Subjects and methods Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:A:Atherosclerosis:Vol151.Issue2.Aug2000:

efflux from cells in different tissues into HDL [17 – 19]. Data also exists suggesting that apo A-IV may be involved in the regulation of food consumption [20]. Studies in rats have documented that apo A-IV infusion and injection can reduce food intake [21 – 23]. While the physiological mechanism of this effect is not clear, it has been suggested that apo A-IV may enter the central nervous system CNS to perform this function. Both serum and cerebrospinal fluid apo A-IV levels increase markedly as a result of lipid consumption [22 – 24]. Apo A-IV may inhibit gastric acid secretion in rats and reduce the severity of gastric ulceration by a mechanism involving the CNS [25,26]. Moreover, in a transgenic study by Duverger et al. [27], it was reported that apo A-IV had arteriosclerosis-protective potential in human apo A-IV gene transgenic mice. In another transgenic mouse study by Qin et al. [28], an antioxidant function of apo A-IV was noted. The effects of age, gender, and lifestyle factors smoking, alcohol consumption, and use of medication for diabetes, cholesterol-lowering, thyroid disease, or hormone replacement therapy on human plasma apo A-IV have not been well studied. Available data on relationships between plasma apo A-IV and various physiological parameters age, gender, BMI, percent body fat, girth, blood glucose, and lipid levels are reviewed in this manuscript. Elucidating such effects and relationships is helpful for understanding lipid metabolism and its links to coronary heart disease CHD. Thus far, little is known about the relationship between apo A-IV and other apolipoproteins, how life style influences apo A-IV levels, and what impact healthmedication status has on plasma apo A-IV lev- els. In order to further elucidate apo A-IV physiology, the influences of biological variables on human plasma apo A-IV levels were assessed in 723 participants in the present study.

2. Subjects and methods

Seven hundred and twenty-three human subjects, who attended a residential lifestyle intervention pro- gram The Pritikin Longevity Center, Santa Monica, CA as previously reported [29], participated in this study. The participants consisted of 372 males and 351 females, respectively. More than 90 of them were Caucasians. Their physiological parameters of age, BMI weight kgheight m 2 , percent body fat, girth, and lipid profile are summarized in Table 1. Of all subjects, 10 were current smokers, and 74.6 con- sumed alcohol more than one drinkper week. With regard to the health status of these subjects, 10 were on medication for diabetes, 16.5 were on cholesterol- lowering medication, 14.8 were on thyroid medica- tion, and 35.9 of female subjects were on hormone replacement therapy. Fasting blood samples were drawn from all subjects at the time of entry into the program baseline and were stored in 10 ml tubes containing either SST clot- activating gel Bectin-Dickinson vacutainer system for lipid and glucose measurements, or 0.1 EDTA for apolipoprotein measurements. Samples for lipid and glucose measurements were allowed to clot, and then were further centrifuged for 15 min at 2500 rpm to isolate serum. The total cholesterol TC, high density lipoprotein cholesterol HDL-C, triglyceride TG, and glucose levels were measured by standardized auto- mated enzymatic methods Smith-Kline Beecham Labo- ratories. The low density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL-C was calculated by subtracting the HDL-C and TG5 an estimation of TG-rich lipoprotein cholesterol from TC, as described by Friedewald et al. [30]. For samples with TG levels over 400 mgdl, their TG-rich lipoprotein cholesterol levels were determined by ultra- centrifugation using the method reported by Havel et al. [31]. Plasma samples for apolipoprotein measurement were obtained by centrifugation of whole blood at 2500 rpm for 30 min. Plasma apo A-IV levels were measured by immunoelectrophoresis using a commercially avail- able kit HYDRAGEL apo A-IV, Sebia, France. Plasma apo E levels were measured by an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, also using a commercially available kit obtained from the Perimmune Corpora- tion, Rockville, MD. Plasma apo A-I and apo B100 were determined by immunoturbidimetric assays with a Spectrum CCX analyzer Abbott Diagnosis [32,33]. Within and between measurements, the coefficients of variation for all assays were B 10. For identification of apo A-IV-12 polymorphism, genomic DNA was Table 1 Biological characteristics of subjects mgdl, mean 9 S.D. P values a Total Males Females n = 723 n = 351 n = 372 57.4 9 12.9 58.7 9 12.3 56.1 9 13.4 Age years B 0.01 29.5 9 6.4 30.4 9 5.8 BMI 28.5 9 6.8 B 0.01 29.8 9 7.8 27.9 9 7.9 BF b 31.9 9 7.1 B 0.01 40.7 9 6.7 42.5 9 5.7 Girth c 38.6 9 7.0 B 0.01 186 9 107 B 0.01 171 9 97 TG 154 9 80 211 9 42 208 9 44 TC 215 9 41 0.04 123 9 35 124 9 36 LDL-C 121 9 35 ns d 55.6 9 15.6 48 9 12 HDL-C 62 9 15 B 0.01 Apo A-I 139 9 21 132 9 17 147 9 22 B 0.01 113 9 31 116 9 32 Apo B 109 9 30 B 0.01 Apo E 11.2 9 4.5 11.5 9 4.5 10.8 9 4.5 0.04 107 9 44 96 9 39 Glucose B 0.01 101 9 42 a Males vs females. b Percentage of body fat, estimated by skin-fold measurement [51,52]. c In inches. d Not statistically significant. Table 2 Effects of gender, smoking and alcohol on the apolipoprotein apo A-IV Levels On-medication subjects Normal subjects All subjects Levels mgdl P value a n Levels mgdl P value n n Levels mgdl P value 14.7 9 4.1 316 15.3 9 5.3 Total 407 723 15.0 9 4.6 Gender 14.9 9 4.1 123 16.6 9 6.1 249 Males 372 15.5 9 4.9 158 Females 14.5 9 4.0 ns b 193 14.4 9 4.5 B 0.001 351 14.4 9 4.3 B 0.01 Smoking 14.8 9 4.0 21 Yes 15.6 9 4.8 52 73 14.9 9 4.0 No 349 14.6 9 3.6 ns 293 15.2 9 5.3 ns 650 15.0 9 4.7 ns Alcohol intake 15.1 9 4.05 231 15.1 9 4.90 318 Yes 549 14.8 9 4.45 89 No 14.7 9 4.09 ns 85 15.7 9 6.15 ns 174 15.4 9 5.18 ns a t-Test P value. b Not statistically significant. Table 3 The effects of diseasemedication status on apolipoprotein apo A-IV levels a Diabetesb b CLMc b TMd b HRTe b P values Normala 18.2 9 7.7 16.7 9 6.0 Males 17.1 9 5.8 14.8 9 4.7 n = 51 ba n = 77 n = 24 – B 0.001 n = 249 ab 17.0 9 4.3 14.3 9 3.2 14.8 9 4.3 14.5 9 4.0 13.9 9 4.5 Females n = 20 ba ,bc ,be n = 42 cb n = 82 n = 127 ea ,eb n = 158 ab B 0.01 17.8 9 7.4 15.9 9 5.3 15.4 9 4.7 14.7 9 4.1 All subjects n = 71 ba ,bc ,bd n = 119 bc n = 106 bd – n = 407 ab B 0.001 a a,b,c,d,e The different superscript letters represent that a statistically significant difference exists between the two means. b Subject groups, Diabetes = on diabetic medication, CLM = on cholesterol lowering medication, TM = on thyroid medication, and HRT = on hormone replacement therapy. PB0.05; PB0.01; data analyzed by general linear models GLM procedure. isolated from whole blood using the QIA amp Blood Kit Qiagen. The 360 bp polymorphism within the apo A-IV gene was assessed as previously described by Tenkanen et al. [34]. SAS 6.12 and Systat 7.0 SPSS statistical programs were used to carry out hypothesis testing, correlation and regression analysis. A statistical P value less than 0.05 was considered as a significant boundary.

3. Results

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