the writer used taxonomy bloom theory in which identify useful to know their understanding toward IC and DC, while writing essay useful to know whether their ability in identifying IC and DC can be applied into their essay writing. Thereafter, the result of the test is categorized based on the types of errors then calculated the total number of errors in the last stage. The last is interview. On interview, the writer explained the causes of students did errors. 3. Conclusion DrawingVerifying The last stage in technique of data analysis was conclusion drawingverifying. After summarizing the data which obtained from observation, test, and interview, therefore the data can be concluded. Conclusion contains of the result of identifying the errors, describing errors, classifying the errors and calculating the percentage of every type of errors, and the categories of causes of error. The errors divided into category based on types of error itself. And the writer used formula is as below 9 : Frequency of error Errors percentage = x 100 Total number of errors 9 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008, p. 43. 91