Definition of Comic Strips

27 3 Resolution: It shows the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse. According to Anderson 1998: 3, the grammatical features of narrative text are: 1 Nouns that identify the specific characters and places in the story 2 Adjectives that provide accurate descriptions of the characters and settings. 3 Verbs that show the actions that occur in the story. 4 Time words that connect events, telling when they occurred.

b. How to Teach Narrative Texts

There are many activities that can be conducted in teaching narrative texts, especially in teaching writing skills. In teaching narrative, the teachers are introduced to the example and the generic structure of narrative text. They also showed the language features of narrative text to the students. After the students are clearly understand the example, the generic structure, and the language feature of narrative text, the students are given activities by doing the tasks about writing narrative text. Concerning with the use of comic strips in teaching narrative, the students are asked to look at narrative texts, identify the generic structure and the language feature of the text, and then the students are also asked to complete a narrative text which is written based on the Comic Strips. Then finally the students are 28 demanded to write full narrative text based on the comic strips given.

B. Reviews of Relevant Studies

There are many relevant studies related to the use of comic strips technique in relation of improving students’ narrative writing ability. The first study is a research which was conducted by Fika Megawati 2012. The study investigated the implementation of comic strips in teaching writing through a collaborative classroom action research at MAN Bangil, particularly in Class XII of Language Program. The study was conducted because she found out that the students’ writing ability in narrative texts was unsatisfactory. Most of the students could not pass the minimum passing criterion. The students were also unmotivated to write narrative texts and it was also difficult for them to make their own writing . The procedures which were followed when she conducted the study were planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The finding shows that teaching writing using comic strips could successfully improve student’s ability in writing. The other relevant study is a study which was conducted by Dhamar Saka Kharisma 2012. He conducted research on the use of comic as an aid in teaching narrative text. The study was conducted in MTs N Brangsong, Kendal, particularly in Class VIII E. There were 34 students in that class as the population and the sample. The result of the