Types of Humanism Definition of Humanism

28 Humanism is an attitude of being care, helpful, and respect to each others. Humanism is expected to grow within everyone when they are doing their duty. Everyone must have the sense of humanism to create peace and stop violence.

2.7.1 Types of Humanism

According to http:www.infidels.orglibrarymodernFred-Edwards humanism.html, Frederick Edwords, the Executive Director of American Humanist Association AHA classifies the terms of Humanism into 8 types. They are described as follow: 1 Literary Humanism is a devotion to the humanities or literary culture. 2 Renaissance Humanism is the spirit of learning that developed at the end of the Middle Ages with the revival of classical letters and a renewed confidence in the ability of human beings to determine for themselves truth and falsehood. 3 Cultural Humanism is the rational and empirical tradition that originated largely in ancient Greece and Rome, evolved throughout European history, and now constitutes a basic part of the Western approach to science, political theory, ethics, and law. 4 Philosophical Humanism is any outlook or way of life centered on human need and interest. 29 5 Christian Humanism is defined by Websters Third New International Dictionary as a philosophy advocating the self- fulfillment of man within the framework of Christian principles. 6 Modern Humanism, also called Naturalistic Humanism, Scientific Humanism, Ethical Humanism and Democratic Humanism is defined by one of its leading proponents, Corliss Lamont, as a naturalistic philosophy that rejects all supernaturalism and relies primarily upon reason and science, democracy and human compassion. Modern Humanism has a dual origin, both secular and religious. 7 Secular Humanism is an outgrowth of 18th century enlightenment rationalism and 19th century free thought. Many secular groups, such as the Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism and the American Rationalist Federation, and many otherwise unaffiliated academic philosophers and scientists, advocate this philosophy. 8 Religious Humanism emerged out of Ethical Culture, Unitarianism, and Universalism. Religious humanism offers basis for moral values, an inspiring set of ideals, methods for dealing with life’s harsher realities, a rational for living life joyously and an overall sense of purpose. These kinds of humanism are used by the writer as additional information to analyze about the duty and humanism in order to be easier 30 for the writer to analyze the inner conflict between duty and humanism, and its influence toward duty and humanism in ―Rambo 4‖ film.

2.8 Theoretical Framework