Research Hypothesis Previous Related Study

after that they watch the video and answer the question related to the information of the video.

3. Population and Sample

The population of this research is all students of ten grades of SMK Islamiyah Ciputat which consists of four classes, namely class X TKJ Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan1, X TKJ II, X Tata Boga TB1, X APAdministrasi Perkantoran, X Accountancy 1, X Accountancy 2. The writer uses purposive sampling, purposive sampling technique according to Husaini Usman and R. Purnomo Setiady is used when the researcher only take the sample which is suitable with the purpose of the research 4 . In this case because the researcher uses descriptive video and limits the content video only about famous historical building and tourism place of Indonesia as mentioned in core material of descriptive text in curriculum 2013 so that, the sample that is used by the researcher are two classes of ten class of accountancy SMK Islamiyah, the first class is 35 students as experimental class consist of 10 male, 25 female and 35 students of the second one as controlled class consist of 9 men and 26 women .

4. Technique of Data Collection

Collecting data is an important thing, in this research the technique of data collection which is used by the writer are: a. Pre–test The pre-test is given in the beginning of attending class pre-test is given before doing the experiment in order to know students’ knowledge and achievement of the listening material. The instrument consists of 24 items test consisting of two types: 1. Multiple choices, there are 9 items and each items is scored 5.5 so the total score of this type is 49.5 4 Usman, Husaini dan Setiady, Purnomo, Pengantar Statitika Edisi Kedua,Jakarta: Bumi Aksara,2008,P.186 2. Gap filling, completing 15questions and each item is scored 3,3 so the total score of this type is 49.5 b. Post-test The post-test is given in the end of the treatment, in order to know students’ ability and students’ achievement in mastering listening. The instrument consists of 24 item test consisting of two types: 1. Multiple choice, there are 9 items and each items is scored 5.5 so the total score of this type is 49.5 2. Gap filling, completing 15 questions and each item is scored 3.3 so the total score of this type is 49.5

5. Objective of the Research

The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of the use of descriptive video in teaching listening to learners’ score. Whether or not the use of descriptive video can affect the learners’ score, compared with learning listening without using descriptive video at SMK Islamiyah Ciputat Tangerang Selatan.

6. Research Instrument

a. Pilot Study of Instrument

The pilot test aims to check validity and reliability of the instrument. It was conducted before doing pre-test and post-test. It applied out of class control and experimental class, if the respondents were able to understand the given instruction it was concluded that instrument can be used as pre-test and post-test.

b. Validity and Reliability Test

After conducting pilot study, validity test and reliability test is applied. Validity test is conducted to check whether the testmeasures what is intended to be measured. 5 Meanwhile reliability test is conducted to know how representative, how consistent, and how replicable is the measurement, means if we administer the test in the other class and in the other time we still have the same score’s average.

7. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the writer uses statistical calculating of t-test to find out the difference score of students’ achievement in learning listening by using descriptive video. Data processing is the step to know the result of both experimental class which is using descriptive video in learning listening as variable X and controlled class without using descriptive video as variable Y, and their differences. The writer uses comparative technique. The comparative technique is an analysis technique to evaluate hypothesis concerning the differences between two variable examined statistically. In comparative technique, the variables are compared to recognize whether or not the differences are significant. The writer uses t-test formula that adapted from Sudjiono before using t-test formula; the writer has sought some formula below 6 : a. Determining Mean Variable I X with formula: M 1 = the average of variables score ∑ = sum of frequency X of the student’s score N 1 = number of students b. Determining Mean Variable II Y: 5 Arthur,Hughes,Testing For Language Teachers Second Edition, Cambridge : Cambridge University press,2003 p.26. 6 Anas Sudijono.Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT GrafindoPersada, 2008, p.315 ∑