Struktur Pasar Market Structure Premi Bruto Gross Premium

PT REASURANSI MAIPARK INDONESIA DESEMBER 2015 2 MAIPARK, Statistik, 122015 Pada SE OJK 2015 terbaru, sebanyak 134 Daerah Tingkat II KotaKabupaten mengalami peningkatan risiko dan berpindah naik ke level zona di atasnya dibandingkan dengan SE OJK 2013. Sedangkan 104 Daerah Tingkat II lainnya mengalami penurunan. Sedangkan tarif mengalami penurunan pada Zona I – IV dalam kisaran 4-21 sedangkan tarif pada Zona V tidak ada perubahan Lampiran xx. According to SE OJK on 2015 the latest, 134 regency CityDistrict have increased the risk and shifts the level up compared to the previous zone in the SE OJK 2013. While other 104 regency have change the rate zone drop. Premium rate have drops in the range 4-21 for Zona I-IV while constant or no change in zona V. Selama tahun 2015, OJK telah menerbitkan regulasi terkait Gempa Bumi yaitu: Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 21SEOJK.052015, tentang Penetapan Tarif Premi Atau Kontribusi Pada Lini Usaha Asuransi Harta Benda Dan Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor Tahun 2015, tanggal 30 Juni 2015. During 2015, OJK has issued regulations related to Earthquake i.e.: Financial Service Authority Service Circular Letter No 21SEOJK.052015, about Premium tarrif arrangement or Property lines of business contribution and Motor Vehicle Insurance 2015, date June 30 2015. B. Struktur Pasar B. Market Structure Berdasarkan data OJK pada buku Direktori 2015: Industri Keuangan Non Bank, terdapat 76 perusahaan asuransi umum, 6 perusahaan reasuransi, 2 asuransi sosial, dan 3 perusahaan asuransi wajib yang memiliki izin beroperasi di Indonesia. Based on OJK data in the book of Directory 2015: Non Bank Financial Institution, there are 76 general insurance companies, 6 reinsurance companies, 2 social insurance companies, and 3 mandatory insurance companies having operating licenses in Indonesia. C. Premi Bruto C. Gross Premium Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2015, premi bruto asuransi gempa bumi Underwriting Year 2011 adalah sebesar Rp2.823,4 miliar. Premi bruto untuk Underwriting Year 2012 As at 30 June 2015, earthquake gross premium for Underwriting Year 2011 was Rp2,823.4 billion. Gross premium for Underwriting Year 2012 was recorded PT REASURANSI MAIPARK INDONESIA DESEMBER 2015 3 MAIPARK, Statistik, 122015 tercatat Rp2.719,6 miliar, sedangkan untuk Underwriting Year 2013 adalah Rp4.530,3 miliar. Untuk Underwriting Year 2014 dan 2015 adalah Rp5.004,5 miliar dan Rp2.634,9 miliar. Angka – angka ini akan terus bergerak naik terutama untuk Underwriting Year 2014 dan 2015. Rp2,719.6 billion, while for Underwriting Year 2013 was Rp4,530.3 billion. For Underwriting Year 2014 and 2015 were Rp5,004.5 billion and Rp2,634.9 billion. These figures would certainly increase especially for Underwriting Year 2014 and 2015. Tabel 1.1 menyajikan rincian premi bruto berdasarkan jenis okupasi dari Underwriting Year 2011 hingga Underwriting Year 2015. Prosentase okupasi Industrial selalu berada pada posisi pendapatan tertinggi dibanding 3 tiga okupasi lainnya Agrikultural, Komersial, Residensial, yaitu di atas 48 dari total premi. The table 1.1 shows the details of gross premium based on occupation from Underwriting Year 2011 to Underwriting Year 2015. Industrial occupation always has the biggest percentage income compared to 3 three remaining occupations Agricultural, Commercial, Residential, that is above 48 from premium total. Meskipun okupasi Komersial, Residensial dan Agrikultural tidak memberikan kontribusi premi sebesar okupasi Industrial, namun ketiga okupasi tersebut memperlihatkan pertumbuhan premi yang cukup signifikan. Hal ini terlihat terutama pada premi okupasi Residensial pada Underwriting Year 2014 yang meningkat sebesar 35,21 dari Rp473.260,42 juta di Underwriting Year 2013 menjadi Rp639.897,49 juta. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi angka tersebut adalah kenaikan yang signifikan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur, terutama Kabupaten Semarang dan Kota Surabaya. Kenaikan ini di duga diakibatkan oleh peletusan Gunung Kelud pada 13 Februari 2014 di daerah Jawa Timur dimana abu hasil peletusan menyebar hingga ke Kota Kabupaten di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur Ulasan Although occupation of Commercial, Residential and Agricultural do not contribute premium as much as Industrial occupation, those three occupation show significant premium growth. In this case, the premium under Residential occupation in Underwriting Year 2014 increased by 35.21 from Rp473,260.42 million in Underwriting Year 2013 to Rp639,897.49 million. The most affected factor to number of risks is due to the significant increasing in the Central Java and East Java province, especially in Disctrict of Semarang and City of Surabaya. This increase was suspected due to Kelud eruption at 13 February 2014 in East Java Province area where the volcanic ash spread to citydistrict in Central Java and East Java. Insurance Commentary: The penetration of PT REASURANSI MAIPARK INDONESIA DESEMBER 2015 4 MAIPARK, Statistik, 122015 Asuransi: Penetrasi Asuransi Gempabumi Indonesia - Peranan Industri Asuransi Melindungi Area Rawan Gempa. Earthquake insurance in Indonesia - The Role of Insurance Industry in protecting the Earthquake Prone Areas D. Jumlah Risiko D. Number of Risk