Types of Classroom Writing Performances

19 In addition, Harmer 2001: 41-42 said that when the teacher help the students to be better writers, he or she has many crucial tasks to perform especially when he or she meet students who have some difficulties in writing. The tasks that the teacher has to handle before, during, and after teaching writing to the students are described as followings: 1 Demonstrating Teachers have to make the students have clear depiction about writing conventions and genre constraints in specific types of reading. 2 Motivating and Provoking Teachers should help in provoking the students to have ideas, make them enthusiastic about the value of the task, and persuade them what fun and enjoyable it can be. 3 Supporting Teachers should support the students when they are writing in the class and they should be ready to help the students when they find some difficulties. 4 Responding Teachers have to respond to the students’ work. It means that they react the content and the construction of 20 the students’ writing by telling the students how well it is going so far. 5 Evaluating Teachers should indicate where the students work well and where they made mistakes, and also give them grades.

e. Teaching Writing in Junior High School

Today, English becomes a compulsory subject which is taught in secondary level school, including in junior high schools. According to Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan or BSNP 2006, English subject which is conducted in junior high school is aimed to make the students able to communicate by using written and spoken language when they solve daily problems. The students are required to be able to understand and to produce certain kinds of texts namely descriptive, narrative, procedure, and narrative texts. There are three purposes of learning English at junior high schools, they are: to develop the communicative competences both spoken and written texts to achieve the functional literacy level; to have senses of the important of English to increase the nation competitive ability in the global society; and to develop the students’ understanding about the relation between language and 21 culture. Furthermore, the scopes of learning English at junior high schools are stated as follows: 1 Discourse competence The ability to create spoken or written texts to achieve functional literacy level. 2 The ability to understand and create various short functional texts, monologue, and essays in the form of procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, and report. 3 Linguistic competence the use of grammar and vocabulary pronunciation, spelling and structure, Sociocultural competence the use of expressions in the context of communication, strategic competence to overcome problems which appear in the process of communication, and discourse forming competence using a developing means. In conducting the research, the researcher focused on the teaching writing of narrative texts based of the Standard of Competence and the Basic Competence in grade VIII as stated below: The Standard of Competence and The Basic Competence are showed below: