Definition of Narrative Text

29 study shows that the students’ achievement in writing was improved. The mean of the pre-test was 60.32. The mean of the students’ achievement was 70 in the first cycle; 76.33 in the second cycle; and 79 in the third cycle.

C. Conceptual Framework

The research’s conceptual framework was formed based on the theoretical reviews and the theories of the research. The research took place in SMP Negeri 1 Pandak Bantul Yogyakarta, particularly in class VIII G because the students had low ability in writing narrative texts. To improve the students’ ability in writing narrative texts, the researcher used Comic Strips. Comic Strips are useful to increase the students’ ability to write narrative texts because by using comic strips, it is easier for the students to get the idea of what they want to write. Comic Strips provide dialogues in the bubbles which represent what the characters say. It means that by using Comic Strips, it is easy for the students to know what is actually told in the story. Using Comic Strips also makes the students get the idea of that they are going to write easily. 30


A. Type of Research

This research is qualitative research in nature, in the form of action research. According to Carr and Kemmis’s, cited in Koshy 2005: 25, definition of action research reflects a form of enquiry undertaken by participants in social situations in order to improve rationality and justice their own social or educational practices, as well as their own understanding of these practices and situations in which these practices are carried out. Furthermore, Nunan as cited in McKay, 2006 said that action research typically has three major characteristics. Action research is carried out by practitioners, it is collaborative, and it is aimed at changing things. This research was supported by qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were gained through observation and interviews, while the quantitative data were gained through a test. This research aimed to implement an action in improving students’ narrative writing ability in Grade VIII G of SMP Negeri 1 Pandak Bantul Yogyakarta, in the academic year of 20132014 by using Comic Strips.